Message from Heaven Jumping to other dimensions. By Karina Zarfino

  • 2014


We know that many of you are having perceptions that may be strange to you according to your reality in which you moved until very recently.

Now many of you are venturing at times, infinitely few seconds, on other dimensional planes but not only with your astral body as you used to do, but with all your bodies, even the physical. It is as if you enter, during those fragments of time barely perceptible by your conscience, to a space where the laws that govern it differ absolutely from the physical laws of your 3rd dimension. Upon returning to your daily consciousness, you feel a break in your temporal linearity.

Also many of you are perceiving buzzing or sounds that come from other dimensions, vibrations that resemble quartz bowls, songs similar to those of your ancestors, distant voices that you know do not come from your material reality.

Do not be scared. Do not be afraid. You are not going crazy.

What happens to you is that you are feeling in your fields the connection that is taking place between the different "realities" coming from different dimensional planes.

The Earth is in the process of ascension and, whether you want to or not, you move with it. If you are not aware of this process and the changes you will feel as a result, it is likely that you are disturbed and even that your oldest fears are reborn with great intensity.

The key is to KEEP IN AXIS. Focused on your hearts. Vibrating in light and raising your frequency through pure thoughts that connect you with your Guides and Teachers.

Visualize the channel of light that rises beyond your crown and enhance that light beam up until you feel at peace and in full connection.

Ask your Guides for radiations of violet and golden light every time you feel you are losing and reestablish the connection.

That is your anchor.

It is necessary that you remain aware and anchored to the Light.

They are times of movement and opening and it is very easy to connect with doors that are not Light.

If you feel that this happens to you, reconnect your heart with the Light and decree:




and trust that the alignment is instantaneous.

Stand firm and contemplate with joy and joy the arrival of the New Time of Light and Love.

Received by Karina Zarfino. December 16, 2013.

Message from Heaven Jumping to other dimensions. By Karina Zarfino

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