REC3 - Meditation August 2015 - Virgo Full Moon “I am the Mother and the Son, I am God, I am matter”

  • 2015

Love, will and harmony through conflict are the controlling influences that make human beings what they really are, Cristos en cerne. Love, will and harmony through conflict. These three attributes manifest themselves through Virgo as controlling forces that work together to help make people what they truly are, children of God. These attributes are released through Virgo in the consciousness of humanity when we can literally serve with self-denial through a dedicated will, with a harmlessness that is love in action and through a correct to speak that is mental balance and harmony, excluding any way of speaking inconsiderate or harmful. These are three main characteristics of the new group of servers in the world, which embody the love and light needed in today's world. When his presence manifests in us, we have made good progress on the way of revealing the Christ principle, the soul.

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The main objective of the REC3 is to facilitate the opening of consciousness and help raise the vibration, both individually and collectively.



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How to meditate and send energy in the REC3?

1) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we will breathe deeply a minimum of three times, repeating mentally SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

2) We must open the sacred space of meditation and irradiation for REC3, for this we will light a candle and incense and then recite “The Great Invocation of Master Djwhal Khul”.

3) We will invoke the Ascended Masters that we propose below to protect and guide us during meditation and energy service.

4) In order to focus on the energy that we will radiate during meditation we recommend visualizing the colors, symbols and energies proposed below. We will offer all the energy to the Masters to send it through the REC3 where necessary.

5) While we meditate, we will listen to the “Individual Balance Meditation” audio and follow the rhythm in which the mantrams are sung: 10 OHMs + 24 GAYATRI + silences

The Great Invocation, by Master Djwhal Khul
The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated into more than 75 languages ​​and dialects. It is an instrument of power to help the Plan of God on Earth to have full expression. The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in that it expresses certain essential truths, which all men accept innate and normally. You can find out more information about the Great Invocation on the following page:

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,
Let light flow to the minds of men;
May the Light descend to Earth.
From the point of Love in the Heart of God,
May love flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
That the purpose guides the small wills of men;
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.
From the center we call the race of men,
May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
That the Light, Love and Power
Restore the Plan on Earth.
From Master Djwhal Khul or Tibetan Master.
Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin

BOOKING LINK: meditacion_equilibrio.mp3




Mantram OHM


*** NOTE: For any questions about meditation or the grid contact us on this page:


Keynote: "I am the Mother and the Son, I am God, I am matter."

As we consider the possible work this month during the Festival in Virgo, remember that we are working in meditation together with hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. These meditators, working individually or in groups, together establish the approach to the Hierarchy during the Full Moon and become receptive as a world group to the current of available energy and create the necessary effects.

Therefore, in order to participate fully in this planetary service, it is necessary that, by preparing to meditate, we become a conscious part of this large and growing service group. We can do it very simply through the power of thought. We consciously link with this illuminated center of meditation and identify with it. Thus, our own work is highlighted by the group while we make our contribution,

We must also remember an essential fact that resides after the work we can do at the time of the Full Moon. "From the point of view of esoteric truth, the constellations, signs of the zodiac and the planets are simply Incarnate lives:" Lives manifesting through the forms of planets and constellations "and" the expression of life, quality, purpose and intention of the Beings that have brought you to the manifestation ”.

The energies qualified by these "embodied lives" flow sequentially through our solar system, across the planet and to the field of human consciousness. They reach their highest point at the time of the Full Moon, when the shape of the moon is out of the way and there is a direct and unobstructed alignment between the earth and the sun, our source of life and energy.

This month, the Virgo constellation energy is qualifying the extraplanetary forces that circulate around us. Virgo is the material or maternal principle, feeding the seed of the divinity present in the heart of every human being. Virgo provides the conditions of darkness, heat and stillness necessary for all gestation. Virgo has accepted the task of giving birth to Christ, which is the final destination of every human being.

There are a number of key ideas that emerge when studying the possibilities inherent in the Virgo experience. One is this: "Virgo concerns the entire goal of the evolutionary process of protecting, feeding and, finally, revealing the hidden spiritual reality." This is the soul, the Christ, the principle of love: "Christ in us, life expectancy." This is a dramatic statement, but one that embodies the truth about Virgo's mission. In this second solar system, the evolutionary goal for humanity is to bring the inner principle of the soul, the Christ, to a full and perfect manifestation. This second solar system still has millions of years to go and, although we might consider that we have plenty of time, it is currently something urgent because now, due to the achievement of certain individuals of the human kingdom, the entire humanity can make decisive progress. These special opportunities always occur at decisive moments in history, such as those we are going through today.

In this process of revelation of the soul, Virgo's influence is of enormous importance due to the quality and spiritual potential of matter, which defends, nourishes and protects until the time of its appearance arrives. Currently humanity has reached that point where the first signs of manifestation are apparent. Hence the struggle, hence the conflict between the customary control of matter or materialism and the emerging new values ​​of the inner Christ in the human soul.

Then, another key statement: "The end of humanity is to make tangible and objective, that for which the entire creative process was intended." This is involved with the redemptive process. We should be able, through the influence of the soul, of the Christ in us, to redeem the purely material aspects of our personality nature, to refine the material form so that it can reflect, as a translucent center of light, radiation, the beauty and love of the inner soul.

This is the true purpose of creation, the redemption of dense material substance through the power of the soul that human beings themselves must invoke, direct and apply. There is no other means other than through the consciousness of humanity in constant expansion and its redemptive effect on the substance of the planet as a whole.

There is another key idea: "Throughout the process of growth and evolution and, powerfully in Virgo, the theme of service runs." The service underlies the evolutionary process of this planet. We can consciously cooperate with this process as we learn to live more by the dictates of the soul and less by the demands of the personality. But the effort towards cooperation is not for our own benefit. We would all be better personally if we had redeemed our personalities and learned to live, even if only a little, as souls in manifestation, but the essential purpose is that, through s of these expansions and growth of consciousness, we can provide greater service to all humanity. Service is not a planned and artificial activity, nor does it necessarily consist in participating in worthwhile actions, although this is also necessary, but as one is able to reflect the energy of the soul in each aspect of daily life, not only transforms the environment, but acts as a transmuting agent in the heart of humanity. It also serves to contribute to the transfiguration of the entire human personality by the power of the human soul. Thus, service, in its true meaning, is a spontaneous effect of soul control, based on the love of humanity. Love and service are inseparable qualities in the life of the soul and in the effort that the soul makes to express itself more perfectly through the personality form. In Virgo we can develop this demonstration of love as a correct relationship and as a service, as an attribute of love.

Love, will and harmony through conflict are the controlling influences that make human beings what they really are, Cristos en cerne. Love, will and harmony through conflict. These three attributes manifest themselves through Virgo as controlling forces that work together to help make people what they truly are, children of God. These attributes are released through Virgo in the consciousness of humanity when we can literally serve with self-denial through a dedicated will, with a harmlessness that is love in action and through a correct to speak that is mental balance and harmony, excluding any way of speaking inconsiderate or harmful. These are three main characteristics of the new group of servers in the world, which embody the love and light needed in today's world. When his presence manifests in us, we have made good progress on the way of revealing the Christ principle, the soul.

The keynote for the disciple in Virgo, which we can use as seed thought in meditation is: I am the Mother and the Son, I am God, I am matter. Eventually, we can say: I am spirit and matter and the relationship between the two. I am life, love and light. I am unity and diversity.


Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

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