You Are New Beings In Process, channeled by Maryann Rada

  • 2014

If there was a way to describe the situation you are going through on Earth now, it could easily be summed up with the thought that you are in hot water. They have left the time of dreams safe and have entered the realm of nightmares of reality that is unfolding around the edges. Have you seen enough miracles? Have you seen enough disasters? We have seen them capture and accept each one at the same time, while their world revolves in their dance of triumph through the space of a rough passage. Although they have nothing to worry about if they pay attention to their heart by calling them to detach their self from the drama.

We have waited until now to let you know that you will receive many surprises, and that you will not face them alone. Although we are not ready to fully materialize with you right now, there are those who are receiving impulses that are reminding you that we are very real and close. You have just read these words, and if you have not received a different signal from the Beam of your Being, you can consider this message that you are reading as a form of mass communication deciprable by those who have opened their heart and mind without losing any from them. We are talking to them; we know who you are and we are ready to get energetically involved with you when you feel ready to [receive] the help needed to overcome the self-help light waves and get to recognize communion with the star people, who is not so different from You in many ways.

You lost the ability to know where you are in the great scheme of things when you decided to make the trip to the Earth's matrix long, long time ago. They have spent lives and their sanity trying to gain the advantage in the game in which they have found themselves, observing from the inside the emotional stages from a paralyzing numbness to an abhorrent horror, while the world has gone through a tumultuous sea of experiences that have defined human experience. You have not suffered alone, nor have you ever been merely the engravings on the wall of time as you spend your life in an endless march of misery, joy, and everything else. In the near future they will come to remembrance, my dear ones, and we are the ones who will remember first, after remembering themselves in their integrity. Meanwhile, you have even more tumult through which to figure your way within a short time, until you reach a point where you will be aligned with the memories of the long and varied earthly journey of your Being.

When will they finally meet on the way home, what message will they have to send themselves? What will they do when they finally remember who you are in the fullness of the open door of time to the zero point of existence? It is worth thinking about it, even if only to practice your greeting and handshake. The only one who might tell them melancholy about the afflicted old man of his race who is joyful for his arrival back in the final wave to go home is us, so we are going to tell you about the Light that has illuminated the path of the humanity on the road from the beginning until now, and to the realm of the near future potential.

Once upon a time when humanity was new to the world and things were a little less complicated than they are now that you, as a race, were already on a path that would lead to problems. In the end - from where we jump because you already know the story there, one of afflictions and suffering and injustice - you are waiting for the moment to arise where problems are solved with beautiful small packages and for the end to come to an end Happy forever for everyone involved. However, the endings that need to be tied are frayed and toxic, so we are going to focus a little more on this part of the story so as not to bore you with details that you already know.

Water is toxic; people are losing their ability to capture the truth of the reality that is going beyond illusion, and those who are aware are powerless to face insanity and do something to stop their progress. That truth is that there are problems everywhere, solutions abound and yet the suffering continues and the nightmare of the cry of the Earth is barely becoming audible to the people who live on its surface. However, you are about to see how loud the cry of the Earth has penetrated the peripheral uninhabited regions of the galaxy as those who are tuned to the frequency are ready and on hand to assist in the transition that inevitably is on its way to you. Earth is increasingly unable to sustain what has been happening in reality. A new world needs to be born. Time is upon you to jump with the planet to a new reality, and we are here to support that transformational change. Your planet's awareness of its history is a rich repository related to the evolutionary journeys of humanity here and there, and the Earth is willing to allow this game for a while and then start a new story. So here we are with the afflicted old man; You have to hear the truth about the planet's potential for life to get everything under a new, fresh, vibrant and rising Sun. The afflicted elder is the Spirit of the world, and he has something to say to mankind today:

THE ELDERLY AFFECTED SPEAKS: “Dear people of the Earth, do not hate those who allowed the planet to die. Do not hate those who take liberties with him and destroy him with technological means or other means. Dear ones, you are all part of the world, and as such, there is one thing that has been allowed to happen to finally bring the whole sphere of our common entity to the change that will announce the New Age of Life. You are A Being called Life. You are individuals and you are organisms, and there are external and internal influences, dimensional impacts and thoughts-guided works, all of which exert an effect on the total well-being of Totality.

It is not time to talk about who has to say about what is right or wrong about the way things are done. It is time to talk about what you are doing as part of a larger organism, how you are functioning as individuals in a massive way of life composed of elements and individuals; and it is time to see who is in the line of demarcation between life and death for all. There is really only one thing to do. You are A Body with many Divine personifications in the form of living beings in the skin of the only environmental holder. Let there be life, let there be Light in the minds of those who live in darkness looking for death and ruin, and those who love only life invested.

The Light that will awaken everyone is now on the edge of the world, and when that Light arrives it will be too late to let things continue as they have been, without an action in favor of Life itself. Life as a Being under the light of day, dawning in the Light of the Star of Truth, which shines its Light upon all. Let there be Love to light the way, let there be a Mind of Truth that what is about to give new meaning to life will raise the dark curtain between the time in which you are now and the time that will be the next moment

Enough has been said about things that are not working for the benefit of all beings. Now the Earth is going to take a step to bring back a harmonious balance to life. It is up to you to unite in a way of communicating a life-sustaining global thought, or miss an opportunity to give your life time to talk about the next phase of evolution for everyone's organism, the planet itself of which you are part and very dear.

THEO: If you are looking for something practical to do with this knowledge of the Planetary Mind, we have a couple of ideas to share. You are already on Earth and living in places where you can be of great assistance, where each one of you has already given the approval so that there is a change in which you will have an actively participatory role. You are already becoming more aware that this is going to be the way to do things. In the next step of your career, your Being will remind you that a time had to come when the clothing that you have adopted would give you the necessary service to do what you came to. world to do, and then they will be free to make a few alterations to the costumes they have been using for the period of service they will have lived up to that point.

You will have the ability to give yourself a new and improved existence, a great expression of Light through an alteration in your codification of the matter that creates the form based in the dimensional matrix in which you reside. All of you are going to have this as reality in the near future. What you can do now to prepare for this is to become at peace with who you have been, forgive yourself thus forgiving everyone for everything that has brought you into a conflict with your core resonance, resonating harmoniously in the time-space in which they have operated. They can focus on their life stream and the waveform that it emanates from the reality matrix, considering the implications of the emanation of that waveform on the more complex matrix of a reality of one m It is low density and higher dimension.

This is the main thing for now. We will offer you more of this type of guide in the near future. If they feel inclined to do so, they may wish to unite with other forms of thinking by meditating on these things together, sharing their experiences and encouraging and supporting each other as things begin to advance at a new pace of transformational development. . Of course we, as the bearers of this message, are always at your call if you wish to share with our energies to gain momentum or some insight into the process. This act is not the final act of the drama of your world, but it is a new step to which the final focus of that day is changing. We will remain with you all along; We are friends with everyone in the now and beyond.

Channeled by Maryann Rada
Posted at Changing Address [Posted in]: Notes about Our Galactic History [Notes on Our Galactic History]

Opalescent Nine: Remembering a New Reality [Remembering a New Reality]

You Are New Beings In Process, channeled by Maryann Rada

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