REC3 - Energy service to collaborate in the purification of the earth element JANUARY 2011

  • 2011

Call upon the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, Let us be co-creators with them.

Meditation / Monthly service for the month of January 2011


DAY:Wednesday, January 19, 2011
HOUR:21h, local time in each country.


Collaborate with the Elements, Elementals and Beings of Light in the regeneration of Mother Earth.


1) Recite The Great Invocation of the Tibetan Master

2) Invocation of the Ascended Masters to guide us during the energy service:

Lord Maitreya

Tibetan Master

Dhwhal Khul

Beloved Kwan Yin

3) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we breathe deeply a minimum of three times, mentally repeating SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

4) Individual balance meditation for harmonization singing the OHM and the GAYATRI, it is recommended to use the following audio:

[wpaudio: https: //]

5) Balance irradiation : visualize the colors and invoke the energies specified in the table below, for approximately 10 minutes.




-Force of the Mother






Mantram OHM






The earth in its physical aspect corresponds to the third planet of the Solar System, it is the densest of all the hitherto known and the fifth largest in the system. It contains all the other known elements (water, air, fire and ether) and it is in a certain way the body that allows the existence of everything else.

The land is undoubtedly our first and last home, it is where all our physical activity takes place and who is offered to us in the form of food, roof, smells, colors, etc. It is important to note that absolutely everything that surrounds us comes from the earth, from its fruits, trees, metals, materials and different elements that alone or as a whole make up new components that facilitate our walk through life.

Therefore, it is the earth that gives us the foundation of our physical existence and from every aspect of life human beings are related to it.

The earth element in us is represented by our physical body: organs, bones, etc.

The earth as a planet is the place where we can find all the happiness and tranquility that has always resided in ourselves. We cannot be separated from what we are made of. If we look well, like the earth, our body contains water, fire, air and ether in different forms and manifestations, that is, we are not different from this element and we also contain it within ourselves.

The body is the microcosm of the earth element and an extension of the planet itself in which we develop our life. We must be aware that we are one more creation of the earth and in no way are we separated from it. Our operation is almost identical to that of the planet; Like him we breathe, vibrate, experience changes and absorb everything that comes into contact with us.

It is through the constant and uninterrupted physical contact that we maintain with the earth and / or some of its elements that we can identify with the protection, abundance, company, immensity, solidity and stability that it provides us day by day without asking for anything in return. . Although the earth element in us corresponds to the densest part of our being, the pure and unconditional love that does not ask for anything in return for what it offers presents itself.

Energy Matching

The energy point where all our synchrony with the earth element is is the first Chakra, Muladhara. Here the happiness, tranquility and security that the planet provides us is poured into us.

This first Chakra, like the earth, gives us the feeling of protection. We must not forget that the earth element, as well as everything that relates to it, is what gives us the sustenance so that our physical body can subsist. It is through the body that we execute the actions coming from our thinking, therefore it is necessary to accept the offering that the earth presents us day by day so that we can keep the vehicle of our Immortal Being in operation.

In the Muladhara we can find the anchor that unites us with the earth and all its elements. Let us be aware that at all times we are in permanent contact with him through the sole of our feet.

The earth element, of the four elements. The earth element is for the Chinese the center of the body, the element most closely linked to intuition. In esoterisms we tell you more about the earth element.

The earth is related to prosperity and material abundance. Life is born from the land, crops, and pastures that feed livestock. The earth element is considered the intermediate phase between water and fire. The signs governed by the earth element are taurus, virgo and capricorn.



Elves are undoubtedly the most representative magical beings of the earth element. The word leprechaun, comes from the Arabic word 'duar' which means 'he who dwells' and refers to a small being whose interest is to make mischief in homes. Elves are credited with knowledge of magical treasures and spells.

Tradition claims that goblins are totally unpredictable. Sometimes rather timid and silent. However, when they try to annoy humans they can be loud and, according to legends, play very heavy jokes.

In general, elves are funny and benevolent beings, although there are several exceptions ...

Leprechauns of the green spaces

Some elves prefer gardens, farms, fields or forests. In these cases, they are credited with the mission of caring for plants and animals.

Faint garden entities

These beings are called Planteen Elfen in the Dutch tradition and Waldweibleim in the German.

More beautiful than housewives, they are often assimilated to fairies. They can acquire various forms such as insects or exotic butterflies. Androgynous in appearance, they are awarded to collaborate with the pollination process, to protect the flowers from inclement weather and any other type of damage.

Home elves

They are the ones who prefer to live in homes and their surroundings, being very attached to the place to which they belong. They are assigned some pranks although it is considered that they may develop feelings of deep sensitivity towards humans. Some of these, in certain traditions, may have their level of evil, as in the case of devils and mocking devils.

Mocking devils

These goblins, which fall into the category of home elves, have fun bothering and mocking people who live in a particular home. Strictly speaking, it cannot be said that they are bad, they are naughty by necessity, they cannot live without making fun of children and adults.


They are female elves that are said to help women in housework. In the Slavic traditions, the 'kikimora' and the 'silky' in British legends, help working housewives.

Harmful elves

They are characterized by their aggressiveness and are kept alive thanks to the energy they take from the people in the houses where they live.

Family elves

Family elves or devils relate not only to a home but to some of its inhabitants. The legends tell that these beings served magicians and witches in tasks related to spells and witchcraft.

When one of these little devils offers help, he always does it with a load of evil. But the tempted person always has the possibility to reject them and thus overcome their curses.

Vampirizing Elves

They feed on people's vital energy. They are especially dangerous at night. Some legends blame them for causing a choking sensation in people while they sleep.

Pint n Goblin

The leprechaun Pint no Red Cap is so evil that the legends say that it is even avoided by other elves. Their habitat is old towers or abandoned castles. Throw your hats with the blood of those who scare by throwing stones and generating strange noises and lights.

Irish Elves


Leprechaun is a leprechaun of the Irish tradition, which is characterized by his trade as a shoemaker. His name means single shoe shoe since he wears footwear on one foot. He also wears a three-cornered hat.

The legends tell that Leprachaun is in charge of fixing the shoes of the fairies and that he always works with joy in his workshop, under some forest fungus. But when night falls, Leprechaun transforms into Cluricaun, which is not so good ... because he likes to drink whiskey until he gets drunk.

The Phooka

The Phooka or Poukha is an Irish goblin named Puck in England. In a Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare shows him as a mischievous elf who makes fun of people.

It is said that the Phooka has the ability to transform into different animals. For example, some legends say that when he transforms into a horse, he usually behaves easily to ride them, but then he does so at a speed that he throws them on the ground.

Other elves

The Pixie

The Pixie is very naughty, sometimes very close to evil. They can be transformed into bushes of grass in such a way that whoever steps on them can get lost, even if they know the road very well.

Murcia red mouse

It appears in the form of a mouse and likes to take care of children. It corresponds to the Spanish tradition of the town of Murcia.

Leprechaun Friar

Quite ugly, long-eared, wrinkled and with huge feet, these goblins wear dark habits, like the friars.


With huge red berets and huge ears, they are part of the Spanish traditions in the Cantabria region. Similar to these are the Tentirujos, elves who like green spaces so that their bodies are covered with moss ... they also have green eyes.


Belonging to the Anglo-Saxon tradition, the goblins are known as hobgoblins, and among them are the boggart and the brownie. Legends attribute to these beings a playful character when they are happy or vindictive when they feel upset.

Organist Goblin

Traditional of Huesta, in Spain, tells the legend that performed music with the flute and the organ in the convent of San Agust n.


Probably the word gnome comes from the word genomus which means born of the earth . These are beings similar to elves, although they are related to more aggressive spaces. Workers, kind and wise, are considered protectors of nature as a whole. They are also credited with the gift of telepathy and a hypersensitive smell, so they can see beyond the visible.

Ancient gnomes

Dark-colored caves inhabit hills and cliffs. They are credited with the ability to control the forces of nature, treasuring knowledge related to avalanches, earthquakes and all kinds of cataclysms.

Gnomes unidentifiable

They live inside the rocks, and feed on the energy that emerges from them, therefore they cannot be separated from them.

Kobolds and Ekecos

They inhabit objects that can be manufactured with man. These objects are called vehicles and if they break, the kobolds can die by doing before, infinite damage.

Ekekos are similar to kobolds but in addition to entering objects they can also do so in houses. These are selfish beings that are usually violent by nature in such a way that all their actions are generally evil.

Mining gnomes

They possess great magical power and live in the center of the earth. Among these, there are lonely and sullen korreds, prefer not to come in contact with humans, and krreds who are dedicated to construction and are much more sociable.


Elves are magical creatures that belong to the universe of Earth elementals. Born from the Nordic tradition, they are creatures that usually live much longer than humans although they are not immortal. Possessors of great magical powers elves can choose between good and evil, although in general, they are considered benevolent beings.

These beings, according to legends, enjoy the night dances under the moonlight and they are told about great skills for music and poetry.

The elves of light inhabit the air and have wings that allow them to go back through the woods. Instead, the elves of darkness live on the earth and can be confused with dwarves given their short stature.


It is a special class of elves that live in homes and perform many pranks as long as they feel the homeowners. Unlike other goblins, goblins have horns and long tails and most of them have a hole in their left hand.

Although playful, they are benevolent, though dirty and greedy beings.

In years

In European legends the dwarves are short, old and bearded beings. They usually work with mines by extracting silver and gold.


Trolls or giants are monstrous creatures with huge bodies. Their size gives them a reputation for great danger, although in reality, the legends actually affirm that they are only aggressive when someone provokes them.

It is said that they lack cunning or intelligence, this is evidenced in the stories that narrate confrontation with humans. In short, they are beings that despite their fearsome aspect, are fragile and vulnerable.


Ents are extremely ancient trees to which the gift of conscience, speech and wisdom was granted. They have the mission of taking care of other trees and providing help when necessary.

Call upon the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, Let us be co-creators with them.

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