Love, money and evolution? Esoteric Tarot is the solution

  • 2016

Have you ever heard of the letters that reveal the future ? Don't you know how to attract the loved one? The Esoteric Tarot? You have the solution in your hands, the tarot is the best divinatory practice that can help you resolve the conflicts that arise day by day, it also reveals the past, present and future .

Learning to identify it is very simple, since it is characterized by cards that are longer than the currents and consist of 78 cards formed by numbers and symbolic figures. If on many occasions you feel that you can no longer, the problems absorb you to the point that you can not find the solution, because here is the answer to all your questions.

Consult the Esoteric Tarot and solve all your problems

The first thing you should do is select an honest person with extensive experience in the subject, because it must be read with spontaneity, precision, in a simple way and without fantasies. Do not forget that the person who interprets the tarot is called a reader, seer or tarotist, and the person waiting for the answer is the consultant . When you go to consult you, it is recommended that you clear all your doubts, the problems you want to solve and the concerns that affect you so that the reader can help you more easily and assertively.

By virtue of this, at the time of starting the horoscope the consultant mixes the cards of the Esoteric Tarot, if he is a man with the right hand but if he is a woman with the left hand, because they impregnate the magnetism of the consultant. It is worth noting that each reader has their own method of interpretation. I tell you that this technique of divination has its mysteries because after the consultation, the letters are stored wrapped in a silk cloth or cloth, purple, then in a wooden box to discard any magnetism, and should be protected in the immediate vicinity of the tarotista's head no more than two meters.

Often we usually see tarotists in the squares or parks, consulting people, because this divination practice must be done in a closed place and previously prepared for the seer to reach the maximum concentration . It is essential that in that space there is a lit candle of red, violet or white, it will be the tarotist's decision to select the color of the candle according to its sensitivity.

Another element that can not be missing is the lit fuming, myrrh incense can be used, which will be placed on the table and next to the door where the person to be consulted comes in and out, also they must smoke the handkerchief where the tarot and cards are stored. Some tarotists usually have a religious or symbolic figure at the time of making their esoteric consultations .

Another very special mystery of this method of divination that you must know is that the Esoteric Tarot cards should not be lent, nor allowed to be touched by anyone except for the one being consulted when they should be cut. . Always keep in mind that the tarot is an instrument of magic.

If you really want to solve your problems with the help of the Esoteric Tarot, you should not attend a consultation when the sky presents cloudiness or storm weather this attracts negative energies that will cause you emotional, intellectual stagnation, moral, material and spiritual. It is a mystery the world of divination through the tarot, since its cards are very complete to reveal everything through the major arcana that are 22 and symbolize the spiritual and physical strength of the individual as ailments, death, diseases, strength, love, power, courage, struggles, religion and wars.

Each card has a divinatory representation, in addition they have a positive meaning if they are shown straight and a negative one if they are extracted or presented inverted. Now, the minor arcana are made up of 56 cards that are divided into: bastos, which symbolize progress, agriculture, creation, peace and work, cups, which represent joy, love and deep feelings, swords, interpret authority, strength, transformation and courage, gold, symbolize money, profits, financial matters and inheritances. Definitely there you find the solution to all your affairs.

Moments to request the reading of the Esoteric Tarot

Before making any determination: If you are thinking about a major life change but still have uncertainty about it, ask for an Esoteric Tarot reading, as this can be very useful to indicate if the time is right to carry out the determination that You asked yourself or have to wait a little longer. However, you will not remain alone with that answer, because it is possible that the consultation may reveal something that you have not had in mind, such as having a new economic project, a juicy job offer, a job promotion, a new love at the door or any luck that comes close to you

Without penalty, ask the cards if there is any perspective on the situation you are overlooking, since the Tarot has the uniqueness of being functional.

If you cannot leave a certain situation that afflicts you psychologically: It is evident that we live in a world full of people who have a lot of evil, so when you work in an environment where toxic interpersonal relationships develop, such as envy, gossip, discord, hostility and bad energies, or you don't know how to deal with individuals that intrinsically affect you, you are undoubtedly in a bad moment, which generates stress, takes away the focus of what you set out to do, and you can't visualize the solutions, then ! The time has come to resort to the Esoteric Tarot !

Always keep in mind that it is an excellent tool to determine if you are being harmed by witchcraft or spells, if so, an evil entity immediately leans back and absorbs your energy and that is when you begin to experience very negative feelings of discouragement, depression, fear and sadness inexplicably, do not think more! Go to this method of divination to find the right solution and eradicate the damage.

When you have not been successful in making decisions: Undoubtedly, the best option is to consult a therapist, in conjunction with an Esoteric Tarot reading because you can have closed roads and it becomes difficult to achieve the proposed objectives, since they do not progress and those that are almost reached that way you put effort to collapse. In this the tarot reading really stands out and is powerful.

When you're wrong when making a hasty decision: Not all decisions made impulsively are bad, sometimes situations force you to take a risk and you know it. However, once this decision is made, the Esoteric Tarot can guide you with excellent rituals so that you can find a way to minimize the risks and consequences, or even appropriate these risks and make them work in your favor.

When you face a danger: The most convenient thing is to consult the Esoteric Tarot for good guidance and advice, if the decision is excessively rigorous, try to be obedient and follow the guidelines . In this case it is not the tarologist who decides for you, it is you who makes the decision according to the level of faith and belief you have .

When you want to know about the future of your love life: To verify if your partner really loves you, overcome distancing, frigidity, arguments during sexual intercourse, sexual problems and tie your partner, going to the esoteric Tarot is the way to the solution. Undoubtedly there are dark energies that achieve love imbalance in couples, but the tarotist has the ability to cleanse you and remove all bad influences after interpreting the message of the arcana, each of the tarot queries is a means of growth staff, which helps you to mature those aspects that you can not fit properly. This is one of the most frequent causes of esoteric consultation.

When it comes to illness: In this case people ask about their state of health or that of any family member who is ill , they seek help for recovery and if they have a terminal illness they want to know if there is a possibility of improvement or on the contrary death awaits, it is necessary that the consultant is prepared for any response.

However, many people feel headaches, anxiety, anguish, lack of concentration, bone or joint pain, burning eyesight, smell of garbage, excrement, dead flowers, rotten, have nightmares, do not fall asleep, feel that touch them, dream of deceased people, beware of that! Because they are indications that the astral body is being attacked, then you must focus on a more spiritual life that leads you to evolution, stability and firmness.

When you lack the money: Many times it happens that the money enters and leaves, it becomes salt and water, you have trouble canceling outstanding debts, new debts are produced, everything is complicated by lack of money, resort to the stars and request rituals that you can Practice to get money. They say over there that everything in excess falls badly, because if you depend all the time on the Esoteric Tarot consultations, you will not be able to experience the personal growth that is so lacking and try that these practices do not become an addiction difficult to leave.

It is worth noting that the Esoteric Tarot is a tool to guide you through the difficult moments that life presents to you, you just have to be open to the message that the cards give you.

Meet the best rituals of the Esoteric Tarot

To get fast money, what you must follow to the letter these rituals that are effective to attract money and solve the economic problems that bind you, just have to take Car at home, as it is the main ingredient. Pay close attention!

In a heat- resistant container, place some coals, ignite them and begin to travel throughout the house, in each space add a spoonful of sugar on the burning coal, and make the request, allow Let the smoke invade the environment .

Another easy and safe way that the Esoteric Tarot offers you is to place white sugar to the serene of the night with some coins inside, but you must make sure that the moon is not in Waning, when passing the night, remove the coins and throw them anywhere on the floor of your house, the third day remove the sugar from the serene and place it anywhere in your kitchen, before 13 d Then the money will arrive, when this happens, withdraw the coins and drop the sugar.

If what you want is to get money and also keep debts away you should look for a recent square glass (should not be round) on each of its faces on the outer side, paste a small mirror, ( this will it will help to keep away any bad energy from things related to money ), inside the container place earth (and you are saying so that the debts do not cover my life), then place salt ( you say to absorb the negativity ), then place ground coffee (so that many opportunities for prosperity and money come to me), a rolled and tied bill with your hair, 3 silver and 3 gold coins ( to attract money ), now fill the jar with sugar and cover it, light a white candle and a green candle, put masking tape or any security seal on the lid to avoid uncovering and keeping your amulet well.

To get bad luck out of your life, the primary ingredient will be the egg because of its great absorption power and its extraordinary mastery for cleaning, because it breaks all witchcraft, sorcery, powders, trancas and others, being white magic the Esoteric Tarot considers it as a primary element. Ejecting bad luck from your life is something you can do, without looking for someone else.

You must have an egg, a brown paper bag, a piece of black cloth, a glass or plastic box with its respective lid, a lock and a chain. Attention with the procedure! You should only perform the ritual when the moon is in its waning phase, any day, but it must be before 12 noon, you can not make use of the eggs you have at home, buy it exclusively for that.

Insert the egg into the paper bag and tie it on top with the piece of black cloth, under the bed just where you sleep, place it, then for 9 nights you take out the egg and clean your whole body putting it back in place, very carefully so that the egg does not break, the bag with the egg must be put inside the box, cover it and roll it well with a metal chain, place the padlock, vote the key in a stream of water and the box bury it deep in A place far from your home, get away without looking back. Super easy and simple to do . So get to work, wait for the moon ...

To clean the negative energy, surely on more than one occasion you feel that your world is paralyzed, you have an obstacle that does not let you evolve, or simply things do not go well even if you put effort and effort, you put positive mind but no matter how much Try it seems that everything is destined to go wrong .

It is there when you need to clean the negative energy . Since all that symptomatology you feel is the reflection that your energy field is loaded with negativity first product of the environment and second because of your cause, even if unconsciously you generate obstacles and barriers in the sentimental, economic, labor, physical aspects ... but this It has a solution, you just have to renew your energy field and get your aura to shine again brightly, following this cult offered by the Esoteric Tarot .

The day you want it before going to bed, you take a shower with a kilo of coarse salt, you should take a bath without getting wet, start to rub the salt with circular movements starting with the head and then the rest of the body, until you reach the feet, it is necessary that you do not get wet, just remove the thick grains with your hand and go to sleep with that fine salt powder until the morning, when you wake up you must shower very well to complement the cleaning, and you must understand that while you slept there was a transmutation of the negative energies that surrounded you, by the positive ones.

It is convenient to do it one day for three consecutive weeks, then once a month, never forget that salt is an immense natural source to clean and an impetuous catalyst that gives you the good vibes, then you will begin to feel that things are evolving.

Possessing an amulet for abundance, it is the ambition of many people so that their things flow mainly money, to make the amulet you will need whole nutmeg, powdered herbs (the ones you find) such as laurel, cinnamon, basil, almond, mint, a green candle, gold or silver paper and a drill. Now to work!

Light the green candle, with a thin wick, take the drill and open a hole in the nutmeg with good depth, if you involuntarily leave your hand and go through it completely, do not be alarmed, then it will be sealed with a little wax, the important thing is that it does not break, once the hole is opened, place a very small spark of the components you have, a crumb of each of the herbages, take the candle and pour a little wax to seal the hole, making sure so that it is extremely sealed so that the herbs do not get out, then place the sealed nut inside a piece of gold or silver metallic paper and close the paper tightly wrapping the nut.

Now you must keep the amulet in the same place where you have the money, you can also load it in your wallet, in the savings drawer or in your safe or in another place where there is money.

Amulet for fast money, this can be made so that the money arrives quickly and safely in your hands, the main element to create it is the same money, take a ticket , white paper, glue, 6 coins, a little pepper white, basil, thyme, 2 nutmeg, cinnamon, ribbon, a string, rope, thick green thread, a green cloth bag, grab the bill and use it as a format to cut 12 equal-sized bills on the white paper .

The same thing you are going to do with the coins, you will take out 12 then grab the real bill and paste on one side 3 coins in the shape of a triangle, flip the bill and paste the other 3 coins by changing the triangle, wait for the glue to dry and put the bill with the coins stuck inside the bag and incorporate the coins and bills you cut with the white paper, add the herbs, tie the bag with the green string making 12 knots, these represent the months of the year, bury in your patio, garden or vase the little bag amulet.

This amulet has a duration of one year, the next year you can recreate it. Do not be left with the uncertainty of knowing if it works or not dare to elaborate it with faith and you will check its effectiveness .

To distance a person, because every day you find subjects that entangle your existence, they interfere in family or work issues, usually negative, toxic, complicated and cumbersome people who with their ways of acting disturb the joy, to tranquility and inner peace . You see, as the Esoteric Tarot gives you tools to distance those people, you will see that they stop bothering you, they will be dominated and calm.

For this spell you need a purple candle, a spoonful of sea salt, a yellow candle, a black candle, a chicken or chicken feather, black pepper and half a cup of olive oil. You start by lighting the triangle-shaped candles, without interest in the arrangement of the 3 colors, place a container with olive oil, pepper and salt, in the middle of the triangle, after having consumed the candles, place the Wax remains in the bowl, take the chicken or rooster pen and the bowl.

You should take these with you and in a strategic place directly related to the person (such as the floor in front of your work desk, at the door of the house, in your vehicle or in a garment ) moisten the pen with the concoction and put it on the table or door it marks an X and at the same time you say: Return to me everlasting ( I never want to see you by my side) the spell ends up burying the feather and the concoction away from your house .

Another spell to distance a person easily and without discord is looking for a white ink corrector of course, a few bits of grass, a sheet of black paper, 7 pins and then write on the black paper with white ink: I give you to the person who has stolen my peace and tranquility. Let the grass grow at your door and the fox nest among the rocks of your house.

(Then write the person's name here ) Locate the grass blades inside the paper and fold it in four, then hold it through the 7 pins and finally throw it at the person's entrance door.

With these two rituals to distance a person, you can keep toxic people at bay, prevent them from bothering you and even get them away and finally leave you alone . I clarify they are not spells to cause harm to people who offer you the Esoteric Tarot just to nullify their attitude and proceed.

To sweeten with honey, it is ideal to sweeten anyone, especially your loved one, it is simple and practical but I assure you that it will transform your man, you will see him more affectionate, attentive, sweet and romantic, you will see that he is one of the oldest in the history of Esoteric Tarot, but it is also one of the most efficient and safe .

For this spell we will need 2 rose petals, bread bag paper, pencil, 1 bottle of pure honey, 2 magnetized stones, 1 red candle, love oil to impregnate the candle and most importantly , elements of the body of the man such as: nails, hair, blood, semen, etc.) Then we elaborate the spell as follows pay attention to each step:

Organize the brown paper bag, transcribe 5 successions of the name of the man you are pursuing to sweeten, then turn the paper to 90º and clearly write your full names and surnames, it intersects with the name and surname of your sweetie, then you will write it in 3 sequences in the same way, around the crossed names write all your desires very explicitly forming a circle, continuously and without leaving empty space, be very clear that you should not cross the t or cross the body parts, you must make your wishes in order forms for example: think call me help me help me protect myself in mind .

If you happen to lift the pencil when writing or just do not write without separating, discard the paper and start again, it is essential that it is perfect, then you must place on the paper the missing elements such as magnetized stones, rose petals and the elements extracted from the body of the man, fold the paper towards your body, while you do that you are saying your desires aloud, fold it again and so on until you have folded all the paper, uncover the jar of honey bees, take it out a little so that when you insert the paper it does not overflow.

Then taste some honey and you will say clearly and with great concentration this vigorous ritual “I can hold and sweeten the person I love in the same way that this honey is sweet for me, so sweet you will be for me” (pronounces the name of the man that you are sweetening), bear in mind that before making a spell or spell you have to hold your breath calmly, your soul in peace, your very positive thoughts, in order to achieve a magnificent spiritual energy, and so your spells will be much more powerful

You must do it three times, that is, you will pronounce the spell aloud and taste the honey, deeply insert the paper into the jar and cover it very well, impregnate the candle with the love oil, then catch it on the lid of the jar, you must repeat this last step on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until he has achieved that the man has become fond of and sweetened with you absolutely. On frequent occasions I have observed the jar completely covered with melted candles, this is a totally safe spell.

To sweeten with sugar, any kind of sweet substance can be used, it can be syrup, sugar, molasses, honey or paper, although certain people are a little more susceptible and receptive to sugar than to honey, now take note of the ingredients that are 2 cups of sugar, 1 piece of bread bag, 1 plastic bottle half filled with water and 1 pencil, let's start writing on the paper the name of the person you want to sweeten, make all your requests out loud, insert the paper into the jar with the water and sugar, cover the jar and then store it.

To sweeten with oil, it is super simple, get a small glass container with a lid, love oil, sugar and 1 photo of the man you are going to sweeten, take the container and add the sugar and 3 drops of love oil, select A safe place to place the photo and on top of the photo the jar with the sugar and loudly entrust your wishes and requests.

To sweeten with a pacifier, it is a more practical and discreet spell that you can propose the Esoteric Tarot. Take a red pacifier, a pencil and hair of the man who is going to be sweetened, uncover the pacifier, put the hair around, issue your requests aloud in a leisurely and clear way, place the wrapper back to the pacifier and carry it everywhere In your wallet or pocket and under your projections and loving energies it will take effect.

To reveal personality, it is widely used. It is very common to get people with double personality, that is to say they appear one thing when they are really another, as it really is a person is perfect to show those who are exhibited in one way but are another in substantivity, through the ritual will reveal its true nature in view of the whole world discovering the imposter.

We all know individuals like that, people who show themselves in one way and have acceptance and dominion over others, through traps and deceptions when they really are of a dark condition that they keep very well hidden . Through this ritual the Esoteric Tarot will help you to reveal your true nature by making everyone really know you, what will you need? Three white candles, a white egg, a strong marker, a glass jar, a very thin sheet of paper.

Then analyze the procedure, look for a sheet of paper that is extremely thin, as translucent as you can get, on one of the faces draw a simple human figure, containing its head, trunk and extremities, then write at your feet the name of the person you aspire to discover, on the back of the page, write a list of all the negative and reserved aspects that you want to reveal and put in evidence in the sight of others write how it appears to be and how It is really.

You can turn the sheet again and write the same thing again, but this time on the person, planting on his forehead if you really want to, the most outstanding feature, what you You are interested in discovering, then make a triangle with the white candles, large enough for the sheet of paper to fit in the center, turn them on, grab the sheet of paper in your hands and col Put it against the light of the candle flames, so that you can observe the front and what is written behind, then with a lot of concentration you say: This is how crystalline will see you Yes, so everyone will see you, what is ahead and what is behind. The truth. This is you. May everyone discover you. So be it.

Now place the sheet of paper in the center of the candle triangle, grab the white egg and with the same marker draw an eye, you must do it in a simple way but notice that it is an open eye, looking, the personify egg to people watching, discovering and observing the authentic nature of this person you want to unmask, place the egg on the sheet of paper in the middle of the candle triangle, and leave everything there until the three candles are consume and turn off alone.

If there are any remains of candle wax, insert them into the glass jar, roll the sheet of paper so that it fits inside the jar and put it in it, then place the egg inside the jar, trying that the drawn eye always looks at the paper, you can leave the jar open, you do not need to cover it, however if you want to put its lid on you can do it, this will not affect the spell to reveal the person, the spell already It is launched and people can begin to discover who the person really is.

If at any time you want to strengthen these evidences, light a white candle frequently next to the jar, leave there the necessary time until the truth has come afloat, if you want to undo the spell, burn the sheet of paper and cast everything else in the trash, this spell to discover the true personality of a subject, may take a while, but without a doubt sooner or later everything will be revealed and the truth will be shown to everyone.

If you have someone you want to unmask, this is one of the most effective rituals that you can do. Then, with faith ahead, get to work! Take advantage of these riches that allow you to change difficulties and obstacles for spirituality, faith and good vibes.

Undoubtedly, if you want evolution, love and money, the Esoteric Tarot is the path you must travel, remember that this old habit of divination and magic gives quite accurate results, it is very sacred, and its language is so extensive that it transmits too much information and reveals the present, past and future ... never forget that destiny only made the cards and you are the one who should play them.

Editor: JoT333

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