Recommendations to avoid cancer

1. We all have cancer cells. These cells do not appear in standard analyzes until they have multiplied by billions. When a doctor tells a cancer patient that he has no more cancer cells in his body, after treatment, this means that the test is not able to detect cancer cells because the amount of them in the body has not reached quantities necessary to be detected in the normal analysis.

2. Cancer cells appear 6 to 10 times in a person's life.

3. When a person's immune system is strong enough, the cancer cells are destroyed by it and their multiplication to form a tumor is avoided.

4. When a person has cancer, this indicates that person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be genetic, environmental, food or lifestyle factors of that person.

5. To solve multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet, including nutritional supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves the poisoning of fast-growing cancer cells, but at the same time destroys good cells in the bone system, in the intestinal tract, etc. and can cause damage to organs, such as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells, also burns, damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation often reduces the size of the tumor. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation does not lead to the destruction of more tumors.

9. When the body has too much toxic load due to chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is compromised or destroyed, here the person can suffer from various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause mutation in cancer cells and become resistant and difficult to be destroyed. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other places in the body.

11. An effective way to fight cancer is to lead these cancer cells to "starve to death" by the method of not feeding them with food that encourages them to multiply.

Food for people with cancer cells

1. Sugar is a cancer stimulating food. Eliminating sugar from our diet eliminates a food that strengthens the proliferation of cancer cells. Sugar substitutes, such as: Nutra Sweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc., are manufactured with Aspartame which is harmful. A better substitute for sugar is honey and molasses, but always in small quantities. The only sweetener that does not contain Aspartame is "SPLENDA". Table salt is added a chemical for the color white, which is also a stimulant for the growth of cancer cells. The best alternative is sea salt and Bragg's amino acids.

2. Milk produces phlegm in the body, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. Eliminating milk and replacing it with unsweetened soy milk causes cancer cells to starve.

3. Cancer cells develop in an acidic environment. A structured meat diet is acidic, therefore it is preferable to eat fish and white meat (chicken) instead of pork. Red meat also contains antibiotics from cattle (animals), growth hormones and parasites, all of them are harmful, especially for the person with cancer.

4. A diet made with 80% fresh vegetables and juices, grains, seeds, nuts and some fruits would stimulate an alkaline environment (PH greater than 7) in the body. Alkalinity is health. The rest of the diet (20%) can be provided with cooked foods such as grains. A fresh vegetable juice provides live enzymes which are easily absorbed, penetrating the cellular level in 15 minutes, feeding and stimulating the development of healthy and healthy cells. To get live enzymes that help develop healthy cells try and drink juice, juice or fresh vegetable extract (most vegetables including beans and young beans). Also eat vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at a temperature of 104º F (40º C), therefore, cook your vegetables at temperatures below 40º C, thus guaranteeing the nutrients they possess that are NOT beneficial for cancer cells.

5. Eliminate coffee, tea and chocolate, which contain caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has properties that fight cancer. The best water to drink is purified or filtered water. This avoids known toxic and heavy metals in the water. The distilled water is acid, avoid it.

6. Meat protein is difficult to digest, requires many digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remains in the intestine, transforming into rotten substances, which leads to the construction of more toxic substances.

7. The outer wall of cancer cells have an outer layer of protein protection. Reducing or eating less meat, releases more enzymes that attack the outer wall of diseased cells, which allows to destroy a greater number of cancer cells.

8. Some nutritional supplements help to build and strengthen the immune system: IP6, Flor-essence, Essiac, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc. This helps the body itself to generate cells that destroy cancer cells. Other dietary supplements, such as vitamin E, are known to cause apoplegic problems, which programs the death of cells, which is the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted and unnecessary cells.

9. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. A proactive attitude and a positive spirit undoubtedly help the cancer carrier to survive. Anger, loneliness and sadness will cause strong stress to the body, creating an acidic environment in it. Learning to have a spirit full of love and forgiveness will help improve cancer conditions. Learning to relax and enjoy life are useful tools for the person with the condition.

10. Cancer cells cannot operate in an oxygenated environment. Daily exercises and deep breathing contribute to the cells receiving more oxygen. Oxygen therapy is another way to be used to destroy cancer cells.

Please send this information to people you appreciate ... this is an update from the John Hopkins Hospital in the USA.

1. Do not use plastic containers in the microwave.

2. Do not put plastic bottles in the freezer.

3. Do not use foil in the microwave.


1. John Hopkins recently issued the newsletter we presented. This information is also being sent to readers by the Walter Reed Medical Center of the US Army. The chemist Dioxin causes cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxin is an aggressive poison for our body's cells. Do not freeze water in a plastic bottle, this releases dioxins from the plastic.

2. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Manager of the Castle Hospital Health Program, was on a TV show. Explaining health risks. He explained about dioxin and how dangerous it is for us. He said we should not heat our food in microwaves in plastic containers. This suggestion applies especially for foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, intense heat and plastic containers releases dioxin into the food, which eventually reaches the body's cells when ingested. Instead of plastic, Dr Fujimoto recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers to cook food. The same cooking results are achieved, but without dioxin.

Pre-cooked foods sold in supermarkets must be removed from their plastic containers and heated in other containers such as those explained here. The paper to remember heated foods is not bad, but you don't know what that paper contains. It is safer to use glasses, Corning Ware, etc. Dr. Fujimoto recalled that some time ago fast food restaurants dispensed with paper containers to keep hot food. The dioxin problem was one of the reasons.

3. Also Dr. Fujimoto explained that plastic wrap, such as thermoplastic resin, is very dangerous when used in foods to be cooked in microwaves. The food is attacked with the harmful toxins generated by the high temperature during the microwave cooking process, mixing with the plastic and returning to the food. Wrapping food with paper towels is a better option.

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