You and your offspring will be blessed, by Mary Magdalene

  • 2010

To all those who want to listen to me .. my name is Yatzirah which one day I was known as the Magdalena, Yoshua's companion, the friend, the wife.

Today I come to all of you as a messenger, like Magdal-Eder, to announce the good news. A good news in which all those who are working for, for and from Love, sing songs of praise to Elyon.

I come to announce that for your love, for your work and dedication, you and your offspring will be blessed.

Continue in the humility that represents you, avoid judgments against those who are far from love; avoid contact with those who in a vain attempt, need the pain and suffering of others to aggrandize themselves, because woe to them! They do not know that they are buried in life, and they do not allow their souls to feel magnified by what they have never left or will cease to be and they become angry in vain desires to destroy what can never be destroyed.

Raise your hearts magnified in songs of mercy towards those souls and, do not allow the vomiting of their hatred to reach you.

Elyon in his infinite love, has never left or will stop attending the souls who, in an act of deep love for themselves, turn their faces towards the same Creation.

Today, the day my name is remembered, the day many souls unite with me and my energy, I come to announce:

All those who wish to raise your energy, get out of the superficiality and allow me to take you by the hand, towards the encounter with my Beloved, you only have to yearn for it from the depth of your soul, and I will take you by the hand, and I will make you reach that state in which only Love is experienced.

Allow you today to enjoy the gift that I want to give you and feel inside your hearts, this gift that I give you, the result of a work done.

Like you I lived the misunderstanding, the estrangement of those who were closest, but at the same time, the Love towards the Most High, made me overcome and endure all that my personality had to live. Every time a feeling of sorrow flooded me, another much stronger and more powerful seized me: feeling loved and protected by those who in my infinite Love had created me.

When I had to flee from what my people and my life had been, when the one who had been a companion had to leave, my soul was lost, as yours is often found, but far from letting myself be dragged by pain and sorrow I welcomed what Yoshua had taught me, what as a priestess of Ashera I had experienced and a powerful force emerged that allowed me to walk with my head up, cross deserts and cross seas and live as a foreigner in an unknown town.

In those moments I remembered his words when I recited the sacred texts and whispered in my ear

Get up, my friend, my beautiful one, and come.

Because behold, winter has passed,

He has moved, the rain is gone;

The flowers have been shown on earth,

The time of the song has come,

And in our country the voice of the turtledove has been heard.

The fig tree has thrown its figs,

And the grape vines gave odor;

Get up, my friend, my beautiful one, and come.

My dove, that you are in the holes of the rock, in the hidden of steep places,

Show me your face, make me hear your voice;

Because your voice is sweet, and your appearance is beautiful

And I, looking at those two stars that were his eyes, losing myself in the immensity of his universe, replied:

My beloved is mine, and I am his;

He feeds lilies.

Until the day points, and the shadows flee,

Become, my beloved; be similar to roe deer, or like fawn

On the mountains of Beter.

It allowed me to recognize that any place where I wanted to be able to turn it into my own Home and that is what I come to give you today, the certainty of knowing that the Home is within you, that it doesn't matter where you go, where you live, if you go to Your Home, He will welcome you and allow you to make your day an experience of Love and gratitude towards what LIFE has given you.

Fill us with what I come to give you today.

Rosa Natalia Poveda

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