2018 a new energy model

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 It is time to take a look at what the different promotions are about whose portals were opened with this new year. 2 This year we will say goodbye to duality 3 First adapters 4 Advanced Majority

With the beginning of this new year, a new energy model has been established, in addition, the world is entering a new era, where both integration and co-creation reign and even though chaos and duality are still experienced in great part of the beings, the truth is that this new process consists of pure magic, besides perfection, especially from the energetic aspect.

It is time to take a look at what is about the different promotions whose portals opened with this new year.

During the first part of the previous year, the last cleaning of both the emotional and mental body took place and thanks to this, their chakra systems changed completely, ceasing to be “ Suction mode ” to become “Sharing mode”. So now, the divine energetic frequencies of both Light and Love and consciousness and energy, like Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti, are functioning in complete equilibrium within the system that exists between Earth and Superior light planes .

The movement of energy ceased to be a rotation to be a cyclic movement, whose center is located in the heart of the Source. Similarly, the immune system is fully defined for those who have decided to follow their spiritual path and reach the Light, so that nothing that happens in terms of human chaos (pain, drama, etc.) has the ability to affect or alter the energy that emanates from the pioneers, that is, from those higher spiritual beings, who have the ability to easily access the different dimensions, in order to touch each of the people with whom they have contact and give them the opportunity to access new energy codes that will help and encourage them to become more aware of the energy space that surrounds them.

In the course of the second half of 2017, not only the integration began, but also the physical restructuring, so the modifications of the DNA precipitated at the same time that the physical eliminations of the cellular memory were increased. Many of you experienced all this in the form of strong physical and emotional ailments, because the whole family line was cleaned, while the model was replaced; it is necessary to know that in the past, the latest versions of the models not only of guilt, but also of shame, were implanted in order to rediscover creativity and sexuality, in addition to the power of manifestation.

This year we will say goodbye to duality

However, and with this new year, duality has been left behind, giving way to the change of the old systems and putting Love and Light on fear and doubt, which is mainly due to the fact that human beings they have evolved enough to be fully integrated into a higher reality, where there is a perfect spiritual balance in each individual. Likewise, it gave way to the sacred union of the human being with another Divine Being, resulting in the total dissolution of the lack of trust and anything that could be maintained within the cellular memory, will be dissolved during the first two months of the new Year.

The human model is evolving rapidly and during this year, the complete restructuring of the physical body will continue to take place, so they can become new human beings, being much more conscious and spiritual, who will have the ability to help those people who still They are anchored in the old energies .

First adapters

2018 will now anchor the first adapters, so that their minds will become completely linear and parallel, causing the physical cleansing of the cell memory to precipitate and as this happens, the changes that the human model will undergo will continue to take place. So that the fact that each of you learn to listen to your own body-system and understand what it needs is going to be of great importance.

Advanced Majority

After taking his first steps towards the still unknown terrain of the divine awakening of the spirit and having had the feeling that “something is not right here and surely there is a different way of living” when they became familiar with energy programming and the ego, today the advanced majority, is freeing itself from the extremes of duality.

This majority is in search of answers and to obtain them, they follow their enormous desire to discover new things, which leads to a new series of recriminations and judgments, as a result of which the advanced majority has not yet learned and / or recognized in what way energy principles work, and their dynamics. The individuals who are part of this group of people, always act from a linear perspective, based on old and false belief systems. These people access the false world of spirituality, when they are forced to have a unique approach and try to convince those around them, that this is the only way. As the principle of multi-dimensionality and non-duality, has not been fully understood, these individuals try to change the exterior even without having found the real key to change themselves.

It is necessary to be aware that there is a huge difference between the advanced majority and the evolutionary process of it, so many of these people will first need to live certain experiences through their physical body, before they can access their mental body and emotional, since this is really the only way to be followed to reach the true spirituality of Being and access energy frequencies higher.

Most of the advanced beings did not incarnate on Earth with an energetic frequency that would give them the opportunity to access the realms of higher planes, which is why they have the need to work in this world, in order to ascend and not sink at low frequencies.

This year will be the first year of " decision-making " in relation to the soul, which will occur in most of you, but unconsciously. It is time to choose whether they want to experience ascension and accept the change of the existential model they know or if they prefer physical death, in order to follow the experiment that involves the earthly incarnation, but with a new body.

Before saying goodbye we wish to emphasize that each of you has a purpose, which is part of an even greater one where each existing being participates.

Despite what they may think or feel today and because of the latest events, they should know that their doubts, fears and lack of trust are means that contribute to collective ascent, they should only treat and release those emotions. Do not allow yourself to forget that no being is worse or better than another, and none is more evolved / advanced, all beings are just where they must be for the change that their world will experience.

Be blessed.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento

MORE INFORMATION at: https://www.messagescelestes-archives.ca/2017-2018-differentes-vagues-dascension/

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