Yoga for children, tranquility in the midst of chaos ?, by Naylín

  • 2013

When I was about 7 years old, my mother took my brothers and I loved our first yoga class. I remember that I really liked the spacious room, the mirrors, the difficult and challenging positions of balance, and also the position of The dead body. We did not go to a yoga class for children, but there were people of all ages and of all levels. Each who was responsible for what he was doing, for his body and for how far he could go.

After that time, I don't remember how long it lasted, I didn't practice yoga again until about 3 years ago. I enjoyed the rest of my childhood, youth and adolescence with other sports such as gymnastics, karate, volleyball, and when I grow up, zumba, spinning and body toning classes have been my favorite, activities that I currently combine with my yoga practice.

Yoga for children

But I always remember with extreme joy those days of girl in yoga classes. Maybe that's why I know every time I see children perform this millenary practice, and they still know the benefits they are getting.

Benefits of yoga for children

I think that the benefits of yoga for children are not yet well known. Attitudes such as self-confidence and concentration are some of them. Yoga for children also brings balance, sense of alertness. Promotes the mastery of character and calm. It develops a better stretch of the whole body and an expansion in energy levels. It also gives them a greater connection of the child with his inner being.

Yoga also helps them feel relaxed, and teaches them to manage stress, giving them tools and techniques to do so. In addition, it provides greater flexibility in the back and improves digestion.

The benefits of yoga for children are many, however very few children practice yoga. Perhaps it is due to ignorance, or lack of confidence in the real utility. That is why I think there is nothing better than to let children experience the practice and decide if they like it, and see for yourself all that it brings.

How should a yoga class for children be?

In a yoga class for children, the walls should be as empty as possible, to avoid being too distracted.
However, we must bear in mind that children are children, and we cannot expect it to be a class like that of adults.

- There may be tears.
The trigger may be that they are too tired, or that another child messed with him / her during class, or frustrated at not being able to do their favorite yoga posture. Tears are part of children who learn about their emotions and the way they handle life.

- Classes can be noisy
Children laughing, talking, shouting, singing, etc., can be part of the class. Children need to express themselves using all the senses and they will do it every time they have a chance. There must be some rule, for example, when the instructor speaks they should listen. Explanations must be heard and then it can be the most interactive class.

- There may be interruptions
Even if you do your best so that the children go to the bathroom before starting the class, it may happen that someone wants to go in the middle of some explanation.
In addition, you may hear them talking about what they did over the weekend, their pets or their parents. It is time to remember again that it is a yoga class for children ...

- Class management is essential
Despite all this, the guide must have some class management skills, find their own style to maintain an environment conducive to learning and growth. Find tranquility in the midst of chaos:)

- Avoid using the words "badly done"
On the contrary, children should receive words of encouragement, positive phrases that lead them to improve and give them confidence that they can and that they are doing very well.

- Use of games
I see very important the use of games in the yoga class for children . This can help increase the attention span that a young child normally has. Some of these games can be:

  • Think of 5 good times of the previous day, and help children pay attention to the events of each day and focus on the positive side, and be grateful.
  • Another can be to pass the ball with your feet, this is a fun game that increases the sense of collaboration between everyone.
  • It is also fun to sing in class, thus generating an energy that will keep everyone happy.
  • Coloring mandalas helps them focus and focus, as well as being very entertaining and forming creativity.

There are many games that can be used to make the class even more entertaining, allowing them to also learn by playing.
Despite all the difficulties that it may seem to be an instructor or yoga guide for children, I believe that the pleasure of offering tools to make them happy and healthy for the rest of their lives, to enjoy a true sense of leading a life giving importance to curiosity and creativity, to compassion, will make the guide finish each class full of satisfaction and happy to receive spontaneous hugs from those children you are leading along this beautiful path.


Yoga for children, tranquility in the midst of chaos ?, by Naylín

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