Archangel Metatron ~ Call to the Beings of Light

  • 2012

This call of Light, is a call of Love, which is given in perfect divine agreement, both in time and space, to all those souls that today resonate energetically at the level of their consciousness and vibration in the unique and triune aspect, which governs to the whole System and the Orb of the absolute.

This is a call to all those my dear children who have awakened in their hearts the flame of the Creator Fire, feeling the sublime call of the Voice of Silence to be unified in Unity and true Love.

All of you in different ways and ways have walked and traveled this long road trying to discover that enlightened face of your Being, that for reasons of the same Holy Process, was allowed to weave a series of veils and justified amnesias, leaving that truth hidden in you that He advanced them nostalgically. Today my dear children, for you it is no longer necessary to search. Today the veils rise, the illusions fade, the distances shorten, the time can no longer be measured and the love is growing more and more, in each sigh and breath in their hearts.

Today you, my children, are called to carry that Ace of powerful light, to awaken and guide your other brothers and contribute to elevate the vibrational degree of the Planet, so that it allows us to transmute those cystic energies and obtain new, less violent forms, as you understand it, in the coming changes necessary for Ascension.

Today the times are different, and the story told and recorded of humanity from these sacred moments must be read and given in another way. No longer with the intellect, selfishness and memory of past events, but with open hearts to a present fact filled with blessings and above all unified.

There are many changes and there are many things that they have to do and live. Each one of you in his deep Being, not only assumed his sacred presence at these important moments, but assumed an irreplaceable role. Therefore, it is time to proclaim oneself as Beings of LIGHT, multidimensional and establish your Self mastery as Angelic Christ Humans.

It is time to Do, each one with the purpose circumscribed to the Essence of his only Being. It is also time to recognize each other, rediscovering your spiritual families. It is time to open the eyes of the seer heart and shed the Light from your Interior to the outside. The Light must be given to the light, in a shared and committed way. The moment of silence, ceased to exist and fears must be replaced by Love in a firm decision through your Atmic Will.

The faculty in you inherited from the beginning zero, lies in absolute Freedom at the time of deciding; That is why I call you, my children, to wear the Costume with courage and courage in order to achieve your true stature and Spiritual Lineage. It is time to claim your Real nature and forget those limiting ways of thinking, which only kept their highest wills in silent captivity.

The Symbol granted of Creation, contains the mystical keys that open the access to your Merkaba or ascensional body. The Science of Light, has the Divine Task to help you expressly rediscover those internal and inherent sources of power in all of you, so that you can prepare and access what Nature belongs to you and expects. The Supreme End is in the form of the Medium to be used, and this is a powerful tool, which requires responsibility in its Sacred domain, practice and management.

My dear children of the LIGHT, I tell you that just as the sea lies contemplating the sky laden with stars, so We contemplate from the higher spheres of Consciousness, to the new Earth with the shining and harmonious light of each one of you.

My dear Beings of Light, there are still many events that are at stake and in a way it depends on your work "The Awakened." The truth is that the LIGHT has been anchored and must continue to be sown in the heart of each of your brothers for all of you, regardless of whether the seed of each one awakens or germinates today or tomorrow.

One by One the Crystals welcomed and protected in the BEING of Gaia for millennia, very soon they will be waking up product of the Cosmic Will and with them, the Christic Network of the Planet will be subtle and transforming, activating your ascension codes, which will open you new Paths, tracing your Dharma and your Destiny according to your promise and Commitment. Focusing on the heart will be more than obligatory and necessary, for only then will they be able to carry out your Sacred mission. The heart is the axis, the center, the motive, the source, the force and the movement.

To each of you who read my words, I say to you, that coincidences in no world existed or exist and that the Divine Plan requires and counts on the Light of each one of you. That everyone who is able to Feel and Perceive can see and decipher the hidden and evident Truth within.

My children, I am Archangel Metatron, and I bless your intention and your sacred commitment to the Light and to the whole process of planetary ascension and of all humanity. Receive from me, healing and revealing energy so that doubts and fears dissipate, and can be energetically empowered with Love, your physical Bodies, your Souls and your Spirits.

With love forever,

Archangel Metatron.
Channeled by Alquino - Sunday June 26, 2011 / 1:25 am,

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