Sacred Cosmic Initiation - Personal with Byron Romero Peña ~ June 6 and 7 in Mexico City 2015

  • 2015


Dear Being of Light:

From the Heart we greet you with Love and we are pleased to invite you to the Shocking Workshop that Evolutionary Connection has for you, with Byron Romero Peña, representative of the Cosmic School of Ecuador, who will be once again in Mexico sharing his teachings in a Mega workshop Intensive that will give you the tools you need to start the path to Conscious Evolution.

Heed the call of the Cosmos and Incorporate into Your Being these Incredible Tools that will Enable Your Potentials and Your Departure from the Limiting Collective Conscious.

The dates are as follows:

* June 06 and 07, Mar Marmara # 385 esq. Mar de la Sonda, Colonia Popotla in the Miguel Hidalgo delegation

* Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

In this two-day workshop you will live the beginning of a 9-month training in which you will experience the birth of a new consciousness.

You only have to attend in person the 2 days of the workshop, the rest of the work is done remotely with audios, readings and visualizations. You will always have contact with Byron Romero Pe a through private Facebook and email groups.

You will learn:

Different techniques of deep meditation Elimination of schedules

Receive your Star Guide Raise the vibrational frequency

Connection with the 4 elements Sanarte and open your channels

Connect with your Indoor Child Creating an output field

Activate your synapse Strengthen your energy field

Harmonization of energy

Grant forgiveness and obtain peace

Synchronization with your subconscious, conscious and your cells

And much more…

Evolutionary Connection, Mexico City

Cost: $ 3888.00 MXN

We ask you to set aside your place with a minimum of $ 500MXN and finish before Thursday June 4th, communicating with:

Cristina Rodríguez Calvo, Nancy Ayala or Hilda Garcilazo

Nextel: 25 88 63 92 * 93

Phones: 53 42 34 83 * 82 * 84


You must deposit your deposit to the account:

BBVA Bancomer


In favor of María Cristina Rodríguez Calvo

Interbank CLABE 012180004465770915

Via Oxxo 4152 3122 2863 6871

And send the deposit form or proof of payment to the email so that we send you the receipt that covers the section of your place in the event.

Let's continue strengthening the Evolutionary Connection to keep the hearts of the New Humanity together.

Infinite blessings!

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