The Reopening of Vibratory Dowsing

  • 2016

An ancient art for

Recover the Unity of our Being

Vibratory Dowsing, also called Physical Dowsing is an ancient practice that was reintroduced in this field of research mainly by French and Swiss downers in the 30s of the last century.

We can follow in the footsteps of this ancestral knowledge to Ancient Egypt, and even beyond, at a remote time not included in the History that is known to us.

The tools used today in vibrational Radiestesia, such as pendulums and special objects that base their properties on the shapes, proportions and the radiesthetic colors among others, allow us to open ourselves to an ocean of vibrations that is part of us and in which we are immersed .

We could say that an abyss separates Mental Dowsing from Vibratory Dowsing, but we know that both branches of this same Tree of Knowledge need to be reintegrated and united if we wish to take our practice one step further, into the future of this art and ancient science.

The quantitative and qualitative nature of all research needs to go hand in hand if we intend to access the deepest secrets hidden in Nature, Life and in ourselves.

In the last millennia we have lived in a system of dominance of the left hemisphere, where the quantitative nature of things was considered a priority over the knowledge that came from the right hemisphere of our brains, that which allowed us to feel, perceive the quality of objects, the beings, the situations.

It is very interesting to see how this division between quantity and quality reflects the division between the sexes, between the masculine and the feminine, giving rise to long periods in history where the male dominance or matriarchal hegemony alternated.

I personally trust in the holistic nature of the Mind, the Psyche, the Spirit and it is from that inner knowledge that I feel that we have to harmonize the mental and vibrational dowsing, as a way of reunifying, returning to our own uniqueness, thus accessing our full original capabilities.

When we use our pendulums, we perform much more than a simple search or transformation. When we use our pendulums holistically, we are healing the fragmentation of our psyche, reunifying what was long ago separated, divided and fragmented due to intolerance and ignorance.

For those with talent in Mental Dowsing, they may need to further develop their feminine nature to feel, perceive qualities rather than quantities. Measuring is an act that can be considered a masculine trait in all of us. We use numbers, calculate, add, divide, multiply, count. Very interesting studies were made in the United States in the 60s in factories where female operators manipulated gold by dosing it in a very precise way. The studies carried out showed that women workers during their menstruation phase dosed "badly" the amount of this metal (towards excess, thus losing money to the company). The factory management chose to give vacations to all their menstruating workers a few days off because they found it cheaper to offer them that free time than the money they would lose due to incorrect gold quantifications. In other words, they gave them vacations until their mental capacity returned to their maximum degree of quantitative precision, that is, the domain of their left hemisphere.

Vibrating Dowsing is a branch that connects deeply with our feminine nature. Being able to feel the nuances and subtleties of the ocean of vibrations in which we live opens us to a deep aspect of ourselves. This opening is not free from challenges because we have all numbed our receptive feminine nature by choosing again and again the pro-active and masculine ways of prevailing in modern society.

Dowsing is much more than a pendulum movement here and there. The very forces of Creation, Duality and Uniqueness join us when we move our pendulums.

Developing our senses of inner perception, being able to detect and perceive the subtle differences and nuances in that infinite ocean of vibrations is not the exclusive task of psychics or a magical practice. and obscurantist open to a few initiated or talented. It is an ancient science and an art that was lost in time and needs to be restored to its rightful place.

Vibrating and Mental Dowsing can help us to awaken our consciousness and immerse ourselves, with full attention, in that vibratory ocean hitherto unknown to our most mental aspect, but perceived and felt by our feminine side and our Unconscious.

You may remember, in the depths of your bones, a time when language itself carried the vibratory nature of its meaning. When we knew the vibratory effect of our words, we became aware of the consequences of our actions, because we could feel them, see them, perceive them.

The world is on the edge of the precipice of destruction because we have been unable to see, feel and perceive the consequences of our actions.

Such is my mission in dowsing: help create a bridge that brings our psyches, our cerebral hemispheres together, our thinking, our feelings, perceiving. Return to Unity, to our true essence through the practice of Dowsing.

Barbara Meneses

Dowser, complementary therapist

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