How esoteric contributes to the plan of salvation

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE Unit 1: Save Our Souls Learning Object 1: The Laws of Salvation

The theme of salvation is as old as the same ages and has always been a matter of research and experimentation. But the correct use of the forces for salvation and the power to heal is in its infancy. Only in this age and generation, it is possible, finally, to impart the laws of magnetic healing and indicate the causes of the disease - originated in the three internal bodies - that today devastate the human structure, cause endless suffering and pain, and make man go through the portal that leads to the world of disembodied existence.

As we well know, there is no wrathful God, hell or vicarious atonement. There is only one great principle of love that animates the entire universe; there is the Presence of Christ, indicating to humanity the reality of the soul and that we are saved by the experience of that soul, and that the only hell that exists is the earth itself, where we learn to work for our own salvation, driven by the principle of love and light and impelled by the example of Christ and the inner yearning of our own soul.

As the misconceptions disappear, the concept of hell will be eliminated from the mind of man and replaced by the understanding of the law that makes man achieve his own salvation on the physical plane, which will lead to correct the evils committed during their lives on earth and that will allow you to "clean your own board".


  • Establish relationships between the three internal bodies of the human being.
  • Establish differences between risks and protection, health and education.
  • Define salvation in relation to protection, prevention and promotion.


“Every disease is the result of the inhibition of soul life. The art of the healer consists in liberating the soul, so that his life can flow through the conglomerate of organisms that constitute the body. ”

SOS is the most commonly used distress signal internationally. Popularly, it is believed that this signal means “Save Our Ship” (“Save Our Ship”), “Save Our Souls” (“Save Our Souls”) or “Send Out Succour” (“Send Relief” ). However, SOS is not the acronym of any phrase and was selected for its simplicity. However, some researchers believe that SOS is the acronym for the phrase "if opus sit": "immediate relief is necessary." In Spanish the acronym for Save Our Souls will be SNA referring to the Autonomous Nervous System.


Elijah is an art dealer who was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, this disease causes his bones and joints to weaken, making his skeleton extremely fragile and somewhat deformed. Having spent a third of his life in hospital beds, Elijah noticed superhero comics and made them his passion, which led him to believe in a related universal balance with them. Elijah's theory is that, if in the world there is a person as fragile and battered as he, there must also be someone who is diametrically opposite: strong, healthy and unbreakable, someone who has been sent without knowing it to protect those around him. Believing firmly in this, Elijah has followed the news of numerous catastrophes hoping to hear a similar description of someone, and finally it has happened: that person could be David a security guard of more than 40 years who lives apart from the world, sad and without vocations, deeply distanced from his wife. The Protected is a 2000 film starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.

Juan Bautista Grenouille was born on July 17, 1738 in the market where his mother sells fish, when she gives birth, the woman abandons him on some fish remains without worrying about him, since he thinks he was born dead, like his other children But the baby begins to cry in front of a client; The mother is accused of infanticide and executed by hanging. The newborn is transferred to the orphanage where he grows up and becomes a lonely child with a superhuman sense of smell. When he turns thirteen, he is sold to the Grimal tanner to work for him as an apprentice. Grenouille grows to maturity as a tanner's apprentice, surprises with his great ability to create fragrances and revitalizes a perfumer's career with new formulas on condition that he teaches him his art. Perfume is a 2006 film based on the homonymous novel by Patrick Süskind.

After watching the films the protégé and the perfume answer the following questions. What criteria does the saying deserve: "There are people born with a star and others born starry"? What is the difference between criminal minds and creative minds? How can a creative mind contribute to the salvation of a criminal mind? How to achieve order in chaos? What is the importance of the orgiastic state?

Currently, very little coherent and integrated work is done in unison with the following four groups:

  1. Clinicians and surgeons - orthodox and academic.
  2. Psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists.
  3. Mental healers and therapists.
  4. Clerics, trained disciples and those who work with the souls of men.

When these four groups can be brought to a close relationship and work together to free humanity from disease, then we will come to understand the true wonder of the human being. Someday we will have hospitals in which the four aspects of this medical and medicinal work will act in parallel, in the fullest collaboration. No group can perform a complete task without the others; All are interdependent.

This course is aimed at this group of professionals and invites them to work as a team, in a transdisciplinary way based on systemic thinking to solve problems.The course is inspired by television series such as Criminal Minds, Doctor House, Mental, Perception .

From a film, a kind of detective novel, the disease will be taken as a crime and the apprentices as detectives who must solve the mystery, and through a series of clues (symptoms), must find the culprit, the cause of the disease. But how will we transform a crime of passion into a devotional creation? As interpreters of a patient's life, we will teach them later to write their own script. It is interesting to note that just as scientists dedicated themselves to releasing the energy of the atom, the work of the esoteric is generally of the same nature, when it strives to release the energy of the soul. In such liberation the nature of the true art of healing is hidden. Here is an esoteric hint.

This course is about esotericism, understood as the science of redemption. The verb save or the noun salvation come from the Greek sozein and soteria respectively and have a series of meanings. Saving is first of all freeing from a danger that threatens. It will be said, for example: to save from a shipwreck, to save from a defeat, to save from a disease. To save also means to keep, protect, dispose around a thing a protection that will allow you to stay in the state in which you are. The body is presented as a temple of the soul, so that the soul is saved. Saving means conserving, protecting something like modesty, honor or eventually memory. For a lawyer, saving is naturally making him escape the accusation made against him. It is, at the same time, bleach it. It is to show that he is innocent. To be saved means to subsist, to remain as one was in the previous state. It will be said, for example, that the wine is preserved, remains in its state of freshness, without alteration. Saving means doing good. It means ensuring the well-being, the good state of something, someone or a community.

Some diseases must be treated from the mental plane and it will be necessary for the healer to use the mind; some require a concentration of emotional energy by the healing agent; in other cases the curator must try to be only a transmitter of pranic energy for the patient's bioenergetic body, through his own bioenergetic body. How many healers really realize the focus of consciousness or life force when dealing with the patient? How many know the type of healing that is possible and necessary to apply to a disciple? How few realize that no disciple, for example, can put himself in the hands of a common magnetic healer or who works with radiation, or an expert psychologist of any kind!

ACTIVITY ONE: The human mind

The mind is an intentional system endowed not only with rationality but also with purpose. The human mind has the ability to represent and process information in a logical or analog way. The human being is an active processor of his own thoughts, emotions, manifest behaviors and the relationships they establish with the environment. The mind as a system modulates the entry of information and acts on the other systems of the human organism. The representations encoded in high-order structures would be responsible for the conservation of information, and the guidance and regulation of behavior, as well as its planning.

Ninety percent of the causes of disease are found in the bioenergetic and astral bodies. The misuse of mental energy and the misapplied desire are the most important factors; However, as most of humanity is still in the Atlantean stage of consciousness, only five percent of the prevalent diseases are due to mental causes. The percentage varies with the development of the breed and its evolution. Therefore the disease is the manifestation of undesirable, vital, emotional and mental subjective conditions. In terms of mentality, human beings can be divided into objective and subjective, being the subjectivity that characterizes the true esoteric life.

A therapist, for technical and ethical reasons, must be a connoisseur of the differential diagnoses in psychiatry and psychology, which allow him to suspect and explore the mental illnesses of organic base to refer the appropriate professional in a timely manner . In this way, the intervention resources are optimized and the user receives a timely and informed treatment. For example: several types of dementia can be confused with depressions, especially in the elderly (Alzheimer's, multi-infarct dementia), and some types of epilepsy are not clearly differentiated from anxiety disorders, such as, for example, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks caused by inherited neurological diseases (Huntington). Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Adison's disease, Cushing's disease, like other endocrine diseases, also simulate affective and anxiety disorders. On the other hand, we cannot forget sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, which also compromise the central nervous system, generating alterations of the higher mental functions. In addition to the above, there is a wide range of metabolic, physical and biochemical alterations that could negatively impact the perception, affection and behavior of the human being, as occurs with poisonings, cranial traumas, hydrocephalus, severe alcoholism, cardiovascular disorders, liver disease, obesity, etc.

The autonomic nervous system is the one that controls the involuntary actions, unlike the somatic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system receives information from the viscera and the internal environment, to act on its muscles, glands and blood vessels. The ANS transmits nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery, stimulating peripheral organic devices and systems. Its neuronal pathways act on the heart and respiratory rate, the contraction and dilation of blood vessels, digestion, salivation, sweating, contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in several organs, accommodation visual n, pupil dilation, secretion of exocrine and endocrine glands, urination and sexual arousal. Most of the actions it controls are involuntary, although some, such as breathing, act together with conscious actions. The malfunction of this system can cause various symptoms, which are grouped under the generic name of dysautonomy .

What IBM means by the word "autonomic" in a computer context is reduced to four technological objectives. The first is to ensure that computers and networks can configure themselves. The second step is to ensure that the systems can heal themselves. The third objective is to make the systems can optimize themselves. And the last one is to make the entire network “self-protect”. Can these four objectives be applied to the soul in a therapeutic context?

  • Record the information you can collect about the three aspects in this table.

















  • Consult one of the two systems of classification of diseases and determine at what level you would be able to make a diagnosis. Check the contents of a clinical history and record the possible diseases that can occur in each of the ten systems of the human organism.

ACTIVITY TWO: The human soul

The soul is a system of relationships and the reflection of all of them that weaves the experience of life from context and meaning. Emotions are the subjective state of the soul that results from the assessment or evaluation of internal and external stimuli, which determines the intensity and persistence of the emotional experience. Valuation assigns meaning to emotion. For example, sadness is evoked by the perception of loss, deprivation or frustration / defeat; fear and anxiety are the result of assessments of danger and personal vulnerability; Anger is activated when we perceive the situation as offensive or degrading to oneself or loved ones; joy when we are aware of having achieved an achievement or a benefit or we approach them; the fault, when we consider that we have transgressed an important moral imperative; shame when we think that we have not lived up to our ego ideal; and so on. The feeling is more related to affection (mood), as a response of moderate intensity, relatively permanent, latency more or less long and not so linked to external precipitating factors.

When desire is repressed, all kinds of diseases are possible - cancer, lung congestion and certain liver discomforts - as well as fearsome tuberculosis. The diseases produced by the inhibition are numerous and serious, as you can see from the previous enumeration. It should be borne in mind that when uncontrolled desire prevails and is not repressed, diseases such as syphilitic disorders, hypersexuality, inflammations and fevers will appear. According to the temperament, this will be the types of disease, since the temperament depends on the quality of the lightning. According to the ray to which a person belongs, it will be the predisposition to certain disorders. The basic differentiation of human beings into two main types, extroverts and introverts, which psychologists do is exact. Both types produce their own category of disease, shown as poor health, due to excessive expression or inhibition.

The circulatory system with its blood vessels are the analogy of that omnipenetrating soul that penetrates all parts of the solar system, just as blood circulates throughout all parts of the body. Both the circulatory system and the respiratory system intervene in the control of emotions in the blood we find the defenses and in the breath the vital breath. To generate heat, humans, being warm-blooded, convert the food they eat into energy. They have to eat a lot of food, compared to cold-blooded creatures, to maintain a constant temperature in their body. Only a small amount of the food a hot human eats is converted into body mass. The rest is used to maintain a constant temperature in your body.

  • Classify diseases according to temperaments.

ACTIVITY THREE: Spiritual Anatomy

The soul pours into the dense physical body through the bioenergetic or vital body, its consciously directed energy. This instrument is composed of:

  1. Seven major centers of strength and forty-nine minor centers. The major centers are in the head and along the spine. The minor centers are scattered throughout the body.
  2. The bioenergetic network, composed of energy currents, connects all the centers with two systems - one major and one minor - and radiates from those centers to the entire body.
  3. The nodes are made up of infinitely small threads of energy, or fibers of force that radiate externally from all parts of the network and underlie each part of the triple nervous system. They exist for millions, and they produce the sensory response mechanism through which we act, being one of its externalizations, the mechanism of the five senses.

The controlling plant will vary according to the degree of evolution achieved:

  1. Inner-grade humanity uses the solar plexus as a place where basic energy is temporarily located. The ajna center develops very little activity.
  2. The common humanity acts partially through the solar plexus center, but mostly through the ajna and laryngeal centers.
  3. The most advanced humanity, intellectuals and aspirants of the world use the coronary center in addition to the ajna, laryngeal, cardiac and solar plexus centers.

All subsidiary organs of man are effects, not predisposing causes. The predisposing causes in man and what make him what he is are the glands, being externalizations of the types of force that flow through the etheric centers from the subtlest worlds of being. They express the point of evolution that man has reached; they are vital and active or not vital and inactive, according to the condition of the centers. They show efficiency, sufficiency or deficiency, according to the condition of the etheric vertices.

Consequently we could establish the premise that diseases are self-generated and not the result of infection, infection or accidents; they are caused by failure, limitation, deficiency or excessive efficiency, and by the super or underdevelopment of the endocrine system. The glandular system of internal secretion, through hormones, affects all parts of the physical organism through the bloodstream, and it could be said with all property, that when the internal secretion glands are perfectly balanced and function properly, there will be no Sick areas in the body.

Temperament has been defined as an inherited trait or as a biological vulnerability. It is the tendency to respond predictably to environmental facts that form the basis of the emotional and behavioral packages of the adult personality. The temperament works as a risk factor in various pathologies. Irritability / negative affectivity is a clear factor of vulnerability in eating disorders and in psychopathology in general.

Finally, it could be said that the physical organism, a direct result of the internal activity of the centers, of the etheric network and of the nadis, is the heart, the endocrine system and the brain. Within this general plan, briefly delineated, there is room for ancient medicine (particularly Tibetan, Chinese and Hindu), together with our modern Western science.

The narrow intertwined direction of the nervous system, the brain and the bloodstream (as the bearer of the life principle) govern the activities of man, subconscious, conscious, self-conscious and finally superconscious. Today we know that three systems function as the body's main controls: immune, nervous and endocrine.

Only when these four interrelated systems are considered as an integrated whole and as four aspects of a vital circulatory system, will the truth emerge. Only when they are recognized as the four main distributing agents of the combined rays of the individual man will the true nature of the material phenomenon be grasped. I could add here that:

  1. The bioenergetic vehicle is ruled by the Moon, when it watches over Vulcano.
  2. The nervous system is governed by Venus.
  3. The endocrine system is ruled by Saturn.
  4. Blood flow is governed by Neptune.

A sage is a cold being, a saint is a warm being, healing requires following the path of holiness, rather than wisdom, but all the Eternal Wisdom learners are necessarily healers, although perhaps not everyone heals the physical body. The reason for this is that all souls who have achieved some measure of true liberation are transmitters of spiritual energy. This automatically affects some aspect of the mechanism used by the souls with whom they come into contact.

  • Reflect on the following words: Disharmony, Illness, Pain, Congestion, Corruption, Death, because they describe the general condition that governs the conscious life of all forms, macro and microcosmic. They do not constitute the causes. Draw the five-pointed star and match each viscera and gland with their respective emotion.











THE LAWS: From the spiritual to the social

The Laws and Rules of Healing that will condition the healing processes will be briefly considered. I will remember that a law is really the effect produced by the life of a larger entity, when it encompasses a minor within its living processes. It includes that formulated purpose, or organized will of an enveloping life, against which, the expressed purpose or the determined will of what it involves, nothing can do. They may argue that this statement denies the free will of the individual entity thus included or involved. However, the soul of all forms is in conflict with those forms, and in his own integral life is conditioned by higher laws, those of his own being; He obeys them and follows freely, without the slightest desire to do otherwise. Consequently, there is no essential infringement of the free will of the subject; There is only resistance of what we call the no-I or matter aspect. This could be called the basic cause of all illness.

Three groups of laws govern the expression of living purpose in this second solar system.

  1. The Laws of Nature - the separatist laws of nature form.
  2. The Laws of the Soul - the fusing laws of group integrity.
  3. The Laws of Life - the dynamic laws of Being.

We will deal with certain aspects of the Laws of the Soul, as they concern the activity and integrity of the soul in form. This should be taken into account. Illness is something that attacks the integrity or harmony of nature form, which the inner spiritual man must employ in order to make contact in the three worlds, which constitute his environment when incarnation. The laws treated may therefore be considered as the ten subsidiary laws of the fundamental Law of Essential Integrity. They constitute nine elaborations or aspects of that law, and this must be carefully considered. With these laws the true curator must always work. The six rules deal only with the application of this integrity, achieved in the conditions and situations that the curator faces. Integrity means focus, tension, and expression: simultaneously captured, consciously generated and dynamically employed.

Prevention basically focuses on the disease, on preventing its future appearance, the promotion refers to health in a positive sense, its goal is the life, growth and realization of the human being in all its areas. Education is, without a doubt, one of the ways to achieve the proposed objectives in health, by promoting healthy lifestyles.

The rules come from the will and supply the matter, the laws come from the will and impose divine justice. The laws of freedom are ethical when they become the motive of action and legal when they are in accordance with the laws. The solution of the sexual problem will free men's minds from inhibition and undue worry, thus producing that mental liberation that will accept the influx of new ideas and concepts. It will be necessary to redefine the concepts of vice and virtue, accepting the doctrine of the heart as the doctrine of virtue. Therefore, the first postulate to be formulated, regarding which the public must be educated, is that all souls incarnate and reincarnate under the Law of the Renaissance. The second fundamental postulate was enunciated by the Christ when he said: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Modeling life according to these two recognitions, the Law of the Renaissance and the Law of Love, would save humanity and rebuild our civilization. The third postulate is our group relationships must be observed and recognized. Man must not only lovingly fulfill his family and national obligations, but think in broader terms encompassing humanity itself, and thus express the Brotherhood Law. The third fundamental law that would bring a solution to our current modern problems, including that of sex, arises logically from the other two. It is the Law of Group Life. The last postulate that I want to emphasize is that if these three laws are fulfilled they will necessarily lead to an urgent desire to obey the law of the country where the soul has incarnated.

Therefore, the servant of humanity collaborates in his daily life with the legal laws, working at the same time to correct the injustices that they may produce, and to improve the legal impositions that affect the human race in his country. . When the four laws are recognized - those of the Renaissance, of Love, of the Group and of the Country - we will have the salvation of the race.

The man is actually the custodian of his brother, and this custody means knowing him and applying "ostracism and sanctions"; This is what is said when sanctions are applied to nations. I would like you to reflect on these ways of dealing with bad actions. They will be applied almost automatically by other individuals and groups, as something of good taste, good feelings and intentions, and in this way crime and the tendency to evil will practically be uprooted. It will come to be understood that criminality is based on some form of disease, on glandular lack or overstimulation, which in turn is based on the development or underdevelopment of any of the centers. An enlightened public opinion - that knows the constitution of man and the great Law of Cause and Effect - will deal with criminality with medical procedures, correct environmental conditions and ostracism penalties and penalties.

  • Fill in the following table with the rules and disciplines necessary to learn to Save, as well as the behaviors, procedures or knowledge required.






The issue to be discussed throughout the course will be Salvation, and the key motivation for everything that may appear in the readings under study is to become an apprentice of the Redeemer. To achieve this, we will take the Ten Rules for Healing. I will comment on them by applying them to the disciple's work and giving practical suggestions to better develop contact and soul manifestation. I will assume that students have certain knowledge, and I suppose they can follow me and understand some scientific-technical concepts that I will be forced to use. I do not deal with infants, but with mature people who have chosen a certain path and are committed to "walking in the light."

The general objectives of the course are:

  • Analyze the laws of salvation from the point of view of law, education and health.
  • Determine the guiding principles that guide the rules of protection for children and adolescents.
  • Define irregular situations and risk factors under which children and adolescents can find themselves.
  • Determine the protective factors and the measures to be taken to protect children and adolescents.
  • Point out the competence and procedures to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents.

Naturally they will ask: What general plan will I follow as I instruct them about the laws of salvation, those laws that guide the learners and will gradually replace the physical methods of the current art of healing. Logically they will want to know the special technique that - as saviors - they must learn to apply both as you try to heal. I will briefly outline the teaching I will impart; I will point out where they should put the emphasis, when they begin to study this topic.

  • First, I will deal with the causes of diseases, because the esoteric student must always begin in the world of origins and not in the world of effects.
  • Second, we will consider the physical body, its diseases and its ills, but only after studying that part of the man behind the dense physical body and surrounding it. In this way we will work from the world of internal causes to the world of external events.
  • Third, I will put the emphasis on psychological healing and the need to treat the patient according to his internal life.
  • Fourth, I will elaborate the seven healing methods that govern “restitution work” as practiced by the initiates of the world. These methods determine the techniques that should be employed. It will be noted that such methods and techniques are conditioned by the rays.

Mientras la raza humana se encamine hacia nuevos estilos de vida, con sus resultantes efectos de buena salud, y hacia una comprensión más exacta de las leyes de salubridad, todos aquellos que en el mundo son centros magnéticos deberán continuar, de acuerdo a la luz que poseen, trabajando con la gente, a fin de ayudarlos, curarlos y auxiliarlos, para efectuar los reajustes necesarios. Nada debería evitar que ustedes emprendan este servicio, ni que comprendan que existen limitaciones e ignorancia. Hagan todo lo posible para alentar y simpatizar, para señalar las actitudes indeseables, terminar con los erróneos estilos de vida y cambiar métodos mediocres de expresión sicológica hasta donde puedan advertirlos, y ello con la máxima capacidad posible. Recuerden, no obstante, que el mejor método quizás no esté a la altura de sus capacidades futuras y deben estar siempre dispuestos a cambiar su punto de vista cuando se presenta otro superior o un método mejor. Sobre todas las cosas, den, durante la vida, la máxima medida de amor a quienes buscan su ayuda, pues el amor libera, adapta e interpreta y cura en los tres planos.

Les doy una bienvenida al curso.


Discípulo de segundo grado.


Bailey, Alice A. Treatise on the seven rays. Tomo IV . Barcelona: Editorial Sirio SA 1934





Cómo el esotérico contribuye con la redención

Lo genético

Lo bioenergético

15 de julio

Cómo proteger ante un riesgo de tuberculosis

Lo mental

Los pensamientos

30 de julio

Cómo proteger ante un riesgo cáncer

Lo emocional

Los sentimientos

15 de agosto

Cómo proteger ante un riesgo de sífilis.

Lo físico

Las actitudes y hábitos

30 de agosto

Cómo prevenir enfermedades de séptimo rayo

Lo contagioso

La ansiedad

15 de septiembre

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Sexto rayo

Lo sexual

La lucha de poder

30 de septiembre

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Quinto rayo

Lo psicol gico

Lo antisocial

October 15th

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Cuarto rayo

Lo infeccioso

La influenza

30 de octubre

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Tercer rayo

Lo estomacal

La antipat a

15 de noviembre

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Segundo rayo

Los tumores

El deseo de morir

November 30

C mo prevenir enfermedades de Primer rayo

La esclerosis

La depresi n

15 de diciembre

C mo es el proceso de la salvaci n.


La resurrecci n

30 de diciembre

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