Message from Archangel Mikael ~ A New Earth and a New Beginning

  • 2013


The Energy of the New Earth in January 2013

Transmitted through Celia Fenn

Beloved family of Light, your Earth has successfully navigated the Star Portal of 2012 and has become a Star Being, Multidimensional Planetarium! You have reconnected with the Sun, or Solaris, with the Galactic Center and with your Body of Cosmic Light! This is truly a great achievement!

But many will say it seems as if nothing has changed. Many were waiting for chaos, disaster, traumatic changes or miracles in December 2012. But, as we have said for many years, the Completion and Beginning process was just that ... a process ... that culminated on December 21, 2012. And the purpose of that process was that the Change be as graceful and trauma free as possible. It was something to celebrate instead of something to fear. It was not a time of judgment but a time of Renewal and Rebirth.

So now that the Process has ended and you have entered this multidimensional space, you may ask, "And now what?" They may be a little disappointed because things seem so "equal" and all your problems have not been miraculously solved in an instant. But, beloved, the purpose of the Change was always to allow you to perceive your world and your reality in a different way.

We know that you have understood that you "create your own reality", but we wish you to fully understand what this means to you at this time. You were born into a reality on Earth that focused only on the Third Dimension of Consciousness. She was limited by it, and your lives were limited by what was possible in this dimension. As a result, they created a culture based on limitation, lack and fear. They allowed your fears to control and dominate your lives, they became prisoners of conflict and mental systems and imagined that they could not escape.

Then, when they woke up to the higher dimensions, they flowed with this awakening to the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness and freed themselves from limitation and opened up to the infinite possibilities of the New Reality and its multidimensional nature. They were no more victims trapped in time and space, but Infinite Beings of Light embodied in a human form like Human Angels.

It is here where they are now, beloved. They have embraced your true nature and have recognized that your job is to create a New Reality in this New Earth. Do not receive it ready, made from the Spirit, beloved, but share the ultimate adventure of co-creating it with the Spirit in a conscious way. We know, as you also in the depths of your inner self, that there is no problem that cannot be solved in this Infinite Realm of Possibility, Love and Compassion.

We know, as you also, that creating a new reality means not focusing on the past and old problems, old energies and old traumas, but focusing your energy on what you want to create Now and in the future.

If you focus your energy on what is wrong, what is hurt, what is broken, then that is all you will see and what will fill your life, bringing anxiety and stress. If you focus your energy on what you want to create, on love, harmony and peace, then that is what you will create and what will fill your life. If you choose to BE Peace and Harmony, and Live that Peace and that Harmony, then it will be!

Beloved, perhaps the biggest challenge you face in 2013 is to live and breathe the Truth of Who You Are, and therefore create Peace and Harmony in your lives. It is not enough to simply talk about it, or meditate on it; it is necessary that it be the reality that they are creating and living.

This requires total honesty about your life and your choices. Are they living the highest expression of your soul in your daily life, in your work, in your relationships? Do you practice integrity, openness and generosity? Do they treat themselves with love and respect, so that they can also treat others in this way? Do you focus on Love, Joy, Compassion and Gratitude daily? Do you allow your Higher Self to guide you as you continue the flow of Divine Love and Abundance in your life?

Do you truly allow the Divine Light to love and support you in this New Reality? Or are you determined to hold on to the "old" you in the energies of anger, depression and the disempowered "victim"?

Beloved, the choice is yours. In this New Earth your reality is always determined by your choices!

Dancing the Dream

Beloved, the way you create a New Reality and a New Future is "Dreaming" that manifest reality. Dreaming is not only a nocturnal activity, but a conscious practice in which they create a "fantasy", which is a pattern for the expression of what they wish to create. This "fantasy" can be expressed in words, color, sound, dance, poetry ... in a myriad of ways! In truth, you are all star dancers of Light, moving through Time and Space ... dancing your Reality in existence. Becoming aware of this process allows them to be Dreamers and Conscious Dancers, dancing the incoming energies in Light and Manifestation, instead of going out of balance every time there is an accelerated transmission of Light Codes and information. Try to be at the Fixed Point in the center of the Dance, where movement and non-movement become One in Perfect Balance ... then you will feel the Light and Balance of the Star Dancer in your life!

When they dream, your desires and intentions become part of the great Symphony of Creative Energies that are interwoven in the Manifestation. In the Old Third Dimension Land, where you were not Conscious Dreamers, you dreamed your fears and nightmares in manifestation as often as your love and joy. Now, beloved ones, who are awake and conscious dreamers, choose to dance the Dream of Love and Peace in Reality.

Beloved family of the Light, in the ancient cultures of Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt, where there were advanced beings who could connect with the Higher Dimensions, it was the priests and priestesses who maintained the higher frequencies in balance for the community. They did this by forming Sacred Communities and using their highly developed skills and talents to anchor the energies and the Light Codes on the Earth plane.

On the New Earth, it is you, as a family of Light, who must anchor these higher frequencies in your lives and your bodies through your own abilities and talents. And not only through meditation and healing, but also through Creativity, Joy and Dance. The priests and priestesses of the past were also poets, writers, artists, musicians, singers and dancers, who sustained the energies in what they created and in their interpretations within their communities . Beloved, we see you also learning how to dance and sing and create your dreams in a New Reality.

Create Participate imagine, these may be the keywords to live in the new, multidimensional reality of Light!


The act of imagining is, in fact, the act of creating another reality. In the past, imagination n was understood as the ability to invent something that was not real Thus, an artist or writer could imagine an alternative reality, and a film director could visually create that reality so that it seemed absolutely real. When an imagined reality is presented as a visual story, it assumes an aspect of such truth that it looks like a real, alternative world. Gradually, they are beginning to understand the relationship between imagining and telling a story and creating reality or realities, because in truth there are always multiple realities and levels of reality. Reality is never an individual construction, but the shared construction or co-creation of many people who dream and create together.

Now maybe you can see how the reality of your Earth was initially created by the Elohines. It was imagined and taken to form by the creators of the forms, the Angels Elohines, working according to the Codes of Light and the impulses from the Heart and the Divine Mind. Over time, they were joined by many other Beings of Light, who came to join the adventure of creation in time and space, until the Earth became a wonderful test laboratory for different forms of life and co-creation, all in accordance with the Divine Plan for life in the galaxy.

In this way, beloved, do you see that they were never simply the passive "creations" of a more powerful Deity? You yourselves were always part of the Dream, of Creation, the great Act of Imagination ... both the Creators and the Created! They are "dreaming" and "imagining" within the dream. They are empowered to Dream and Create, and to Manifest the New Reality together.


Then you may ask ... How do I think? What do I need to know?

First, they need to know themselves as truly Son, as powerful and empowered creators of Light.

Second, they need to imagine and dream. Imagine what they would like to create among all the many possibilities, and dream that in a story. It is your story and your creation. When they choose and believe, your story will resonate with the stories of others who have similar dreams and desires, and will come together to create together. But, they must be honest about what they want to create and what they want. If there are internal conflicts, then they will manifest a conflicting reality.

And so, beloved, as the year unfolds, you will be attracted to Dream and Create with others. It is a Time of Co-Creation ... They are never alone!

Take part

On the New Earth, beloved ones, the easiest way to share dreams and creations is… Participate!

The New Earth is about Community and Participation. It's about Co-Creation. You cannot co-create in a vacuum. You need to go out and find the people who will dream and create with you.

In the past, this group energy was sustained in temples and sacred sites. On the New Earth, you hold this energy when you come together to share, meditate, dance, sing and create. They open temporary sacred spaces that can energize dreams and bring them to manifestation.

Beloved, know that whatever place you are in is a Sacred Space when you are aware and awake. If they hold that truth in your heart and unite as a group with the intention of creating a sacred Space, then they will ignite and anchor the Energy of Creation and Manifestation through Divine Love and Divine Creative Intelligence.

Know therefore, beloved, that there really is nothing to fix, heal or save ..., just a New Reality waiting to be dreamed and manifested ... A New Dream waiting to be born!

We wish you an abundant and joyful adventure in 2013!

© 2013-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

They are free to copy, distribute and interpret this work under the following conditions: They must give the author's credit, cannot use this for commercial purposes and cannot alter, transform or reconstruct this work. For any reuse or distribution, they must clarify to others the terms of the license of this work. Any of these conditions can be ruled out if they obtain permission from the copyright holder. For any other purpose of use the author's permission must be granted.

Original title: A New Earth and a New Beginning - Dancing the Dream

Translation and publication: ~ OjS ~

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