The Creative Forces Available to Who Knows Use by Ana Maria Frallicciardi

  • 2014

The creative forces available to anyone who knows how to use them.

With Jupiter in the sign of Leo we have availability of extremely creative energies, ability to make decisions and make the changes that we so desire. It also strengthens the will and self-esteem.
On the other hand Mars transits Scorpio, generating conflicts of confrontations at all levels, human, social and worldwide. These two planets are in quadrature until August 5. A quadrature is a force of tension and demands where each of the participants wants to be right and take the best part . We can see in the global scope how many conflicts cannot be resolved. Everyone says they are right and don't want to give in.
At psychological levels this quadrature generates dissociation of the will, depression, fatigue and feeling of frustration, I want but I can't.
The way to reconcile and transcend the energies we receive from the outside is to take what we have within us, represented by J piter, and allow us to transform
with the energy of Mars what we no longer want for our life.
For those beings that recognize themselves in paths of growth and evolution, the key phrase is:
To cross the challenges of the day and thus generate internal strength of support and balance.

August 1, Mercury enters Leo, creative, innovative and intuitive ideas. Mercury,
the messenger of the Spirit, will make contacts with J piter and the Sun, allow wisdom to speak.
Amazing ideas come for the good looks with Uranus.

August 9, the Sun in triangles with Uranus, increases intuition. It square with Saturn that will stop all human egos overflowing. The characters of the old energy will continue to fall.
New youth will emerge, supporting the integration paradigms.

August 10 Full moon in Aquarius

August 13, Venus enters Leo, creative power at its maximum power, 4 planets in Leo, happy the leonines who know how to use these energies to create new paths and have visions
of spiritual greatness. Take the opportunity to express joy, games, healthy fun.

August 25th. Saturn and Mars in conjunction with 17 degrees of Scorpio . Does Saturn succeed in having weapons deposited on Mars? The Saturn barrier will be a limit to what is not in order with
The higher laws. When Saturn speaks, the rest learn. Start again. There is another program that is unfolding. The previous programs expired.
Contracts can be canceled. Those who had a specific mission might not have it anymore.
The obligations are over. Beings are free to seek the meaning of their life without any conditioning.
We are no longer under the law of karma. We have already released ancestral inheritances. Now the mission or service is to live with peace and joy in the heart.
We are being born to new life, in every birth there is uncertainty, a lot of darkness is felt.
before giving birth.

by Ana Maria Frallicciardi

The Creative Forces Available to Who Knows Use by Ana Maria Frallicciardi

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