Summary and Evolutionary Action Guidelines (December 2009)

  • 2010

May the light of discernment and spiritual understanding always vibrate within you and contribute to your connection with the Source of divine Love.

You are about to finish an evolutionary sequence on your planet, referring to the solar year through which you experience cosmic evolution. You must take advantage of this evolutionary sequence to carry out a recapitulation of your inner growth and of the processes that you have integrated and discordant facets that you have diluted. We, as supervisors and evaluators of the karmic dynamics of your planet and humanity, are going to provide you with the evolutionary action guidelines for next year and make a brief overview of your planetary future.

We not only legislate and dictate the karmic planetary processes of civilizations in evolutionary transition like yours, but we evaluate and facilitate guidance guidelines as evolutionary support that contributes to solving, installing and driving those aspects of your evolution that you must integrate. As you can see, the situation on your planet is quite tense, and although governments try to cover up the situation and look for some palliatives of the world crisis, things are not going to improve. Why? Their projects, perspective and objectives are retrograde and are not aligned with the new evolutionary Aquarian paradigms. Your political leaders are responsible with your unspoken contribution to the chaos, conflict and tension on your planet. Their strategies remain the same, although the format they wish to disseminate is different based on the exploitation, control and manipulation of humanity. Without your cooperation, their pernicious efforts and activities will be weakened, and this requires a great personal commitment and internal alignment with the values ​​that foster solidarity, fraternity and cooperation among human beings whose objective is not economic growth as a result of the exploitation of planetary energy resources or of the most vulnerable, but of spiritual cohesion as a cosmic collective in the process of evolutionary transition.

Those who really vibrate in the light must make a radical interior change, where the integrity and dignity of implanting spiritual values ​​in society prevails, and whose objective is spiritual growth and harmonious communication between all human beings. Your humanity is fragmented into countless political, social, religious, economic and philosophical sectors that are the cause of conflict and social instability on your planet. Until you vibrate in tune and synergy with the paradigm of "Cosmic Evolutionary Spiritual Cohesion" you will continue to experience the separation, racism, exploitation and suffering that thousands of years ago experience the humanity of your planet. Corruption in the various social spheres is the dominant tonic, because it exists in each of you from the moment you disconnect from the Divine Source, which does not encourage unconditional service and fraternal and supportive collaboration between human beings.

There is an important factor that we want to explain to you: the social upheaval that you are living is not only the effect of a program of evolutionary transition and galactic energetic-vibratory readjustment, but of the "Accumulated Planetary Karma" that you have generated. Most light operators do not understand that the laws of karma act in all areas of the universe and at all evolutionary levels. Without this understanding, everything you do will produce pernicious effects that will involve you on a personal and planetary level. When circumstances are adverse and you experience processes of crisis and suffering, you wonder why it happens to you and you fall into victimhood, which is a synonym for spiritual immaturity and evolutionary irresponsibility. Suffering and adverse circumstances are the devices that the law of karma uses to rectify all those discordant behaviors that come from the involvementist ego and that has a strong tendency to exploit and manipulate energy. The energy is divine and everything that manifests itself is sacred, because its origin is God, the sustainer and creator of the universe. Karma, as an axiomatic evolutionary law, works at all levels, whether you are aware of it or not. If this law did not exist, the universe could not evolve as a cohesive organic whole, and whose purpose is to contribute to the redemption and spiritual evolution of all beings residing in it. Furthermore, evolutionary errors would never be rectified and people with perverse tendencies would never transform and understand that darkness is a personal choice, but not the dynamics and inherent nature of being, of the universe and of God. It would be an act of divine injustice that darkness predominated in the universe and supervised the evolutionary processes, whose purpose is to tune into the Source of the Divine Light that is God, which manifests itself through the love, harmony and beauty that exists in people. that respect the laws of life and evolution and serve him unconditionally.

The mistakes you make are options to experience spiritual insubordination by not accepting that, as children of God, your function is to serve and love him unconditionally, which fosters prosperity, harmony and inner well-being. The evolutionary recapitulation is an internal and personal act by which you evaluate the progress you have made, and this implies a greater assumption of commitment and spiritual awareness that converges in the dissolution of the retrograde dynamics that direct your life. You should not settle for having overcome some dissonant aspects of your life, but rather deepen your inner growth, which is manifested when your attitude and evolutionary perspective is based on selfless service and fraternal and supportive collaboration so that Aquarian evolutionary paradigms are implanted in your life and on the planet. Your responsibility is not only personal but also planetary, and what you do and will have an impact on the social environment, and this implies not making concessions of any kind with those aspects of your life that foster behaviors, values, habits and involvementist concepts. You must be alert so that the involved archetypes do not infiltrate your life, because the forces of darkness have refined their control and manipulation strategies and are so subtle that you are not even aware of it. Consumerism, the acceptance of the unacceptable, the immoral and unethical predominate in your society, and your leaders, who are involved and orchestrated by the forces of darkness, are instilling them through the media, education, culture, art, etc., throughout the social structure. Evolutionary and spiritual incongruity is a predominant factor in your life because you accept social, political, economic, cultural and educational parameters that are retrograde, and denounce what you consider to be damaging to your personal interests. The time has come for you to choose the polarity where you wish to vibrate, and spiritual indecision and eclecticism will not contribute to resolving the spiritual discrepancy within you.

Next year will be a continuation and opportunity to rectify the evolutionary trajectory that the human group has chosen, driven by their irrational desires for better living conditions at the cost of planetary deterioration and suffering that you are inflicting on other species of life and human beings. When you understand that you are "Children of the Divine Light", the irrational tendencies to exploit and manipulate the environment and other human beings will be diluted, and the light of generosity, compassion and love will be reflected in every act, word and thought of your life

Conflict, instability, chaos, and social tension will increase, as a result of the incompetence, unconsciousness and perversity of politicians acting under the control of the forces of darkness. Darkness will loom over the planet, and those who are not balanced and in tune with the light of your essential being and with the Aquarian spiritual paradigms, you will succumb. The social scenario will be the mechanism through which the spiritual hierarchy and your being of light will challenge your spiritual integrity and the desire for cosmic insurrection so ingrained in the human being. The majority of the human group are beings that want to vibrate in the dark and whose evolutionary baggage is based on insurrection, resistance and not aligning with light.

Although darkness is reigning on your planet as a choice of humanity, you must always remember that the Light of the Divine Father is the one who oversees and directs the cosmic dynamics. Although planetary control is under the jurisdiction of darkness, if each one of you self-affirms and renews its commitment and connection with the divine plan of evolution, the exponential effect will be so shocking that it will lead to a destabilization and weakening of darkness. The most important evolutionary guidelines that we recommend for next year are:

1- Alignment, Perspective and Transmuting Behavior, stripping you of everything that does not contribute to the dissolution of the involved ego and the dissonant and harmful tendencies that eclipse your sensitivity and understanding spiritual.

2-Disconnect and waterproof the alarmist information that encourages panic, anxiety, chaos and frustration, disseminated by governments through the media.

3- Focus and coalesce by intensifying group spiritual works, while simultaneously focusing on your personal work.

4-Identify your discipline and personal work as the foundation and essence of your life, which contributes to the dilution of the negativity that invades the planet.

5 - Stay alert, because the inner enemy, the ego involved, will use countless strategies to divert you from the light and capture your attention towards that which is irrelevant and that encourages separation, discord, exploitation n and manipulation.

6- Always act from spiritual coherence so that your acts and behavior are impeccable, promoting peace, harmony and wisdom.

7- In all circumstances, loyalty, commitment and integrity must be the dominant technique and the foundation of your life, so that the truth and the light shines through you and that Father C I give you his blessings and infinite love.

8- You must always remember that the Earth is a planet of evolutionary transition and that your spiritual-evolutionary future depends on what you did during your stay in it. You are the children of the universe and of God who, as seeds of light, should shine in tune and synergy with the love and beauty of being part of their splendor and infinite magnificence.

9- Never be discouraged by adverse situations or when darkness invades you, aware that only light is the origin, the final dimension and genesis of everything that exists.

If you act from this perspective and following these parameters, power, strength and spiritual discernment will always be at your disposal. In this way you will obtain peace, harmony and inner stillness, which are the reflection of those who are attuned and love God. This is our message for all those who have awakened and understand that the whole game of evolution converges in love and selfless service to God, the source of infinite and eternal life that resides within us.

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