Signs in the Sky of August 2012 / The energy bodies and dimensions according to Satya

  • 2012

Signs in the Sky of August 2012 / The energy bodies and dimensions according to Satya

Hello, Satya speaks to you from Alcione, I am the goddess of wisdom, but as a goddess I deliver her in a feminine, loving and as simple way as possible. I feel very happy to be able to establish this communication with you.

On the previous occasion we talked about the dimensions and did the exercise of merging into the first. Today we want to tell you about the different bodies and how each body corresponds to a dimension.

We left that knowledge in Egypt to be later transmitted to all, but until now it had been kept in the shade because Gaia's frequency had not reached the level necessary to assimilate it and therefore neither did you.

Each body, each dimension corresponds to a vibrational frequency, these bodies are designed to perceive these different frequencies, to submerge, merge into the frequency.

For example, if you imagine inside a cube you can feel that they are between four walls and that shape determines a dimension, that of the earth, the material, the stability, that's why you build your homes like shoe boxes or cubes

If you imagine inside a pyramid you may feel that the energy pulls towards the tip and that a connection with the one above is formed on the cusp, the pyramid It produces more dynamic energy than the cube. At its top a spiral is created a vertex.

That is why the geometric shapes are associated with the elements, so the cube is earth, stability and the pyramid is fire, dynamism. Each geometric shape has its medicine, its frequency. The medicine of Sacred Geometry.

Following the issue of dimensions, we already talked about the first dimension that is the place of micro, detail programming, DNA and cells. To connect with this dimension and the following three, as we did with the exercise of the previous time, there is a less dense body than the physical that has the quality of merging into anything, of mimicking, that the Egyptians called the Ba.

The Ba can be submerged in a landscape and become the same, can feel like an animal, can merge with other beings. The Ba is free, he has no judgment about anything, he only knows about love, of following the wave of love, of flowing. He is connected to the Ab who is his double and his mirror. Ab is the intuition of the heart, it is the ability to live experiences and move gracefully, moving from one to another without attachment.

Ba is the soul, it is the memory of the Earth, of Lemuria, it comes from the time when feeling the union with nature was normal. And the Ba has that subtlety, when they have vivid dreams where they feel love, joy, or feel like children are perceiving with the Ba.

The Ba is the loving feminine part of the MerKaBa body that is only a heavenly creation for interstellar travel.

To activate the Ba is simply to recognize that energy in you that moves in the four dimensions of the Earth as you know it so far.

I invite you to experience your Ba body with an exercise:

Prepare now as if it were for a special occasion, to consciously recognize your body Ba, while reading this in front of your computer, listen to my guiding voice.

Feel how we connect from the heart, breathe deeply while your chest fills with tranquility, love, allow your Ba to merge with me and with all the beings that support the networks of love.

Now feel a dawn in your life observe the horizon, the sun rising, the light coming out, a blue ray of its light reaching the center of your forehead, to your pineal gland, awakening your vision.

Your body Ba reaching the Sun merging with the bright white light of the star, reaching the solar portal guarded by the Winged Golden Lions, encountering a very bright being like a star, your solar angel, you merge into him / her and enter the House of solar studies, there are many classrooms, many learning rooms, the sanction is studied through light, color. You choose something you are interested in knowing ...

Now close your eyes, let yourself be guided by your solar angel ... I leave you a few minutes living your personal experience., When you feel that you must return, that you completed your teaching of love in the fifth solar dimension, you open them and return to your room, to see the screen.

Listen to my voice again when reading it and stay a few seconds feeling the experience of being in your body Ba, breathe. Return to the starting point, feel your anchorage to Earth. You are here again in the room.

Thanking these moments


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