Celebration of the Ascension Day of Master Sant Germain ~ May 1, 2014

  • 2014

Saint Germain became enlightened and raised His body in 1684, left England and the continent for many years and went to the Himalayan mountains to work at the internal levels of consciousness. He returned to Europe in the Ascended Body visible, tangible, just prior to the
French revolution and would have prevented it if the people had listened to His advice; but they refused to accept His Wisdom and paid with suffering for that rejection.

He has worked for America for the past two hundred years and He is the Presiding Master under whom she will reach the fulfillment of her destiny as the `` Holy Grail or Cup of Light '' from which The rest of the world will drink now and in the future.

America is the heart of this planet and, like the heart, it must be protected and enlightened, if the body will survive. America must be the supply of Light to the rest of the Earth, until the changes, which will come, have brought order and peace to the balance of humanity.


“With how much Love and dedication this holy Brother has watched so that each Human Being realizes his Liberation and eternal happiness! One of the greatest treasures that Humanity possesses today is the knowledge of how to free himself from all the greatest mistakes made in the past and in the present, so as not to inflict more sufferings and sufferings of all kinds ... and it is thanks to this Noble brother that today the activity of Violet fire can be used massively is his Flame aspect to redeem and consume all darkness, generated by all.
My privilege is unique this afternoon when we share the day of his Ascension and let me briefly tell you about one of the many experiences we lived together while incarnated on this Beautiful Earth.
The date of commemoration of the day of the discovery of America, that October 11, 1492, was approaching. Recall that:
The discovery of America occurred on Friday, October 12, 1492 when a Spanish expedition commanded by Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean and first came to America, specifically the Bahamas. With the discovery, the existence of the New World became known in Europe, which changed the course of Western history. In later centuries Spain, Portugal and other European powers explored and colonized the American continent, resulting in the birth of new peoples, cultures and states. It is one of the peak moments of universal history because it meant the encounter of two worlds that had evolved independently, without one knowing the existence of the other.1 (wikipedia)
On that occasion we saw the performance of Our Beloved Holy Brother in his meaning as Christopher Columbus, boldly arriving at the discovery of the "new World" and everything that would be generated after such a transcendent step for the evolution of humanity in those distant times.
Our Beloved and talkative brother made me in a day like that to accompany him to the Bahamas (in etheric projection) and extending his right arm, he pointed out to me how the people of those places now live, with all the modernity of the times, however, he asked me to emphasize the exact place where they arrived and where they set foot on Earth with the expedition that accompanied him at that moment of discovery ... We approached the place and This Beloved Master made me go back to the Akashic records as simply an observer of that transcendent Momnetum and then before me a unique picture appeared as to the colorful details of that ordeal ... ... in first to set foot on Earth was precisely Our Beloved Christopher Columbus, Man with a broad forehead and light brown hair, deep eyes and wide face, body of medium stature and dressed in the style of the time, two of his closest fears followed him fearfully years collaborators, one of them of Moorish origin ... Those trembled with emotion, fear and joy at the same time to step on the mainland again ... Then the whole crew landed and there nailing a flag of the Spanish Kingdom .. they knelt in a heartfelt prayer of gratitude. and praises to the Creator ... followed and decidedly Christopher began to explore the place ... Followed by all his companions ... until he had the encounter with the natives ... ... As a great Light widened in that place, not perceived by anyone, but pointing out a great event taking into account that it was a true initiation of the Planet, like so many more that have occurred in the evolution of the most transcendent events on this Earth ... At this point the images of the Akashic records dissolved and we were again In the place of discovery, our beloved Saint Germaín and I ... The very happy and patting my back told me! ”See my dear Brother, how an action like this can open up such vast horizons that definitely influence the destiny of the nations, and singing the anthem of Freedom, as only He can do it! He blessed all that beautiful region again! steps to the American continent and above the Christ the Redeemer in the Andean mountain range ... He showed me his refuge and told me pointing out the importance of those magnificent places:
“Here is the cup of Liberty, South America, from whose floors the greatest wonders will settle in terms of the evolution of the Races and the restoration of the New Consciousness founded on the Christ, and in the practice of the Flames ..All the children of South America will feel the soon awakening of their spiritual reality to become partakers of the same Father's demand, to supply flows of Light to the Whole World ..
With how much devotion and absolute Love this Beloved Brother pronounced these words, fully adding to this purpose still immersed by the times that were running ... I showed him all the support, love and work to actively participate in this Great Crusade, which would join us a again in the coming centuries to bring this expansion to each one of all those who notice the definitive entrance of the Kingdom of God in this blessed Earth "
This light America encourages the awakening of this Race, for the fulfillment in all Nations of the advent of the Light in the conscience and in the hearts of all. ”
One that has served to make it a reality now, with you in active duty ... I AM THE MORYA!

“My brothers and collaborators of the expansion of the Light in these Precious times!
I appreciate each and every one of the opportunities when they are reunited with the noblest purpose of widening and expanding towards the full orb of this designated Planet, the vibrant Light in all aspects, however they conceive it and whatever the reason for such a meeting. .. They cannot always be fully aware of the transcendent influence generated through these encounters, even more so in the present times, when the high tune of the hearts and minds engaged in the unity of the highest make a very important discharge of these sublime energies so needed for all, the angels being in charge of benefiting the whole with this imprint of Light, who is emanated from their most beautiful and noble inspirations and ideals potentially beneficial to the entire race.
On the day of My own Ascension it is my desire to share with you a little-known instance of My Presence on this side of the veil, in one of the times I was making My display and effort to carry forward the Master's purpose of the Creator towards the great Most.
I was in those distant times immersed in the task of how to carry forward the knowledge and use of the Great Flame of Freedom that each one possesses from the same sacred momentum of achieving individuality and how to make this knowledge and use simply occupied and in the form of benefiting everyone ... in this I reflected deeply on the slopes of Mount Aconcagua, next to the Christ the Redeemer in the Andean mountain range between Argentina and Chile ... the place chosen by Me since I achieved My own Ascension ... when facing me I meet the Imposing Presence of that Brother of all time and whose imposing gaze makes him obey, immediately, and energize the will towards the higher designs, without questioning or explanation, knowing where the obedient discipline comes from, which getting up from repair of a great rock that I used as a seat, he greets me ceremoniously, with that greeting of head, heart and hand Yes, then talk to me colloquially, telling me:
“Brother, the fervent Fire of your Love for Freedom, immediately attracted My ATTENTION, FINDING STILL THOUSANDS OF KILOMETERS OF DISTANCE AS IT CAN BE BETWEEN THIS CORDILLERA AND THE HIMALAYAS! Well, here I am, willing to develop this issue together, to which I join and support unconditionally in all its aspects so that the entire Humanity is benefited with such deployment, knowledge and use of the Sacred Fire for its own redemption and Liberation ……. I believe that the most feasible way to carry out this enterprise It is through direct contact with people who are in the state of understanding necessary to be able to spread it to the vast majority!
Measuring deeply each of his words, I saw, felt and immediately understood that this was truly the way to bring humanity closer to this Sacred Knowledge kept by eons in the memorial records of the World!
Very smiling, I replied, parodying the French accent as reminiscent of My last visible and tangible presence in the World, in the courts of France and making a nice bow I said ..Votre santé ..set magnifiquic votre discours ¡¡and then, getting closer to His side I expressed with vivid joy ... How truly there is in Your words, Beloved Brother, I said, if the benefit is for Humanity in its entirety, then let it be from among themselves received this Great Gift of Freedom
"So is . …. Beloved the Morya immediately responded, see Beloved Brother, as from now on and from now on we will devote much attention and dedication by investing time and energy for this so incipient project, but I assure you, one of the greatest and most innovative to the evolution of the spiritual condition of the Human Being.
We say goodbye to that remote and magnificent place to enter into the Great, Great silence and go to look for the Divine projects to deliver them to each human being that vibrates and pulses with the One teaching and thus be able to put into practice the use of this Great Flame of Redemption, the Violet Transmuting Flame
I embrace each one and I thank you for the service given and all the activities that are most deployed to help everyone. Not imposing, or discriminating against anyone, but strengthening and strengthening in their daily actions all the opportunities to live immersed in each second in their Divine Beings Let the Presence of God in each one win d aad am s attention and acting while you remain in the world of forms
That is the rigorous discipline that each imposes on himself
That way they will fulfill once and for all the only truth, the only Will, the greatest love and service.
I bless you with my love and gratitude.
Saint Germain

Mirtha green-Bouquet.
Foundation school Activity Saint Germain.

Santiago, Chile 1. May 2014

Celebration of the Ascension Day of Master Sant Germain ~ May 1, 2014

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