Message from Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth

  • 2012

Daughter, I am Mother Mary.

Do not be afraid, please be in Light, remain in permanent union with the All, with its Creator, we have already spoken to you, about the chemical contracts and the beings that will depart in mass, that has already been agreed upon, the Masters have told you, accept this fact in your heart and do not suffer for your brothers who have to leave, in their interns they know it and Peace is there

We are all in Unity, protecting them, the Light must be bigger, manifest it from now on, take it from your hearts, break through the darkness with it, exp Send it all over the planet, for each brother, carry your trust, do not let go of your hand, listen to them, in Love and permanent Light, be the most radiant Lighthouses that humanity has ever known .

We are all aiming at them, holding them, fearing no children, the Light envelops them and protects them, they are sensitive to the Light of their own, throw it away, find it in their Heart Center, breathe calmly and deeply, attract it to your Being and expound it, project it, do not stop doing it constantly, be sheltered from the Love of the Father, feel this way, protected, They are in Her arms, all, all life that lives on Gaia and she herself is in her processes under the Eyes of God. They are Calm, United, Be Peace, Have Peace, Be Love, have love for you themselves and for the rest.

Everything is already convulsed, it's true, but you. they must look inside and seek tranquility there, and hand it over to those who are in need of it ...

Leave behind everything that is not Light, what is not trust, what is not peace of mind, spirit, keep preparing if something is missing, everything you need for these days, as much as you can, but do not despair that each one will have what he should have and will be in the place he should be, surrounded by the beings who have decided to remain by his side in these days of great planetary change.

Nothing is out of order, never forget that "The Divine Order is the First Son of Heaven" ... daughter, you already know this for a long time, now your brothers must know and internalize it ... nothing happens without the Father knowing ... nothing, not a blade moves in the wind without the desire and knowledge of God Most High ...

My children, have permanent Peace in your hearts, be guided by the Voice of your inner self, that is where we dwell all the Beings of Light, in each inner one, in the silence of the heart; free from all fear, from all indesition, from all doubt.

There you will find us, there We are United to the Father, being One in Him ... seek us, find us, we are at a distance of a sigh, you know ... know all, children, that we are at your sides, we remain very close to you. and in each one ...

I am the Mother of Jesus, your Brother and Friend, your Teacher and Guide, He and all the Ascended Hosts of Heaven are loving them in all their Immensity and Light, Human Angels, inhabitants of the Earth and Heaven, be in Peace, the Light and the Blessed Hope of God Most High.

Blessed and beloved be for all Eternity.

Amen, Amen and Amen.

Your Mother Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth. ”


20. 09. 2012 2:32 pm

Channeled by Sandra VA

Published by Ngari

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