Questions to the Divine Mother about the Twin Flames

  • 2016


Question: Is Divine Mother the twin flames or primary soulmate are two or more?

I am the Divine Mother and I come in the name of Truth. For the information they have received there is a doubt about whether the twin flames that are divine complements of the opposite genre are two or more. The truth is that there are two. If they are more than two, they are soulmates who are not divine complements and who can also have the same gender. What happens is that sometimes they can meet a soul mate of the opposite gender who is not their divine complement and have more spiritual affinity with this person who has more spiritual work than their own twin flame with who have more closeness and attraction, who has also awakened spiritually for having found them from the soul and having loved them from the heart, unconditionally without intending to change them. It is possible for a soulmate who is not his divine complement; try to change them, which does not happen with its complementary twin flame, since the divine love between them, is always a very high feeling, all bodies merge even in the distance. It is a love that allows them to value what they really are and to open their hearts to a greater vibration that is the divine love of the twin flame.

This process and work of spiritual evolution, is carried out with our soulmate, despite sharing extremely hard moments, silences, absences in the physical, different steps and rhythms on the path of ascension n.

Question : Divine Mother are there soulmates who are not flames and ascend together?

Yes, but there are few cases. A soul can also ascend alone by its relationship with me. The twin flames Divine Complements that have ascended even though it was not in the same life, and have managed to unite in the One; they have much potential to become co-creators with the Father and to be the Divine Presence. I am from two other souls who have not yet ascended by the Law of the spiritual twins and the mark of divine love.

Those of you who have the blessing of knowing your twin flame, live as a couple or be sincere friends in the distance, do not miss this opportunity that is always will bring you happiness and support in the service, in the now and for all eternity. That's right, they are always fulfilling a service to help other souls as sons and daughters of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father (twin flames) engaged in the Divine Plan of God Father Mother Creators. Do not forget my children that even though they are in a physical body they are divine beings created in the image and likeness of God.

My advice with your twin flame is to transcend everything that is not of the l z, so that your connection becomes stronger and stronger.

Question: Divine Mother, those who have not found her twin flame or have to be separated against her will, can you ask for your help and protection so that this sacred union is given in divine order?

Yes, I am always ready to help you in all facets of your life and with all my love. You can make this request to me since by divine right; The twin flame is the person with whom it belongs to be under the prism of divine love.

In these difficult and difficult times, I would like to ask you to send peace to Mother Earth every day.

I love them very much.

The Law of the spiritual twins. By Susannah

The Male and Female Principles manifest themselves in all planes of existence. Everything has in itself the masculine and feminine principles, this applies not only to man and woman (twin flames) that are different but complementary halves - but also at the atomic level for charges that are of a positive or masculine nature, and of a negative or feminine nature. These atomic charges form the positive and negative poles responsible for magnetism. This principle at the level of the corpuscle manifests itself as attraction and repulsion.

The Gender Principle is also present in the highest levels of existence as a masculine or feminine essence. However, at a certain point in the higher dimensions individuals tend to be more androgenic, however, they still carry both principles inside and can manifest either of them at will, if they wish, to put on the garments of the flesh of a lower dimension. The job of gender as energy at the mental level is to create or generate ideas and as energy at the physical level is to procreate for the continuation of the human race. The Gender Principle manifests itself as sex on the physical planes of 3D and 4D.

This principle also applies to the Angelic Hierarchy, although angels tend to manifest a more balanced quality, or gender tone, as an undifferentiated sexual orientation. Humans clearly manifest one gender principle over the other, distinguishing themselves as male and female with the associated physical, emotional and mental qualities that are complementary to each gender and the cause of attraction between the sexes.

The soul contains the feminine nature and the masculine nature of the spirit; like a magnet which has both polarities. But even so, it is with itself.

Our God the Creator Father Mother, is no different than who we are. The dual nature of God also contains both energies: the feminine and the masculine. Being our soul a fragment of our Source it is not surprising then that each of us contains the two elements. At the soul level we are neither feminine nor masculine: "We are both."


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