Mental power over another person: The techniques and usefulness of being able to influence the thoughts of others

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 What is mind control 2 Techniques for mental power over another person 3 Rapport 4 Availability hueristic 5 Guided thoughts 6 Morality in mental power over another person

“Control the work day mind, but it needs regular and systematic practice. It is under our control when there is a feeling of Unity with God. ”

- Swami Vivekananda

Is there a possibility of exercising mental power over another person ?

We've all wanted this ability to get into another person's head and help him change some behavior or way of thinking that hurts him. Perhaps we have wished with all our heart that a special person speaks to us. Or we have desperately sought ways to help others abandon addictions.

Either way, mental power over another person can occur in different ways. Our mind works at certain frequencies, and our thoughts flow and are constantly transmitted. It is what we call communication. And in this constant flow, the influence we can have on others is unimaginable.

This also unleashes the controversy over free will, and the morality of wanting to control what happens in other people's heads. However, it is undeniable that used in the right way, it can be a great tool to do good in the world.

Stay with us as we delve into different ways in which mental power can be given over another person and what we can achieve with that.

What is mind control?

Now, what do we mean when we talk about mental power over another person ?

To this we could explain it in simple words, such as the ability to convey a direct message to the minds of others effectively. And although it may seem negative or morally wrong, the truth is that we are doing it all the time.

When we talk to people, the words that come out of our mouth are only a smaller percentage of the total communication. The rest is given at the unconscious level . Our tone of voice, our gestures, our posture, everything is sending constant messages to the minds of other people . Only many times, the message we convey is not what we want to give.

In addition, when we talk about mental power over another person, we must understand that our ideas and thoughts also have matter and form, and cause electrical impulses and vibrations that are also transmitted outside of us. These vibrations, like every wave, propagate in the air, and can impact and generate an effect on the vibrations of others.

Therefore, there will be different ways of influencing the thoughts of others . And these techniques can be developed and trained to convey messages more effectively.

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Techniques for mental power over another person

We will then divide the techniques into two large groups. In the first, we will find those that act psychologically in the unconscious, and that occur in communication. Among them, the personal manipulation that usually occurs in relationships, or the skill that they appreciate so much in sellers. For the most part, these techniques of mental power over another person are related to persuasion and influence through direct communication.

On the other hand, we will find those techniques that are given at a subtle level. The techniques that involve the transmission of thought, without the need for direct contact with the target person.

Both groups can be equally effective, and combined they can give us a greater field of action on others. Again, this is something we do constantly and naturally, whether we are aware of it or not.

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Within the first group of techniques for mental power over another person, we find one that is very popular in the field of NeuroLinguistic Programming ( NLP ). And it is the technique known as Rapport .

Rapport finds its foundation in the notion that people tend to form bonds and be influenced more by people who are like themselves. So it consists of emulating the movements and gestures of the person with whom we communicate. And that way we get to " Lead ", which is the moment of influence . This occurs when after a time of being a mirror of the other, we get the person to end up emulating our movements, our gestures and also, if we know how to take them, implant new emotional states and thoughts.

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Availability Hueristics

Our mind is a great filter. It tends to capture everything based on certain processes that simplify the information to save as much energy as possible. Now, for those who know, they can take advantage of these processes to exert mental power over another person and to reach conclusions in people who are not necessarily real.

Availability Hueristics is just one of the examples that exist on this. This effect has been used to influence people, seeking to reach biased conclusions.

For example, if a person is required to give 5 good reasons for getting married, having no trouble finding them, he will think that marriage is an excellent idea. Now, if 20 good reasons are required of the same person, they will eventually have difficulty continuing to list new reasons. This can lead the person to believe that it is not such a good idea, as he is having trouble finding the reasons.

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Directed thoughts

In the second group, the transmission of thoughts through vibrations, we find the technique of mental power over another person known as directed thought.

The directed thought consists of a meditation in a quiet space, in which we can establish a clear visualization of the target person.

We must imagine a specific place. It may be where that person is at that time, or a place where we will meet in the future. And we must concentrate on it. Visualize it by performing the actions we want you to carry out, or by saying what we want to hear. We must see the effect that is taking place on that person.

Although it is not a behavior that is natural, we must invent these behaviors. And the more focused the exercise can be, the greater our chances of influencing that person . However, this technique of mental power over another person also has its risks, because if one is not strong one can end up being influenced. When working in the subtle plane, we may have difficulties during the day to get the other person out of the head, or the situation we visualize. The result you hope to provoke in the other may turn to you. We may involuntarily visualize other people in the interaction, which is very common when we don't have control over our own mind .

Morality in mental power over another person

The dilemma of morality in mental influence is something that will always be present. The idea that everyone must be free to make their own decisions is completely valid. However, the fact that no one decides for them does not imply that they are really free.

Many times fear, weakness, addiction or sadness can lead them to make decisions that are not for their own benefit . So, being able to help them see beyond these limitations can offer them a more desirable picture.

We must understand that the techniques of mental power over another person are not in themselves good or bad. It is the intentions of the people who use them that will determine their results. Nor are they techniques that should be used by people who are not properly trained in the subject.

But that influence on the minds of others can be achieved is something that cannot be denied. And in the history of humanity we will find thousands of examples.

The mind is wonderful, and its power escapes our imagination.

Use it for good.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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