Time to Heal, by Mer Vivar

  • 2013

We are privileged beings for the mere fact of being here and being eyewitnesses to this energetic change that we still experienced without fully understanding it. Future generations will speak and comment on the greatness of this moment and you cannot miss it for fear of leaving "the known" and still stuck in the old world. Everything is transforming and even the air we breathe is different. We live a frightening period for many, challenging for others but we are all immersed in this whirlwind of transformation. Nobody comes to second base if he does not get his foot from first base ... you must dare to leave the old behind and enter this new world so full of possibilities.

Perhaps you have not noticed the clarity and luminosity of our days. When you look at the sky, do you find it clearer and brighter? And if you look at the trees, don't you see the light they give off? Even the birds sing louder every morning. Everything has become clearer, there are no spaces left to hide anything because the light is reaching every corner and the same happens with us, the light is so much that we are receiving that we begin to see everything we had hidden ... And it is time to heal ...

To heal ourselves we must have the willingness and honesty to see what is sick in us. Suddenly we are too inflexible to accept a new reality and we cling so strongly to what we believe as a baseline in our lives that we do not allow ourselves to grow and are stuck there for years and many times throughout our lives. It requires healing and we can ask: Each day I acquire greater flexibility of ideas and thoughts or I want to be more flexible in the face of life .

We can also have memory sick with resentful resentments that only dirty our energy and can heal ourselves without forgetting the frenta that did not cause anger or resentment but recognizing the motivations that He had the other person to hurt you. Sometimes there is a lack of light in the lives of others and they are moved by the passions, other times they act driven from their own wounds and protect themselves from receiving damage, hurting them first who they believe will hurt them. Nobody knows the deep motivations that are born from the soul of others so we can heal in that: In accepting and understanding people and we could ask God and the Universe: That my perception channels be opened in order to understand the motivations of others or I accept every experience that life sends me and allow me to grow with it. . And following this pattern we could heal ourselves from any aspect of us that prevents us from moving forward.

The first step to heal ourselves is to internalize that we are beings in constant evolution and that each experience has been orchestrated by our own soul to allow us a growth, a spiritual development, which is the ultimate purpose of each incarnation. If you are constantly having problems with the family or the people you live with, it is clear that you should heal your generosity and learn to share from physical spaces to intimacy. If you fail to have good relations with your superiors get to work accepting authority. If you don't assume the commitment, start by committing yourself to small things like getting up early every day; and you don't need to do it with others, but assume the commitment to yourself.

No one knows what is coming for the future, but at this moment the energy radiating to the Earth is healing and purification. It is necessary to take what the Universe sends us and use it for our own benefit. We are all somehow sick and it is time to heal.


You can find more related topics on the blog: http://mer-sanandoelalma.blogspot.com

Time to Heal by Mer Vivar

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