Message of the Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn: The nature and reach of the Angels

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The form of thought feeds on our soul, on the soul of people 2 Metatr and the divine source of Thought 3 Angels as guardians of Physics 4 The images that human beings see of angels

There are many people we usually call " guardian angels " and we may not be mistaken in stating this, since in most cases, these people combine their higher self with the Divine, these people being able to create a energy field, which is generally called " thought form ."

The form of thought feeds on our soul, the soul of people

The way of thinking works because it feeds on the soul of the person and relates to the Angelic Forces . These energy fields manifest themselves on several occasions and transform the person into a guardian angel. The angels of heaven play the role of guardians of each one of us, but many times they can physically manifest themselves to protect us, although we do not know their identities.

Metatron is the Archangel who is at a more accessible level for human beings and is known as The Lord of Light and as lord of light, Metatron generates the basic units of reality and the universe. Basically, it is like a conscious computer in a divine way. Metatron is able to communicate with a channel called Tyberonn, using light packages. However, on Metatron there are higher levels of light and at the highest level is the Cosmic Council of Light, which served us in other lives.

Metatron and the divine source of Thought

From the upper level, geometric codes are frequently created, which are transmitted to the Angelic field of light . As mentioned before, there are several levels of hierarchy and the following is the Metatronic field, where their beings are considered units of divine thought . The angels of this general light field that is transmitted in the manner of codes. This light is a mixture of time, space, matter and antimatter, a light that is known as the divine thought, which reaches humanity and all of us.

Although the angelic kingdom is enormous, its purpose is still a mystery. However, we know that angels are messengers of God . The beings that live in the angelic field are multidimensional of light and have a function that goes far beyond transmitting God's messages. The angels are those beings in charge of giving humanity a change, through light and love . In addition, love is a fairly deep and complex science, which goes beyond a simple emotion.

The angels as guardians of Physics

The angels, as mentioned earlier, are considered the messengers of light, but they are also beings that are responsible for protecting physics, which is a consciousness that goes beyond of which many believe. The angels are in the field of anti-matter and the domains of light in the physical field. When they are there, the angels maintain the physical laws in all dimensions.

The angels have no definite form, nor do they occupy a physical space, since they are simply a frequency spectrum, which is the frequency of love . We are also attributes of the most powerful energy in the cosmos: love . However, each of us receives a personality that makes us unique and special.

The images that human beings see of angels

Humans generally give angels male and female names, but the reality is that these beings of light are neither one nor the other. This distinction between male and female is made by the attributes of each angel, since some may be characteristic in compassion and care, so they are associated with women, while Those who show strength are associated with men. The truth is that these beings have a characteristic in common and that they radiate light and love to all beings on earth.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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