Everything about the Root Chakra and how to heal it with Reiki

  • 2013

Everything around us contains energy that can be absorbed by the energy fields within us through the energy centers called chakras. These chakras are connected to all vital organs and glands of the body. The word is derived from "wheel" of the Sanskrit word that means.

There are seven main chakras, from top to bottom: the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the forehead chakra, and the crown chakra.

The root chakra is located in the lower part of the spine. It is the main chakra of our body that acts as a path of energy to connect with our physical body and the earth. The root chakra that allows us to maintain balance and is associated with the red color that represents passion, strength and fire. It is also known as the base chakra.

Root Chakra Functions

Physical health

Physically, it is responsible for the proper functioning of the legs, feet, bladder, kidney and, of course, the spine. The position of each chakra is in correspondence with our endocrine glands that are responsible for the release of hormones in our body, keeping them in balance and controlling the main nerve functions. It keeps us nourished and healthy.

An unbalanced root chakra can cause several problems such as fatigue, hemorrhoids, arthritis, constipation, back pain, weight problems and diarrhea. It can also cause sleep disorders and a feeling of cold due to poor circulation.

Increased confidence

When the root chakra is balanced, it feels safer and gain more confidence. It will carry out all the tasks of life with greater confidence and enthusiasm.

When you are unbalanced you will feel tired, too cautious and afraid of change. You will feel insecure and you will trust yourself and others less. You will not respect yourself and others and you will often be clumsy and lethargic.

Cope with conflicts and problems

When balanced, the root chakra will give you the ability to deal with problems and handle conflicts with a calm and constructive mind. You will treat these conflicts without problems and problematic issues will be unable to scare you.

When the chakra is locked it feels too cautious. It will also cause insecurity and violent behavior, aggressiveness. You'll be mad at everything and and prone to doing reckless things.

Feel grounded

This chakra is related to the basic necessities of life, such as food, housing, warmth and comfort. If balanced, it will keep you on track to get these needs met.

However, if the balance is lost, any task seems difficult. Money problems arise, trust is lost, recourse to violence, to be selfish and cannot find happiness. You get "hard, " tense. You become greedy and materialistic. You become more sexually manipulative, impulsive and dominant too.

Ways to cure the root chakra

If you feel that your root chakra is blocked, or overwhelmed with negative energy, the following ways can help you clear the root chakra.

Think red

The root chakra is related to the red color so providing a red flame glowing at the base of the spine can help clear the root chakra. You can start with a meditation of the visualization of the red flame at the base of the coccyx and the image of light extending down to the legs and feet and grounding to the ground.

Sing and dance

Dancing and singing with the door closed and without a care in the world can help you express your freedom and therefore clean your root chakra. The singing also helps clear the throat chakra.

Take a bath or shower

Express your love for yourself completely by cleaning and purifying your body with a hot bath. This is an excellent way to clean your root chakra.

Go for a walk

Go for a walk with your mind at every step you take while connecting the earth to the earth will also help clear the root chakra.

Hug a tree

And, of course, you can hug a tree to reach the ground.

Reiki and the Root Chakra

Reiki is an excellent healing technique for chakras that are unbalanced, dysfunctional or even blocked due to problems of the body, mind and spirit. Keeping the chakras balanced and functioning will avoid problems and diseases. Reiki involves hand placements aimed at all the main chakras to eliminate all negative energies and blockages that get in the way of their normal flow of energy like a rock in a stream. After these negative forms of energy are withdrawn, its energy current recovers and flows smoothly through your body. It is a natural and safe method of curing that can be used by anyone.

During the healing of the hands they are placed in the affected areas that need to be cured. Reiki has been known to be one of the most effective methods of healing the root chakra. Although the root chakras are at the base of the spine, the hands are placed somewhere near the location of the spine.

Gemstones can also be used for healing. As the root chakra has to do with the color red, rubies, garnets and red jasper can be used to clean the root chakra.

Steps to perform Reiki healing in the Root Chakra

Reiki practitioners could have their own technique to balance the root chakra, then it is just one of the methods that many find effective.

Lie down and relax. Make sure you feel comfortable and do not cross your arms and legs.

Place both hands palms down on the lower abdomen.

Visualize a river of energy passing under the palm of your hands becoming a fast spinning bright red ball. Direct your thoughts towards this energy ball and the energy that is being sent.

You can feel a little heat through the diffusion of your body as the chakra cleanses.

Healing the Root Chakra with Reiki brings all the comforts in our life; it brings calm and tranquility, and leads a healthy and happy life.

Red color

Meaning of the name: Center of the root.

Planet Earth

Direction: Smell

Metal: Iron

Energies-emotions: sexuality

Earth element

Mantra seed: Lam

Physically it is located in the pelvic area between the genitals and the anus down. This chakra is attributed all the physical matter of the body (bones), feet and legs. The anus, the prostate and the blood. It is the abode of Kundalini, the vital energy (Shakti). Benefits: It grants the domain of the physical world, there is a good relationship with reality, and feelings of security and trust prevail.

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