Who is the Master El Morya?

  • 2015

The Ascended Master El Morya, of Mercurian origin, who has served in numerous incarnations as King, man of state, executive legislator of men, monarchs and nations, actively engaged in the service of light, has emphasized his most important legacy and essential: inspire us to live an enlightened obedience to the Will of God .

Like Abraham, a descendant of a family of royal-blood priests, former patriarch of the twelve tribes of Israel, he was considered the founder of all religions and the prototype of the man of faith who left his lands and traveled to other strangers, that God He had promised him that he would inherit, to make them a great nation. As a contribution of the numerous prophets who came to awaken the conscience of mankind, Abraham taught us to let go of all external gods and move towards the only inexhaustible source of the I Am of each one.

Incarnations of El Morya

The Morya, who incarnated several times as a king, was Melchior, one of the three Wise Men who followed the Star of Bethlehem to reach Jesus - the one who would fulfill all the promises of God for his spiritual descendants - along with the wise men of Oriente, Gaspar and Baltazar - incarnations of Kuthumi and Tibetan Master Djwal Khul. He again showed his faith and obedience to the will of God, which prompted him to seek the Christ in his next lives.

He reappears in the fifth century as Arthur, king of the British, who, using the right power of the divine will, "power for justice and defense of the Truth, " makes Camelot an idyllic place of equality, justice and peace, where to protect the sacred teachings of Christ summons the Knights of the Round Table to seek the Holy Grail, which was said to have healing and regenerative powers, but that is nothing more important than the inner discovery of the Higher Self, the true self-knowledge

He was assisted by a great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who appeared as the ray of Merlin, with his vibration, clairvoyance and magic, knew the secrets of youth and alchemy and advised and helped King Arthur to establish the kingdom of Britain, a fortress against ignorance and superstition .

In the twelfth century, as Thomas Becket, Chancellor of England and archbishop of Canterbury - for his attention to the details of the State and the Church - he defended the honor and integrity of God in multiple challenges, fully fulfilling the religious position, but when he refused to do what Henry II asked, he was killed while praying in the cathedral.

Tomás Becket was turned into a martyr and after a series of miracles that were reported to have occurred in his grave, he was canonized in February 1173.

Again, like Tomás Moro in the fifteenth century, he serves as conscience and chief advisor to the English king Henry VIII - incarnation of Henry II, twice born as king, who raised him twice to the position of Chancellor and twice martyred him for having obstructed his ambitions–. On this occasion he refused to support the divorce of the king because he was a defender of the Catholic Church and before being beheaded he mentioned that he could not go against his conscience, that he died as “good Servant of the King, but of God, first” . He wrote the famous book Utopia. He was canonized in 1935.

The coincidence of lives of Tomás Becket and Tomás Moro is extraordinary. Both were favorites of the king who loved God more than their king. Thomas Becket gave his life to save the English church from royal aggression ; Tomás Moro gave his in a vain effort to preserve it from further aggressions.

After only seven years, El Morya incarnated as Akbar, the greatest of the Mughal rulers. His empire extended over much of India, Afghanistan and present-day Pakistan. Despite his wealth and power, he had modest customs, ate little and refrained from eating meat six months a year and prohibited the slaughter of animals during that period. He was a friend of the common people and treated everyone equally, independent of race and religion, for not only did he want to bring prosperity and peace to his people but he wanted to elevate him to a more spirituality. high. As he was tolerant of all religions, it took seven years to study in depth the teachings and ceremonies of each and concluded that all had limitations and prejudices and wanted to gather the best in only one, but his subjects were too attached to their beliefs. The Empire fell into decline after his death in 1605.

The last life of El Morya was like El Morya Khan, prince Rajput of India at the end of the 19th century. With his close companions, Master Kuthumi and Djwal Khul El Tibetano, he was in charge of the two founders of the Theosophical Society, Mme. HP Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott, training and guiding them in the foundation of what was to be the first of several presentations of Eternal Wisdom and the teachings of the A hierarchical hierarchy for Western civilization, the unifying energy that will eventually bring peace and understanding to the world.

Teacher Attributes

The Morya left this world in 1898 and ascended to provide a better service to Humanity.

All these lives acquiring mastery in the essence of the will of God, qualified him to perform the position of Lord of the First Ray, the Blue Ray, which represents the Will of God, Faith, the Strength, Power and Protection.

It is the ray of the divine attributes of courage, certainty, power, openness, self-confidence, reliability, faith and initiative, of divine power and leadership, so executives and rulers are under this Blue Ray, as well as government activities and affairs. It is strongly associated with the throat chakra, the center of power of our spiritual being, and the energy of honest and creative expression; the embodied beings of the blue ray will duly manifest the divine word in divine work .

The Master El Morya, along with her complement Lady Miriam ; the archangel Saint Michael - guardian of the Faith and protector against evil, which helps human beings combat the fear of telling the truth - and Faith, the Elohim Hercules and his divine complement Amazonia, accompany us to allow us to develop all the strength that we need to face our difficulties, all the complicated situations of each day, and give us the VALUE necessary to face the daily problems and the vicissitudes of daily life. Its manifestation day is Sunday.

The Morya is in charge of the Temple of Divine Will in Darjeeling, India. The tonal key of the Temple is Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance . His personal tonal key and that of his twin ray is Panis Angelicus.

Morya was an instructor and sponsor of the messengers, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and founder of The Summit Lighthouse . In 1958 he called Mark L. Prophet to disseminate the Teachings of Ascended Masters® as Pearls of Wisdom® published by the Summit Lighthouse, an organization that had recently been founded.

With Saint Germain and Mother Mary, she also trained Elizabeth Clare Prophet, as her Messenger. She carried the flame of the Mother of the World and the Maitreya Banner, and continued the tradition of the Initiates and the School of Mysteries at Summit University.

The Morya and Kuthumi explain to us the attribute of the spiritual work of the new times and that each one must attend in due time:

“On the plane of the Earth , the teachings that correspond to the different levels of consciousness that the brothers and sisters that the spiritually awakened portion of Humanity identifies as ascended masters are available…

When a Human Being expresses intention of repeated and sustained spiritual search, it is “detected” by the beings and entities that have the responsibility of monitoring such events on Earth and the symbol of a luminous eye is placed on the place occupied by this Human Being. on the world map of Humanity. In this way they begin to look at you closely, because you have attracted the attention of the loving energies that seek “signs of spiritual life” on Earth. Once "the eye has been thrown" the Human Being is part of a group that is diligently taken care of from this side of the veil, until the foundations are set up in its energy anatomy - if you want to - allow you to continue building his "inner temple" in that life . You will usually find and meet people in the same condition, which encourages you to continue forward and helps you feel in company and understand that you are not alone ...

No one can tell you that our presence in your life is true and neither can anyone assure you that our presence is not a certainty. That is something that only you can discern by entering your heart center and focusing your attention on the Being that you truly are. ”

Let us then invoke the blue flame to stimulate Faith, to achieve Protection, to find strength and achieve the virtues of the blue ray: Tenderness, humility, sympathy, tolerance and patience .


Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. The Lords of the Seven Rays. Their lives, their works and their teachings. Madrid, Cofás Graphic Arts, 2002.

Summit University Meet the teachers. The strength of the divine will. Spirit Adventure Series 2. Barcelona, ​​Porcia Ediciones 2005.








Margarita Londoño, GHB Editor

Who is the Master El Morya?

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