Dream Workshop October 2013 Edna Wend-Erdel in Santiago, Chile

  • 2013



EDNA WEND-ERDEL, Writer, Lawyer, Complementary Therapist, Transpersonal Humanist Psychotherapy Facilitator. Author of the book A dream told me, by Ediciones B.


Dreams are a way of communication with a multidimensional aspect of our Being that is prior to our existence in matter. They are, because of this, timeless. They have a way of expressing themselves that is characteristic of the Self and through the simultaneous use of symbols, experiences, colors, aromas, emotions, they transmit a message that comes to give us light on some matter that it is difficult for us to solve; they show us the emotions stuck in our body that urge to express themselves; they are the representation of a deep desire of our soul that we refuse to attend; they warn us about the potential of some future event that we ourselves have created; they connect us with the soul of beings, embodied or not, with whom we need to have a communication; they take us to previous or simultaneous lives that we need to remember at a given time for a specific reason.


This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in understanding their own dream symbols and, in this way, contact their most intimate being. It is also a great tool for any therapist who wishes to deepen their work with their patients.


Learn to decipher the message of dreams through the technique of "Interpellation of Dreams" by the American psychologist Gayle Delaney.

Learn the language of symbols. A person who learns to extract the messages of his dreams, generally learns the language of symbols and can apply this knowledge to a variety of waking experiences.

Know the different types of dreams that exist and their use in the life of the dreamer.

Understand that dreams convey a message that comes to give us light on an issue that is difficult for us to solve; they show us the emotions stuck in our body that urge to express themselves; they are the representation of a deep desire of our soul that we refuse to attend; they warn us about the potential of some future event that we ourselves have created; they connect us with the soul of beings, embodied or not, with whom we need to have a communication; they take us to previous or simultaneous lives that we need to remember at a certain time for a specific reason.

Learn to ask questions of dreams about a personal problem.

Know techniques to remember dreams more frequently.


• Introduction to the history of the study of dreams. Different visions

• What are dreams? Where do they come from? What is your function?

• Dreams as messages.

• Types of Dreams

• Dream Interpellation System, by Gayle Delaney.

• Meditation and imagery as a gateway to our dream world.

• Group work.


• Theoretical and experiential. The dreams of the participants in the various sessions are analyzed.

• Analysis exercises.

• I work in classes with my own dreams and those of others.

• Tasks to analyze the participants' own dreams.

Dream Workshop October 2013 Edna Wend-Erdel in Santiago, Chile

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