Message from Master Adama (17-V-2010)

  • 2010

Before the message we received from Mother Mary the advice that we repeat 9 times:

"Mary, Mother of Jesus, fill us with Light"

Another 9 times "Mary, Mother of Jesus, fills humanity with Light"

Then another 9 times, "Mary, our Mother, fill us all with Light"


Beloved and dear daughters, I am Adama and I bring my love.

I feel your frequency, your vibration, the fear that is in many hearts.

Change your hearts. Connect your consciousness to divine love, to God, connect with your inner Self, it is the way to calm down, so that you have acceptance, and fears on Earth are illuminated. The fears they feel are the reflections of the collective conscious, that interferes with your process, if there is love in your hearts, there will be trust and security.

To those who are open-hearted, the process will be pleasant and smooth, because your attention will make new what you do many, many lives, come looking for and working, although your minds, your conscious consciences, do not remember, but the search It has been human for a long time, many ages, and the time has come for the realization of the desires of your soul. The work of many human beings finally begins to seem real.

How many times humanity longed for the peace, health and freedom of your spirits and how many times have you asked for and invoked these changes, and now many feel fear and these feelings interfere with the process.

It is necessary, beloved and dear daughters, to maintain an intense frequency of love, because that frequency will expand through resonant waves that will encourage and guide the entire process in a smooth and subtle way.

Do not alarm your hearts, everyone will be in the place they should be, everyone has their process, the process is personal, it is unique.

But beloved and dear daughters, you are, like the brothers on the surface, destined to work for the Light and the opening of your heart, and your availability allows you, allows us, to co-create your process.

Each one of you, through your thoughts, your attitudes, will be preparing your process and will be glad when everything is in its place. Imagine a house with a family that has to change houses, you must take out your furniture and move to the new house. Feel or remember some physical removals that you have already made in your physical lives. The satisfaction of moving, and then having the house fixed, all in its proper place. Undoubtedly, some pieces are split, some friction is inevitable, some precious objects or instruments can be damaged in the move, but it is part of the move, although at the exact moment it feels worth it, then the acceptance comes and everything is fixed.

Perceive the sounds around you, they are frequencies, they are not interferences, they are all the frequencies that are around you. Imagine how many frequency lines pass through here, wherever you are and are all frequencies that were prepared and tuned so that nothing interferes with your well-being with your harmony and connection, with the supreme forces, with divine love.

Children, are special beings, do not worry mothers or fathers for their children, none of you will be separated. Children carry the frequency of high energy of love and the changes that the Earth is experiencing, so reassure your hearts, putting each of those that are in your minds, that are dear to you, or others even if they have no kinship With you, in the hands of the Mother, the Divine Mother, she is the Lady who protects humanity and lets herself relax in her lap.

I am at your disposal to answer your questions and clarify your doubts.

Q: Teacher, we have known the progress of the changes that were planned in 2012, we have been told that it will be much sooner, soon. Does that change our work, or do we have to do something different from what we talked about last time? What should we do?

A: Beloved and dear daughter, as it was said, follow the process, continue to meet as said the first time, it should be weekly, precisely because the help that could be given to your brothers and yourselves was urgent, but each one has its process and its free will, as I have said my disposition is infinite, the page should be sent to your contacts as soon as possible, some will open it and take the messages, others will not do it but your job is to make the distribution, the send, your job is to get as many brothers as possible this information. The answers that will be given in it will be in a simple and objective way so that they reach everyone, so that it becomes understandable for those who do not know much about spirituality.

Objectivity and clarity is an important point in this work, so that those who read can understand, and with a nearby vocabulary can receive what they need.

You will know, through your intuition when transcribing the messages, what you should increase or change, I will be intuiting and informing you, you should not worry when transcribing what is being informed here, I will be by your side, and you will listen to me from your heart . Your job is a very special job.

The events for some, beloved and dear daughter will be very soon, for others not so much, when talking about time, time, here on the other side of the veil is very different from human time, and for some there is no time, and for others a little more and for others there is still a lot of time, so do not worry about time. In the morning, for example, if they picked up the newspapers and opened the pages, they would see that the time of some is over, yesterday, today, the world continues.

Your human minds are confused, I can feel, I can walk inside each one through the vibrational frequency, the quantum vibration.

The concepts should be flexible, your bodies are being prepared even though it is not perceived, but within this work you are having changes at very high levels, the changes are preparing you for a vibration Quantum, and those changes, will make you feel what is going on around you, you must be attentive, and observe so that you can take advantage and help even more of what That is in your expectations.

You will see that you will have many questions on your page, maybe the critics will make you feel sad, but it is normal, acceptance is important at that moment.

Opportunities will arise to gather groups that will need your vibrational frequency, remember that they will be called and should do the impossible to help those who need the love that is being Being implanted in your DNA, that love is a love that you did not know, it is a love that I felt thousands and thousands of years ago, and it is that love that has given me immortality. We in Telos have bodies such and such as you, but they are bodies that do not get sick, that do not die, and it is that body that in the very near future many will enjoy.

I will ask you that they should have an exact time for your meetings, because like you there are thousands and thousands of groups and although omniscient and omnipresent we dedicate special times for those who make their time, their life, and their time available divine love and that is why an hour of your planet is necessary, a moment for the energies to be anchored, so that your hearts and minds can be prepared, to assimilate the teachings, which although I cannot You can listen but that it is given to higher levels of ethics to each one of you. Do not be surprised when you wake up with new themes in your heads that you did not know, and in unexpected moments you will receive ideas or messages that will be a single word but that will make a great synchronization. In your hearts.

Q. I wanted to ask how our food should be, does that help us in our work, lead a healthier diet? I ask this question so that everyone is clear and understands.

A. Yes, beloved, food at this time is very important for you, the body should decrease its density, food, mainly from your knowledge, excess or even small meats quantities at this time create density that hinders your access to the ethereal temples to receive teachings, your wisdom finds barriers when foods with their density are in the process of being digested, they unbalance the channels of light, vibrational frequencies and disconnect your subtle bodies from your inner being and it is difficult for you to access higher frequencies.

Any food that is loaded with toxicities, should be excluded from your diets, because this process greatly interferes with your process.

No one will be far from divine love for their actions but will find it more difficult to access higher levels, they will have more difficulty compared to those who feed in a balanced way, respecting their bodies that are the transports of their spirit. It is very important to follow the healthy and most natural diet possible, these will potentiate energies to your generators (farms).

I will give you an example of the bodies they should have here on Earth, but know that by getting involved in your animal glands they forgot about the human supra glands and that created the density that exists today. The birds are an example of the body that humanity should have here on your planet, slight bodies with the ability to move flying, maybe some of you have held in your hands a little bird.

Yes, beloved, in Telos we have bodies like yours, with the same biological structure, but slight. We move with energies, we close our eyes and by putting the intention of being here, on the surface, it is immediately fulfilled, at the speed of thoughts, why? Because there is no density. It is difficult for many changes in food, but if your desire is to reach those vibratory frequencies, do it, try it, put love because habits, yes, can be changed.

You think of your partner, your son, … My beloved ones, your love is being multiplied, the exponential is high, and they will be able with love to change many around you, but I tell you do not worry, because in free will nobody can interfere. You can try, one, two, three, four, try it but when they perceive that these attempts make you lose your energy do not insist; send love, much love, work with the decrees of the violet flame, when these to whom you intend to help in your changes, are at rest, at night or morning, and with your compassion and love, you will see that the changes begin to happen.

They should seek the decrees of Saint Germain, they are charged with the purest energy of the Master, of love, from the heart of the Father and has strength and power that your mind does not know, do it with love and will have the answers you want.

The foods all know that the vast majority are modified, some contaminated with the amount of toxic, do, work with your intention, with the decrees, because it is possible to transmute those that there is no possibility of changing them, there is a possibility to transmute it, believe and manifest Divine love through your heart over these foods and transmutation will be made , there is no more powerful light on Earth than the violet flame, invoke, decree and transmute, trust, because this Light is from the Heart of the Father, from the Heart of the Father.

Beloved and dear daughter who represents the air, do not let interference interfere with your process, trust your strength, you are capable of doing this work, you are able to continue and fulfill your plan of love on Earth.

This group is a karmic group, you are working in parallel, in a dimension that is currently unknown to your mind, but not to your soul, to the fractals that you already know, you are doing a very special job, so, do not let your mind interfere making you think of difficulties, they do not exist, they are obstacles directly from your ego, allow your inner being to do this work for you.

Each of you has many extensions in your soul, beyond this life and this body there are eleven extensions that do similar work and others in this role, in this dimension, in this world.

You are in a process where your consciousness awakens quickly and at a very great speed and the work you do here is helping extensions of your soul in parallel lives. Ask that this work be reflected in the parallel lives that it begins to awaken, always in your meditations, in your moments of silence and connection with your inner being, ask that from here the love that begins to flow with such intensity in your being, be transmitted to those extensions of your soul, for I would tell you that each extension has another 12 extensions and that the totality is 144, so that you can clean and integrate all the extensions of the soul.

Perhaps you have heard about the 144, 000 because yes, beloved and dear daughter, these are condensed teachings, they say a lot in a short way, so that each one can better understand the role that is of great importance at this time on your planet and for Extensions of your soul. It seems to be complicated right? No, on the contrary it is like a lotus flower that is opening its petals, and you are perceiving its beauty and its glamor.

Beloved and dear daughters, in the next meeting, if you need, write your questions so you can have questions to ask, I love you and my job on this planet is to help you, is to allow you to access the plans so desired by your soul.

Fears are prison, and are caused by your ego, preventing you from waking up for the wonderful world that is already approaching and that maybe, if that frequency intended by the superior forces transcends and transforms, it will be so soft that it will allow you to pass the time, smile remembering this moment, the obsessions that your mind makes you feel.

There is a resonance that everyone has heard about, it is the Schuman, of the monkeys. If the monkeys manage to transmit their awakening to their family, as quickly, over long distances, as it will not be possible for you intelligent and wonderful beings in the eyes of the Father, do not transfer that love that will allow us to feel.

There was a great earthquake planned on your planet days ago, but a work has been done, so special, for the humanity of the Earth that is connected in divine love that the Mother has relaxed it, and you have not felt that movement in its interior,

There are still many events planned, your hearts will be filled with pain and compassion but it is not allowed, neither to me, nor to the Mother, nor even the Son, to decode the exact moment, but, as you have been told, each one it will be in the right place, at the exact moment, and in its process and when I tell you that you will have compassion, it is because you will be able to see that not experiencing an approaching crisis in your country, which will be the most difficult in many decades, it will be felt for everyone, including those at the peak of the pyramid. And when the crisis is over, the greatest events will come at the level of the earth's crust.

The Earth is connected to the Inner Sun and we here in the intra-earth city feel the intensity of all the vibration and heat of the center. Like you, we live on the same planet, and as you have been told we are also moving from model to model.

But we already know the true and perfect world, but by our mission and our promise to be with you until your awakening, we experience your experiences, although we have different frequencies we feel your suffering and your fears, we do not integrate, but we share by our mission to be with you in everything and for our love to each one.

May my love envelop your bodies and manifest well-being, security, protection.

I am Adama and I am with you, workers of the Light.

of light

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