How to Merge with Your True Identity - Melchizedek channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Illusion and Truth Regarding Your Identity 2 Your True Identity 3 Aligning with Your True Identity 4 Perhaps during meditation or quiet time you want to affirm:

April 14, 2017

I AM Lord Melchizedek; My purpose at this time is to awaken your internal memories . I am here to stimulate your inner Light so that the truth can arise from within your Being and enter your conscious mind. At any time you can summon my presence to work with you, to invite me to awaken your inner memories and stimulate your inner Light, whether you want to get guidance or deeper understanding concerning a particular issue, or simply improve your Ascension process. At this moment, my purpose is to help everyone connect with their inner truth and become aware of all that is the Inner Creator and wake him up. To help you, I want to share information concerning your identity and that contemplating your identity you can experience greater internal liberation and acceleration of your Ascension.

Illusion and Truth Regarding Your Identity

When you talk about your identity, you often perceive it as who you really are, like your Truth, your Source or your Essence. Your Being has numerous aspects, consequently there are numerous aspects of you and the Creator with which to identify yourself. It is an illusion to say that you have only one identity, whether physical or spiritual. It is also an illusion to believe that it comes from an individual energy, from a Planet, a star or a civilization. When you want to understand your Source, your Essence, your core or truth, it is important that you understand that you are both constant and always changing, that you are everything and also nothing. You are the Creator; and you have no form, you are infinite and you are always present. When you can truly understand yourself in this way, not with your mind, but with your heart and your inner knowledge, you become an incorporation of the Creator's Truth, whereby you live and experience the Creator's Truth in each present moment; then your reality becomes easy, truly joyful and stunningly beautiful.

The experiences of your current reality, those of your past and future lives; as well as the existence in different dimensions, they become stories, like scripts of a game of which you are the protagonist. Each experience is valuable, beautiful, inspiring, growing; and allows you to explore all that is the Creator. Although at the moment you feel that these experiences are real and constitute a deep part of you, they do not really resemble your true Self, the self-informed, infinite, always present; However always changing. Each of the experiences becomes a story that describes a trip; and not in the Source of your Being or who you truly are. Many allow the story of your trip to become your identity.

It is interesting that you contemplate this: Does a life in which you were immensely kind, generous and compassionate describe or could describe your truth? ... My opinion is that this life does not describe your true Essence, no more than a life where you were immensely spiritual, poor, sick, cruel or unpleasant. Each experience or story allows you to glimpse an aspect of Inner Truth, such as a great inner jewel that gradually reveals itself .

Your True Identity

Your actions reflect and reveal much of you; However, what is revealed is not your identity, it is mostly a mixture of your beliefs, your experiences, how your parents programmed you, and so on. Really, your true identity cannot be revealed to you until you free yourself from the barriers, limitations and distractions to which your thoughts and emotions are attached. Your true identity emerges brightly when in the stillness you are connecting with the Creator, communicating with nature or exploring your deep interior. To connect with the true essence of your Being, with your report, infinite, always present and changing aspect, it is often necessary that you transcend your thoughts, emotions and perceptions of identity, including your perceptions of spiritual identity. I share this message with you because I observe that many people on Earth are witnessing their Inner Self; In doing so many have access to a glimpse of their true Essence, the Creator. The glimpse they receive from their Inner Creator is enormously inspiring and expansive, it has so much to contemplate that they accept this glimpse of the Creator as their complete truth, they accept it as their identity; and they feel they have discovered everything they originally wanted to recognize from their true self. There is so much to discover in you, so it is important that you let go of spiritual discoveries, realizations of past lives, connections with spiritual civilizations and so on, because otherwise they become your identity . Instead of a story, a libretto, a glimpse of your truth that truly brings you closer to greater self-awareness, attachments can form; and your growth stagnates by believing that you have already discovered everything you need regarding your Spiritual Being and your Self. To some extent, accepting your discovery as your identity can offer you greater growth; However, it also causes you to get distracted or not see new awakenings, realizations and internal glimpses arise.

Free yourself from attachment to past and present stories and past experiences; and to the glimpses of the Creator, it stimulates you to exist in the flow of the Creator, creating within you an appropriate state of greater growth, self-acceptance, discovery and true emergence of the Self. Love and appreciate everything you are, everything you have experienced and discovered about yourself; nevertheless remember that your true I is informed, infinite, always present and always changing. In this way, attachments dissolve and the truth stems constantly from within your Being; consequently your actions become an expression of your Inner Truth and of your Creator Self.

Aligning with Your True Identity

Take time to observe your thoughts Notice if you use your experiences, stories, internal reflections, beliefs or glimpses of the Creator to shape your identity Your belief of who you are on the spiritual levels and f Do you create them by means of your perceptions of yourself and the world around you? See how attached your spiritual discoveries are, to the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself It is important that you allow your spiritual discoveries to fill your entire Being, even that you incorporate the energies that have been revealed to you and have them as an aspect of your Being. Without believing that they constitute your new identity completely. If your perception of yourself disappears: Will you feel liberated or lost? Through contemplation you can expand your mind, your ability to perceive the Creator within yourself while ignoring any blockage or limitation that is stagnating the energy of your spiritual growth. I have no more instructions or guidelines to share with you because I know that your contemplation will reveal insights that will help you transform yourself internally, releasing attachments and perspectives that cause stagnant energies in your inside. Your natural abilities will awaken inside you to guide you and help you more and more.

Maybe during meditation or quiet time you want to affirm:

I merge my perspective of my identity with the reports, infinite and everlasting vibrations of the Creator .

While repeating the inner and silent affirmation, imagine filaments of multicolored Light flowing and intertwining as you enter your Crown Chakra at the top of your head, passing through all the chakras to Earth. The energy you experience comes directly from the Creator, it has the Creator's qualities of being informed, infinite, everlasting and ever changing. You can imagine that these filaments of Sacred Light are those of the Creator's DNA that penetrate and merge with you as they awaken the same in you. You can practice as often as you want this statement, this visualization and this inner knowledge, to help you have connection with and deeper expression of the Creator.

Upon discovering your Inner Essence and Truth, perceptions of your identity will naturally disappear; and the Truth of the Creator will be revealed within you.

I honor your inner Divinity.

I am with you to serve the Creator within.

Mr. Melchizedek

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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