Fairy Poetry by María Jesús Verdú Sacases

  • 2016

The night and silence present at the beach of the fairies

Fairies flutter around the nightfall

and escape to the starlight

and are reflected in the silver mirror of the moon

and keep playing,

lost in heaven,

until dawn surprises them

and with the pink rays of dawn,

They decorate their hair.

They lie in the clouds

where they fall asleep

and keep resting, ah

in the lap of the universe,

while the sun lulls them with its heat

and still dreaming ...

Dreaming from the silence of the soul,

that spiritual corner,

that swells with love,

when we rock in it

and that enters us

in magic and in peace

of the flow of feelings

that takes us to the inner fullness ...

The silence runs in the calm of the sea and seeps into the light of the soul, where you will see your eyes.

Silence hides behind words and after thoughts that don't shut up.

The sound of the waves invites us to enter the silence of the ocean floor and our being.

Each sunbeam is born in the silence of dawn and dies in the silence of dusk.

Dance in silence and you will see the wings of the soul.

Look at the silence and you will find it and there will come a day in which it will not be necessary to look for more, because the silence will already have stayed with you and that day, you will feel the beat of your heart very deep in your soul.

"I flow in the water,
whose current cradles slowly
your thoughts,
in the light of the stars and the moon,
while your dreams go by
sheltered from the serenity of the night
with the magic that inhabits
in the realm of your imagination

I come from a kingdom
where heaven and earth meet,
where can i touch the clouds
with the heart,
where the look of the innocent
it is filled with tears of joy
by surrendering to such beauty,
the same that they have managed to build
with his illusions and noble purposes. ”

Fairy Beaches and Mermaids

Fairies are approaching
to the freshwater beaches
where the sea breeze
he walks capriciously
and intermingles
with the hated breath,
when the sun's rays
they escape at sunset
and surrender to the moon.

Fairies bathe
on the silver road
Let the moon weave over the sea
while the harps
of the Angels
they play ancestral melodies
that elevate the universe
to angelic vibration
Of love and peace.

Flashes of light
from the heart of fairies
caress the waves,
while the foam
melts pleased
before such wonder.

His wings protect
to those whose eyes
they know how to recognize them
from the wisdom of the soul
at the same time
wrap our dreams
to bring them to now.

Fairies play with the sweet caramel breeze
and savor its softness,
as they glide with her
towards the purity of the high mountains.

Fairies smile at the creek

that has formed in the sand

and that passes serene and peaceful
in its channel,
bathed in dawn light
and of essence fairy.

The stars dance on the surface of the sea
in the mystery of the night
and carve a cosmic path
over salt water,
that unites heaven and earth.

The elves dance on that magical path
with the stars and planets,
when the ocean
unfold its waves
to caress the soul
to its night visitors.

Fairies and mermaids prostrate
before the beauty that beats
in the sea entrails
and that now melts
with that cosmic path
in the infinite possibilities
that the Universe plot,
every day,
In silence and in secret.

AUTHOR TEXO AND IMAGES: Mar a Jes s Verd Sacases

SEEN IN: . you eat

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