Messages from the Angels: Take care of your emotions and feelings as they speak to you

  • 2018

Dear ones, be kind to yourself. All of you are going through a period of rebirth . All are in a time on earth, where what is in the deepest part of their being, will be the surface for their consideration. In the same way and as molten lava flows in the volcanoes, digging new canals and paths in the earth and even creating a new earth, all your hopes, your dreams, your fears and your unexpressed feelings They will also arise from your depths.

The thoughts and feelings that arise from within your being, will be trying to guide you to make many positive changes in your life, to live more in integrity along with your own mind and in a more autistic way. Ethical with others. The love in yourself, the heart of the Divine that has remained idle in you for a long time for eons, is reaching the surface of your consciousness in ways you have never known before.

Pay attention to your fears, your disorders, your joys and your inspirations

Your feelings speak to you and tell you where your energy is aligned with your desires and where they are not. Emotion, joy, passion and inspiration, or even subtle feelings of righteousness and satisfaction, will tell you that your energy is aligned with your dreams. Focus on what seems to be love.

You must entertain yourself with the thoughts that give you joy . Pay attention to the dreams that make your heart vibrate and let yourself be taken in time to fantasize and feel your reality within you. Listen to the subtle and inspiring incentives to act when they arise from within.

Also respect your disturbance, fear, anger, jealousy, discontent and other unpleasant feelings to tell you where your life and your thoughts should change. If you don't know how to change your life, start with a prayer and with the commitment to sit with your angels to ask for help while you sit, breathe and receive.

Start imagining a better reality and allow yourself to feel that presence in you

Do not reject your feelings, since it is almost impossible to do so, given the energy on your planet earth. On the contrary, look at them, listen to them and learn from them.

  • Joy, what are you trying to tell me?
  • Ira, what are you trying to tell me?
  • Sadness is what we need?

Talk to your feelings, listen to them as if they were little beings, because in reality they are small people who live energetically within you. If you wish, you can even ask them: “ How is my joy ? What do you have to tell me about her? How is my anger? What do you have to tell me about her? Use your imagination and soon you will begin a sincere dialogue with your own feelings, which will be as clear and real, as the advice you will receive from the angels.

We will help you and assist you if you request it

Dear friends, your feelings provide you with valuable advice on what works for you in your life and what does not work. They will tell you which thoughts, words and actions are aligned with your dreams and which are not.

Use the right that God has given you to be able to change your thoughts and feelings when they do not allow you to ascend. If you do, you will begin to attract and create new opportunities and a new life as safe as the lava flows that emerge from the depths of your Mother Earth, which will be working new forms and establishing new lands.

The angels say that if we look at what is happening in society now, the enormous emotional protests and the consequent changes, we can see that the feelings, even though they could certainly be expressed in a more loving way, are unleashing in a dialogue, this being very necessary.

Angels always guide us to listen to our feelings as signs along the way, trying to lead us to greater joy. When I do, my life flows beautifully . When I don't do it, I feel trapped. Can you imagine a volcano trying to block its flow? It is much better to allow the movement of energy within us and learn from it.

Channeled by Ann Albers

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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