Venus, The Pleiades and the new consciousness of Love from May 20

  • 2012

A lot of information circulates on the internet related to this month of May and the new energies that reach Earth through Venus, the Pleiades and the eclipse of May 20.

The task of Aguila Azul is to inform from the center of our own being how we are receiving, we humans, these energies that arrive from the outside and the process that they carry out in our physical and energy body.

If you spend too much time reading the prophecies, the scientific reports, the channels, and other mailing that circulate, we may lose our inner focus and become dependent on what the others say. We suggest discerning what each one needs to activate their own essence in relation to this cosmic moment.

In my personal processes for several months I felt the need to remain without commitments established in this month of May, to let the energies flow free. Then new insights and a very strong feeling of continuing to deepen the experiences of the portal of the heart were arriving.

The planetary transit of retrograde Venus from May 16 caught my attention, this happens every 18 months, why this time I focused my attention so much? A deep inner voice told me:… heal the wounds of the heart before the great leap…. reconciliation… .liberation of bonds and bonds that stop us in our evolution… .conciliation…. re conciliation…

The human self reconciling with the spiritual self.

Review our walk in affections, links. ... firstly, reconciliation with ourselves ...

Retrograde Venus allows us to review where our separate parts have remained.

What we thought united or solved jumps to the surface for us to review: how much of belief, how much of essence.

Between May 16 and June 29 we have the opportunity to discover and resolve our internal dualities and our confused feelings that we normally project on others.

We can review and recognize the sphere of our feelings and our relationships to solve unfinished experiences or to end open and unresolved processes. Simply put, we are closing a very important chapter of our lives to open ourselves to a resonance of greater freedom in the energy of love.

People from the past will also appear who come to look for us to gratify each other from the recognition and sincere affection. Our being is balanced in the balance of life.

Is the conception of love changing or do we change? New alignments with the energy of pure love lead us to see reality from another perspective. Everyone should feel from within what to do in the coming weeks. The evolutionary processes of each being are unique, as are the fingerprints unique.

We can share our experiences and observations that will surely resonate as acquaintances since we are all participating in the same planetary network. The resonance of one produces the resonance of others and thus we advance in synchronicities.

From the full moon of May 6, the moon of the Buddha and the illumination, a beautiful energy of pure love began to descend. Its most culminating moments will be between the eclipse of May 20 and the transit of Venus in front of the Sun on June 5 and 6.

How to harness these energies? Ask, invoke, meditate, open to the power of love that is coming from the Pleiades in this month of May. These energies come in the form of light codes, light impacts, dreams, different sensations, hormonal activations. It is not necessary to interpret with the mind, it is necessary to receive in the heart and to let itself flow in the new state of consciousness that is produced. The spirit flows healing and filling empty spaces in soft light impulses.

The alignment of our Being with Venus is very important in these coming weeks. It is the planet of Love. Let's open ourselves to the Infinite Love that comes from The Pleiades, this is the time to nourish the sensitive hearts. Everyone feels the effect that these frequencies produce within their physical and energetic body, at first they can be uncomfortable or destabilizing because they are going through crystallizations or emotional blockages, then it will be more fluid. The greatest task that beings are doing in consciousness is to activate the power of love through the heart.

Anchor in your heart the energies you receive, in time you will understand how those energies are expressed in your lives. Those who are "sensitive antennas, " receive the first rays of energy, assimilate them into their already prepared bodies and then radiate it outward. They are cosmic dampers so that others not yet energetically prepared receive them later and do not short-circuit with such power.

Those who still feel trapped in old structures now have the opportunity to let out cystic emotions. In my meditations I am shown all the pains of humanity, the historical breaks, the injustices, the subjugations. The struggles between each other, between power and submission, come to an end, this awareness must be released and healed within the Planetary Network. They are the energies to be released through the radiations of love that each being can make within the collective consciousness. May is the opportunity to advance in the restoration and balance of the collective mind by reconciling opposites within us so that they balance out. When we integrate the polarities we understand the Unity of Everything created and thus we can enter the consciousness of the unified Heart and Infinite Love. The multidimensional consciousness opens in this portal of the heart.

Now there is really a new and powerful energy that activates this center, removing solitudes and disagreements. This energy of love will stay with us, it is part of the new evolutionary cycle of the planet, it will slowly penetrate all human consciousnesses nourishing and fostering the reintegration of all life.

Start by forgiving yourself and reconcile with your conflicting emotions. When there is no struggle within you, the appropriate doors will open to reconcile with the world.

... this is the New Earth ... A place of peace and love inside your heart



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