Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness Workshop for children and adolescents in Barcelona March 27 and 28

  • 2015

Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness workshop for children and adolescents

A workshop for children aged between 4 to 12 years old. With the exclusive use of their imagination, children will embark on a wonderful inner journey in which they will learn the power of relaxation and creativity, and in which they will discover an important treasure: themselves!

With meditation children find a few minutes to connect with their heart and listen to it. You can find answers to questions that concern you, it is a way to balance and manage your emotions.

Children feel calm and relaxed, so they are very positive especially in those cases of children with hyperactivity or attention deficit.

The practice of mindfulness in children has shown its effectiveness on certain mental disorders, in addition to contributing to the development and well-being of the child. It improves their learning, attention, creativity and academic performance. They can concentrate better and ignore distractions. It helps them regulate their emotions, find tranquility and balance when they feel angry, distressed, upset and feel m It is safe.

With Yoga we will become aware of the body itself, develop the capacity for attention and concentration, and important aspects such as relaxation and breathing.

The activity takes place on Saturday or Sunday.

Place: Barcelona (Spain)

Date: Saturday 28 and / or Sunday, March 29, 2015

Schedule divided by ages:

10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Group of 4 to 8 years

12.00 to 13.00. Group from 9 to 12 years old

Open group teenagers.

The maximum duration is 1 hour.

It is divided by ages.

Assist with comfortable clothes, a blanket, cushion.

Small groups of up to 7 children.


If you are interested write me: or

Individual Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness classes at the child and / or family level, a fun way to share an activity with your child!

Ask me!

Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness Workshop for children in Barcelona March 27 and 28

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