The Syrian Brothers of Light: Active Co-Creator in the Divine Game

  • 2014

Dear 'Brothers and Sisters' of the Earth:

We are greeting you in the Love and Light of the Unity of our Being . We are the Syrian brothers and we are present in the vibration of Love and Harmony - Here and Now.

Many of you are asking - why are we, the Star Brothers, not visibly intervening with greater activity and ease in the ascension process. We would like to remind you - that only the Source itself is allowed to actively intervene in the process, and the Mother Earth itself is choosing this point in time. - when will she fully enter the phase of active and visible transformation.

There are a large number of factors involved, and if you focus on your divinity, you will recognize that the Source is within you in each of you so that They are going to start as Co-creators to influence themselves and the countryside and environment around them.

When you move to Love to the Pure Love of your heart you will feel that your power and your memory of the Source return to your consciousness. The point is that they begin to open to the Source within them from a deep internal nostalgia and begin to integrate into the divine game as co-creators voluntarily and with internal conviction.

No one but you can make this decision this decision. If you act from your own resources and your own initiative you and your being will experience a high degree of elevation of your Divine presence which is always present in you Appreciating All That Is Unity.

It is not our job to convince them with words Our job is rather to warmly remind them of Love and Harmony in themselves. All of us are travelers who are on their way back to Home to the Infinite Source to the I AM of origin. We are all Divine Beings of Love and the I AM Light, and in the depths of our hearts we are always One.

We are the Syrian Brothers of the Light.

With Love, Joy and Unity .. Shogun Amona

German to English translation: Petra ST


Brothers Syrians of Light: Co- Active Creator in the Game Divine

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