Master Kuthumi channeled by Natalie Glasson Ascension Intentions - Part 1

  • 2016

A Golden Path to the Divine

While with Divine opportunity the understanding flourishes in your Being and the joy of sharing easily with others grows, vibrations and experiences of peace also arise from within your Being. This peace energy will have an impact in many areas and in many aspects of your Being, boosting your Ascension process and your Golden Path. Consequently, the result is the presence of change, transformation and evolution. Many Souls fear change or oppose it; However, it is his greatest wish. It is important that you allow the vibration of peace to come into your life; and be synthesized with the changes and transformations you experience. Words such as transformation are connected with discernment and spiritual experiences; However, when you experience your Ascension path, it happens in your physical body, in your physical reality and in earthly circumstances, in which you will notice alterations, differences and changes. Frequently the most feared and most opposed change is that of the physical level. What causes concern and causes struggle are not so much the transformations of your Divine Being, but the unknown impact they will have on your Earthly Being and reality.

Simply recognize within your Being the vibration of peace, natural and always present ; and send it to any fear or resistance you have regarding the change. Allow your fears to dissolve and dissolve, even when you are at peace with the course of the alterations, whether they are known or unknown. If you affirm that by connecting with discernments you discover that you are perfectly comfortable with any kind of change, I , Master Kuthumi, urge you to think again and spend time exploring it. We are often blind to our greatest resistance to our Ascension process.

"I am at peace with the course of the alterations."

With your acceptance of change you will experience joy, while your inner wisdom, guidance and intuition are also transformed, changed and altered. It is natural that your understanding of yourself is transformed; the faster you vibrate; and the more expansive your consciousness is, the more expansive your self-exploration will be. That is why it is appropriate to follow the most recent internal guidance through your Being or shared with you by another Being. Even if you align and resonate with the discernment, the most important thing is your current connection with yourself and the discernments born from your current vibration. By this I mean that if in the past you had a dream or desire for you on Earth, which was aligned with your Spiritual Path and magnified it, but that has not manifested, check to see if it is still relevant. This way you will not cling to past discernments that, although they have been positive, may have a negative impact or block your current Ascension status. It is also important that you realize whether or not you are using change as a distraction to separate your focus from your Spiritual Path. With so many changes developing within your Being, it is essential that you remain centered and only accept what brings you to harmony, balance and alignment with your Inner Essential Truth. Perhaps this means that more contemplation and attunement with your discernments is needed, to make sure that your Essence is centered on all that you are, do and experience.

"I allow my intuition to guide me, instead of being guided by the changes that manifest in my reality."

Ascension is eternal; but the way in which you ascend constantly changes and develops, altering the reality you experience. At this time your purpose and intention are to expand your understanding of Ascension, offering your Ascension path more security and foundations; as well as deepen and refine your experiences of Ascension on Earth. You may not feel that you have been traveling a beautiful and Divine Golden Path, especially if you are currently looking for where to direct the focus of your spiritual intentions and desires to evolve; However, the path you have been traveling can only be described as Golden from your Creation as a magnificent Soul. The Ascension is the title for the Golden Path that you are determined to travel, with its transitions of understanding.

On Earth and inside your Being everything is experiencing advanced stages of transition of energy, consciousness and perspective. This means that with each of your breaths everything is changing in your interior and in your environment. Never before has your breathing been so valuable. It has always sustained your physical body; Now you are creating a stable nutrition for your Essential Truth. Inhale and exhale deeply with the firm conviction in your mind that from now on your breathing is supporting a long awaited Cosmic awakening in you and that it will restore your spiritual powers. On Earth many have feared change for a long time; but this is the core of the Ascension process. It is necessary that you put yourself at peace with the course of the alterations, realizing that you do not have to go through only the waves of acceleration of consciousness. You will always be guided from the physical realms of the Earth and from the spiritual energy realms of the Inner Planes.

I inhale the Creator, I exhale the Creator; I AM the Creator.

Now we have entered the energetic vibration of the Age of Love; and in the incorporation of the energies of Venus by the Earth; In itself, this is a great achievement for Humanity and for all in the Internal Planes. On Earth, the focused energy acceleration of many has caused the Ascension to have accelerated dramatically. It is your focus on past lives and in your current life that has brought the current stage of Ascension to fruition. Your Soul has been waiting to bathe in Love, so allow yourself to enjoy the Love that flows to Earth from Venus and that awakens within you. Let each moment remind you and reinforce the Love of your Being. May Love be your focus ; not because it helps you in the Ascension, but because your Soul longs to experience and enjoy it. Allow yourself to perceive your Ascension process as a joyful and pleasant experience, for you will observe that from your Being radiates gratitude, that your energy vibration accelerates; and that your quotient of Light advances.

"I enjoy the presence of the Creator's Love in my interior and in my environment."

Another intention that supports you in your Ascension path is to be happy with your experience of your solid material reality. The awakening in the realization of the Self as a Spiritual Being sometimes creates an experience of how slow, solid and material the earthly reality can be. Your simultaneous experience of the low vibrations of the Earth and the accelerated light vibrations of the Inner Planes, can cause you to reject earthly reality. The transition between one reality and the other can become a confusing and overly intense experience. Your purpose is to create a bridge of Light between your physical reality and your Spiritual Being; this will cause a greater inner transformation that will help your Ascension; and it will create the necessary fusion for Ascension, the synthesis of the earthly aspect with the Higher Vibratory Essence of the Self that you wish to recognize within yourself. In every moment of your Human existence you are a spiritually connected Creator of Light ; and a consciousness inhabiting a physical body. Frequently the main focus is on the physical body, until a bridge is re-formed between the physical and spiritual energies of your Being; Awakened awareness and inspired understanding of yourself seep into your mind and your consciousness in a gradual integration. You will realize that the moments of awakening are repeated in numerous and diverse ways, being increasingly advanced and incorporated in your entire Being and in your life. When you recognize and visualize the bridge of Light between your Physical reality and your Spiritual Being, allowing you to see the integration of both realities, you turn them into an experience. When you make peace with experience, it improves dramatically and you feel that you are truly happy with your Physical reality on Earth. Realize that everything is the perfection of the Creator, including your physical reality and your spiritual Ascension. Your physical reality is extremely important in your Ascension process, for it is the canvas on which you express, experience and manifest the Creator.

"My life produces feelings of Joy, the reality that I live is the perfection of the Creator."

Whenever you recognize your Ascension, regardless of the intentions you choose for it, be certain that you are a Golden Being, always blessed, loved and supported, traveling a Golden Path. Your Ascension is a joyful journey of the I and an exploration of the Creator that will awaken in you realization, no matter what your focus, intention and purpose. When you discover the space of Love within your Being, your spiritual growth flows eternally while you incorporate the abundant Light of the Creator that perpetually elevates your Light Vibration. It is your numerous experiences of internal exploration, accompanied by incorporations of consciousness and understanding, that describe, create and direct your Ascension process.

"Now I incorporate the Essence of my Ascension."

I, Master Kuthumi, am present to support you at every stage of your Ascension process. When you are not clear about your Ascension Path, call me to give you clarity, understanding; and deeper connection with your Internal Essential Truth.

With eternal love,

Master Kuthumi

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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