Who is Elisabeth Kubler Ross?

  • 2015

Elisabeth Kubler Ross was a writer and doctor (psychiatrist) pioneer in the study of death and people who are close to leaving this plane, was consecrated as a global expert on the subject of death and her study ( tanatology ) to take care and cure the possible pain and hopelessness of the dying person and his family and friends.

Kübler Ross, who had more than twenty honorary doctorates. He wrote about death in his books; one of them, entitled: The wheel of life which is an autobiographical text. The author also of the work: About death and the dying, makes us wonder how to face our own death ?. And what can we do to help the terminally ill.

Throughout her thirteen written works, she exposes her K bler-Ross model, in addition to laying the foundations for the current palliative care, so that the patient faces the fact of death with serenity, dignity, and as she explained, even with joy. Elisabeth Kubler Ross lived with dying people for a long time, taking care of them and helping them, being an example of life. He was also a lecturer on this subject for a long time.

Elisabeth, who lived in New York also helping the mentally ill, and who died in 2004 at seventy-eight years of age, investigated near-death experiences, being recognized as an authority figure in that matter. Thus, his legacy remains standing, reminding us of death as a transition from existence, where it does not end. Knowing how to manage the stage of mourning and elevating our earthly plane to the spiritual one, achieving an awakening of conscience, is perhaps one of the first fruits of his research.

She was spokesperson for a whole spiritual movement, helping to understand and manage the loss in its different facets, which are usually: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance n, respectively and generally, in that order. His texts talk about how to help the patient to die well, what to do and what not to do at that stage of agony. On this very interesting topic of grief, you can find on our site, elisabeth kubler ross pdf files for free .

Panic, pact and acceptance, are three stages that almost always appear before the duel that comes with death, but there is much to understand and more to change, about our way of seeing death . Elisabeth was a great human being as well as an excellent doctor, who left a lot of message in her books. Thus, as a doctor - scientist, Kubler Ross went on to investigate death beyond the rational and transferred his studies, despite many detractors, to a more spiritual level, but always with foundations. She herself said: "I should distrust my scientific behavior and even degrade myself if I published only with the intention of pleasing the general opinion."

Elisabeth says there is communication with the patient even if he cannot speak. She says there are four things that can be done by accompanying a dying person: listen carefully and without judgment, accept, stay by her side and be in communication with him or her. And to really listen, requires leaving aside our affairs, having inner calm to transmit to the sick, who is thus released, of their own pending issues.

Sitting at the head of a dying person is a gift; Our best teacher. From there we will leave more whole, more enriched . ” Elisabeth Kubler Ross.

Author: Team of editors of hermandadblanca.org


Who is Elisabeth Kubler Ross?

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