Signs in the Sky of September 2012 / The Fable of the Butterfly by Gaia

  • 2012

Always grateful to establish this communication, that my emerald green force envelops you, that with this strength and color you feel how stillness and goodness fill your heart.

Many terrestrial calendars talk about dates, milestones along the way, specific moments of change, to name them. In these times there is talk of a special time, a closing cycle and this is true, a Great Cycle is closed and with that Great Cycle many other small cycles are also closed as fractals at different scales until reaching the staff.

Everyone knows for sure which personal cycles I mean. It knows to which major cycles of countries, beliefs, structure are completed.

Because change is a constant of what is generated, of life. Discontinuity is the norm, pretending that things remain is simply unreal, the important thing is to navigate the wave of change.

Each one doing his part, his purification, attending to his emotions, lovingly taking care of his body, taking care of being spiritually and materially sustainable, enjoying, relaxing, on a personal level observing at what stage of the cycle they are.

And about the cycles I want to tell you now a fable, that of the butterfly. It is known that the butterfly lives cycles in its life and transforms into metamorphosis. The butterfly has the medicine of changing the cycles, representing it the end.

Seeing yourself in butterfly medicine means identifying at what time of the cycle you are now.

The fable of the butterfly

There was a bright blue butterfly of those traveling through the currents of the mountains in the rainforests. The butterfly lived the present while playing to plan with its wings spread to the wind. He liked to float on the breeze of the river, make spirals with his peers, perch from time to time on some colorful flower, rub his legs on some rock.

She did not remember when she had been a caterpillar, nor the time she brushed the branches with her belly looking for new shoots. Nor did he remember at what point he had lethargic and slept, harnessing himself in the chrysalis.

Very vaguely he knew of a time where he only had an insatiable need to eat, his actions focused on looking for the most succulent food, he moved through the fragile branches of his local universe until he reached the tips devouring the tender shoots. His life was simple to eat to satiety and expel what he did not need, he grew in size at a dizzying speed, changing day by day, his only action was to feed himself, at that stage he only had to survive and grow.

After eating so much, she had doubled in size, was heavy and had trouble moving, suddenly she began to feel tired and felt sleepy. On a sheet of the plant that had constituted his livelihood, flexible enough to be folded, he decided to wrap himself to sleep, he settled down in a deep sleep, and nothing outside mattered to him, in the stillness he relaxed more and more. While he slept in his comfortable wrap, he dreamed that he was flying, that he had large blue wings, that he fluttered, that he was gliding along the currents like on a wind slide, he felt light and free. That's how the days went by.

One day she felt uncomfortable and woke up feeling that her wrap was imprisoning her too much, that her comfortable chrysalis was getting small, tight. At first I did not know what to do until he began to move little by little, with syncopated movements, such as when something is being born, he pulsed with his body while the wrap was breaking, from so much movement he opened a hole that allowed his legs to be released from Where I had been confined. The body was followed by the legs, when he left completely he felt a great expansion in freedom.

At first, disoriented, I didn't know where I was, or who I was, I didn't even remember how I got there. A blurry memory of having been sleeping interwoven with the luminous reality.

He felt light, his body was lighter, his legs were longer and oh surprise! The wings he had dreamed had really grown. Until his color had changed, he had a bright blue that reflected the sky on his wings. The blue butterfly stretched her body and felt the warmth of a sunbeam on her wings, this helped her to wake up even more and see with her eyes the beauty of her surroundings.

He discovered many other butterflies waking up and realized that he was not alone, he decided to try his new outfit, especially his wings taking flight.

He met his peers, danced among the trees, reached the clouds, drawing spirals in the air, intertwined with others and perpetuated his species. In infinite ecstasy it rose to the end.

I leave this fable for your reflection.

I'm Gaia

September 2012 day by day

September 1st. To have privacy, you have to become with you

September 2 While your physical body is anchored to Mother Earth Gaia in devotion feel her energy flowing to you.

September 3 When you are at the right frequency, the signals do not wait 11:11 4:44 or 3:33, 5:55, symmetry, harmonic numbers.

4th of September. Being in innocence what happens to you is blessed by the light.

September 5. To honor differences is to validate freedom, unconditional love, humanity.

September 6 Walking is moving in a linear sense, radiating is in all directions like a star giving away its brightness, you are also like that.

September 7th. Look in the mirror of anyone who crosses your path, be attentive to what you attract today, observe without judging, trust, laugh.

September 8th. The true power is that which arises from surrender without resistance, life in a tender, loving way.

September 9. To appreciate is to look into each other's eyes and see their humanity and their divinity, recognize themselves on the outside and inside.

September, 10th. To embrace you need two more, a meaningful hug is a medicine that heals on a higher level.

11 of September. When you feel nostalgia for something or someone silently listens to your heart and feels the presence of light inside.

September 12. Loneliness has been demonized by religions to prevent you from finding your inner God.

September 13th. In moments of chaos, close your eyes, take a deep breath and silently return to your center, feel like everything is calm there.

September 14. Pushing is what you already know how to do, what will happen if for once you let things happen? What does everything take its natural course?

September 15. Sailing in the water of the spirit allows you to have remarkable encounters with you in other magical realms.

16 of September. Thirsty for love we are until we find the inner source, there we satiate ourselves to begin to radiate.

September, 17th. Imagine that you are like an innocent child, remember how you laugh without reason, how you wallowed on the grass, without a future or a past, combining the present.

September 18. To start means to make a reset, start over with more energy, return to innocence, to laughter.

September 19th. Imagine that you come from a long trip and that you find yourself again, that is waking up.

September 20. If you find yourself swimming in circles, if you repeat the same movie over and over again, you still have to drop something, loose, loose.

September 21st. Withdraw your attention from what you don't like, focus on what brings you joy, passion, that way you align more and more with your divine purpose.

September 22 Leave the thought aside, breathe deeply into your abdomen, feel all the sounds around you and go further, that is to relax.

September 23. The limits do not exist, only those that you have created from your own beliefs, try to experience your unlimited nature.

24th September. The most important purpose of being incarnated at this time is to recognize oneself in emotions and heal them.

September 25th. Open your heart to compassion and be loving with yourself, leave the implacable judge aside, take a break.

September 26 You can write your dreams and those meaningful synchronies that happen to you, so you pay attention to the world of the invisible.

September 27th. The attempt is a form of energy from the magical world that helps you feel the way.

September 28. Feel your heart now, close your eyes only a moment is necessary, remember a music that inspires you, listen to it, thank you, lovingly.

September 29th. If you recognize that everyone has psychic qualities, that this is not a gift of few, that it is a condition of the human being encoded in DNA, you wake up.

September 30th. Now your energy is expanding, it is vibrating at a higher level connected to your radiant spirit, that's what you came to, to shine.

Abjini Arráiz 2012

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