Why Practice Yoga and Meditation, The Benefits It Provides

  • 2016


Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

E: Interviewer

N: Núria

E: Currently there is much talk about practicing Yoga and Meditation, about the countless benefits it brings.

N: It's true, formerly practicing yoga was something of only a few, it was seen as something a bit strange for the vast majority. However, for some years now the practice is increasing and it is considered that in the coming years the% of the population that will practice it will be increasing, because it will need it to be able to overcome the increasing challenges that times present current.

Yoga teacher Yogi Bhajan already predicted in the '90s that people were going to need yoga in order to cope with the growing stimuli that society was going to present, where information systems were going to be greater and were going to produce imbalances in the nervous system before such amount of information, that it would be necessary to know how to discriminate well in order not to fall into saturation and reach a chaotic mind. Man will have to prepare himself with a meditative mind and greater awareness in order to have a satisfying life.

I remember a student who commented that for her yoga was like “ an antidote ” for daily stress and considered that everyone would have to do it in order to live more calmly.

Currently there are many doctors who recommend doing yoga and / or meditation to their patients, for the benefits increasingly demonstrated by Western science.

Yogis saw for thousands of years the connection that existed between the body and the mind, they realized, on the basis of much observation and experimentation, the connection between the different systems of the body (nervous, glandular, digestive, circulatory, skeletal muscle, ) with the emotions and the mind and how they affected each other, as a loop, feeding back. All emotion, all thought is sustained in the body. Based on experiencing a lot and seeing the specific results of each test, they came to create a complete system of postures and meditations that work for the whole human being, giving back his innate right to be happy and to enjoy life. Yogi Bhajan said that man by nature is a "healthy, happy and sacred being, " is his birthright.

Although in the West science by its very nature advances more slowly in these subjects, little by little it begins to recognize its benefits, because more and more adepts and studies that support the effectiveness of yoga and meditative techniques are being demonstrated, demonstrating that no There is only an increase in tranquility and well-being, but changes occur in the brain (increased cognitive capacity, greater mental clarity ...) thus leading to brain plasticity and on the other hand an improvement of the immune system. http://www.eldiario.es/bienestar/yoga/sabemos-yoga-bueno_0_445856411.html

Yoga is a tool, it is an instrument of the Infinite. It is a science through which a person can function. It is the same as the electric current when passing through a bulb. It doesn't matter if the bulb is sixty watts or three watts, the current will also make the light glow. It will not burn any filament, it will give birth to all ”Yogi Bhajan 01/19/1976.

I: I talk a lot, even in the media lately, to play sports, to have healthy habits. Why yoga and meditation and not another practice?

Everyone should look for what best fits him, should experience it, before sedentary, better than anything, do any exercise that forces you to move and especially to “breathe” (we usually have low oxygen levels), but since you do the effort, why don't you look for something that works as a person as a whole? Physical, mental and spiritual (breaking energy blocks) helping you to have a better understanding of yourself and everything around you.

The human being needs to connect with himself, inward, deep, this is his true nature. We try to live on the surface because input is the most immediate, what seems more comfortable and easier with more immediate results, it is something instinctive that we do by inertia, we have been educated like this. We live in the West, in the society of immediacy, always outward in search of quick results and with the least possible effort.

As Yogi Bhajan said, we should not seek to be spiritual, because we already are, we are spiritual beings by nature, perfect beings as we are, the problem is that we often forget and need to remember it.

E: Well, we do yoga, but what kind of yoga? .. there are many and one is lost

N: While all types of yoga have the ultimate goal of calming the mind, it is true that there are several disciplines that are more focused on one aspect or another.

In a very short way we have a more physical yoga (Hatha Yoga), a more mental yoga (Raja Yoga), a yoga that links postures (Vinyasa Yoga), a more demanding and difficult yoga for beginners (Asthanga yoga)… ..Kundalini Yoga (also known as the yoga of consciousness).

E: What yoga do you advise? What is the yoga you teach?

I trained in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, because it is the one I find most complete, covering both physical and mental as well as spiritual aspects.

It is known as mother yoga because it integrates several branches. It is an ancient yoga from India that was introduced in the United States in 1969 by the teacher Yogi Bhajan.

Consider body, mind and spirit in intimate connection and work on all three aspects in all classes. It combines asanas or postures of yoga, breathing (pranayama), relaxation and meditation and sometimes uses the chanting of mantras in meditation. Mantras are sacred sounds that help us to change our emotional state faster and facilitate clarity and concentration.

Each class is different and in each of them we work on an aspect of the body (nervous system, lymphatic system, digestive system, etc.). There are plenty of exercise tables or kriyas. Kundalini Yoga works by stimulating the glandular system, activating energy in the chakras or energy centers and unlocking the body of tensions. Its effects are very fast and are noticeably appreciated at the end of a class.

Kundalini Yoga is a precise science, the yoga of the angles. Yoga is a tool, it is an instrument of the Infinite.It is a science through which a person can function. It is the same as the electric current when passing through a bulb. It doesn't matter if the bulb is sixty watts or three watts, the current will also make the light glow. It will not burn any filament, it will give light to all Yogi Bhajan 01/19/1976 .

It is a Yoga for the present times, for people with work, family and habitual occupations, in the words of the teacher Yogi Bhajan for home holders . It is a yoga for everyone, each part of the state in which it is and from there it is progressing.

E: What are the benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga?

The benefits obtained with the practice of yoga and meditation, are many, but the main one is the quieting of the mind, gradually eliminating that internal noise that bothers us so much.

To sum up the main benefits that are obtained with the practice are:

* Most vital body . They activate and balance the nervous, hormonal and metabolic system, producing an increase in energy and the feeling of well-being and balance, improves immune system, reduces back pain and tensions f Physical, releasing deep blockages.

* Clearer and more focused mind . Promoting states of concentration and mental calm.

* More serene spirit

The results are very fast and a feeling of deep well-being can be seen just finishing the class.

In Kundalini Yoga the most important thing is the experience, it goes straight to the heart, there are no words to describe the personal feelings of fullness.

E: And what about meditation?

Be part of the class, in the end, when we have worked and released the body blockages, you can not meditate on a tense body.

A meditative mind will allow you to see what your unconscious tendencies are to gradually polish unhealthy habits, allowing you to observe the world from another perspective, giving you strength to face life's challenges.

E: What was your personal experience?

My introduction to the world of yoga is similar to that of other people, in the end we are not so different and what we seek in the end is coherence with oneself and feel at peace with one and with everything that surrounds you, which is not little !

Graduated in Business Sciences, I dedicated myself for years to the world of business, within the financial field. I noticed that I was missing something, always the demand, the perfection, the stress of reaching the established, sometimes dealing with not very friendly environments, because the same environment favored it and at the end of everything ... the emptiness. I needed to find something that calmed my mind and my anxiety, so I started to practice different styles of yoga: hatha yoga, asthanga yoga ... until in the end I found KY that for me was the most complete because it integrates several aspects, reaching in the end a good meditative state I went deeper into the practice until I decided to train as a qualified professor of Yoga Kundalini according to the international KRI program (Kundalini Research Institute, USA), the only accredited body to certify Kundalini Yoga teachers as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

E: What would you say to someone who "doesn't have time to do yoga"?

That you ask yourself honestly if you really do not have this time to dedicate yourself, this may lead you to a reflection on what is a priority and what is not in your day to day.

It is the best gift a person can give himself, the possibility of connecting with who he really is.

Since yoga is not dogmatic, but rather experiential, I would say that it is best to try a class and experience it for yourself, this is the best indicator.

Núria Vidal


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