The Lighthouses of Light - Honoring the other gods - 15.1.12

  • 2012

The Lighthouses of Light ~ Honoring the other gods ~ Being and reflecting the light in the new world ~ Reminders from Home ~

January 15, 2012 - Yes, we reach 2012!

Reminders from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The Spanish translation is published between the 25th and 30th of the same month. The next message of “Virtual Light” by Lightworker LIVE will be:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

11:00 am U.S. Pacific Time

From Steve:

Starting this special year, The Group shows us a vision of the future and the open door that we have before us. This coming year will be of harmony for all in one way or another. The best way to achieve harmony is to honor the other gods and empower all those around them.

At the end of this year 2011 and beginning of the new year, Barbara, Austin, Charmaine, Jon, Meg and I, together with the whole world of Lightworker, wish you a happy holiday season and an empowered new year. We've all been waiting for this year for a long time. Let's start this special year with awareness and creating a new world with each of our thoughts.

Big hugs,


Note: The following message has been recanalized and edited with the supervision of The Group to offer greater clarity in this format.

From the Group

Greetings from Home:

This is a very magical time. When they approach the end of the year they celebrate this time in different ways. Yes, they have a holiday called Christmas. During this time they also complete many things as they begin to enter a new energy. Each of you recounts what he left behind. We tell you that when you move forward, there is an aspect that can easily "split the waters of the sea" and clear the road obstacles like no other. It is what they are experiencing right now, and it is gratitude. He is the greatest creator they have, because he is the energy he creates even when they are not aware of it. When they give thanks for something, that increases more and more; when you focus on something, it grows automatically, because you are creators. They can't stop creating, it's impossible. However, they have incorporated different aspects of creation to remember their spirit. Frequently, the decorations they use at parties, such as Christmas colors, mean more than they suppose. Red and green seem to be the colors that represent Christmas throughout the world, regardless of country or culture. Humans believe that red is the color that represents the heart, but, in truth, the color of the heart chakra is green. In reality, it is only about the fusion of humanity with the spirit. This is the time to stop and contemplate your experience on planet Earth: where they have been, where they are going, what makes them happy, and what can make them feel more comfortable as they go.

New possibilities of spiritual creation

The year 2012 has already happened in all your dreams. What was going to take place on December 21, or any other date they had in mind, was already advanced. This is very typical of Lightworkers. We tell you that something is going to happen on a certain date and you say, "No, we will make it happen now!" You anticipate it, just as you have done many times throughout history; but we will tell you something else: in that emptiness that they left when advancing the event, they now have the capacity to reach levels that they never dreamed, that they did not even imagine were possible. Now this is possible, not only because of the alignment of all the energies of the cosmos, but also because they have created that void. They have already received those aspects that they are ready to accept, those that they thought would come to change their world as if by magic. You have changed the world and that is the beauty of what comes next, because each of you is a creator. When they have a thought and combine it with a little emotion, the thought manifests. Before there was a greater time interval between a thought and the manifestation, but now, with the sole act of sustaining a pure thought, they begin to manifest everything they have seen. At the bottom of their hearts they knew this was true, but now they will begin to have the physical evidence. Now they will begin to see the effect of their power of creation on the world around them. Do it with love and gratitude. If you want your power to increase on planet Earth, thank the power you possess. Find ways to feed that power while learning to use it consciously. Share your power with others to exercise it and help wake up every person you meet. As you begin to have confidence in your creative power, you will begin to create naturally.

There was a time on planet Earth in which humans developed communication outside their small local and family groups. This is how the news began to travel through a communication network, because that is the way we perceive all this. The connection between one point and another originally began in the days of ancient Greece, when a messenger ran from one city to another carrying information. That route between a city and the next one, was the beginning of the communication network. With the passage of time, technology was changing. They invented the telephone and eventually the telephone. Not the phones they use today, but those that had wires Do they remember them? Yes, all that was a physical manifestation of the communication network, since, literally, it was a way to connect them to each other when they thought they were disconnected. Well, what is happening is that this communication network is experiencing difficulties, since it does not reach everywhere. It is in its populated cities, but on the periphery of them there are deficiencies; In some areas it is very strong and in others it is very weak. That was a problem that you had to solve, but now, thanks to you, the technology reached a completely different level. You no longer need the cables in the same way as before. They are changing their communication network from one form to another, improving it at every step.

Singularity and Deep Contact

A time is coming that in the scientific world is known as singularidad . Even many movies were made on this subject, horror movies, of course, because it is the only thing that sells. The idea of ​​singularity is very simple: it is the point at which computers outnumber human beings. There has been much speculation about it; There have been many projects and fun science fiction series based on uniqueness. What is going to happen? Are computers going to control your world? No, this is really the point where the communication network goes to the next level, where you no longer need the cables. It is not the result of wireless technology. Rather, it is because they now have the ability to communicate from the heart, and for that there are no boundaries of the big cities or new places. Now it is a direct communication from your heart to another. We told you this will come, we mentioned it many times. We call it "deep contact, " and we told you that there will come a time on planet Earth when you will no longer need your electronic devices. They will be able to communicate with very few words and, finally, only with energy. Meanwhile, the first expressions of this deep contact are simply communicated from the heart and using fewer words. Many times their words do not express what they want to say, because sometimes there are no words in their language that describe what they feel. These problems will disappear on their own when they go to the next level, and this is a possibility that had not existed before. This is the greatest thing they have created on planet Earth as a true possibility. We still describe it as a possibility rather than as a reality, because we cannot predict the future. You are creators and you are writing it every day of your life. We can say what direction they are going and see what is a little ahead of the road, but you have control at all times. We love it when they take an unexpected turn! Suddenly they say: “This doesn't make me feel good anymore! I'm going around! ”And they come to us and ask us:“ What is the best address? Should I turn right or left? ”We tell them to turn right and watch them turn left, but that also works. We will take advantage of whatever path they take. We work with you in the best possible way to help you understand that there are no right or wrong turns. It is your way, and now your heart guides you in another way, it communicates in a different way as you never dreamed.

An extremely magical year is about to close; In 2011 there were more changes of vibration on planet Earth than ever before, and this is just beginning. The most beautiful of all this is that now you are beginning to carry this energy and you no longer have to hide. The days of "Oh, I can't tell anyone about this!", Or "I can't share any of this!" Now they are seeing how everything is coming to light. They are seeing how the scientific world and its metaphysical world begin to integrate, something they never dreamed was possible. The scientific and metaphysical concepts reside in totally different worlds; some can be tested, while the others cannot; however, they begin to agree with each other. They are beginning to find points of convergence in love on planet Earth and how to grow love, because this is the piece that everyone is discovering now. They have the opportunity to create a new world in the next year, a world of their choice. We do not talk about the whole world, but about your world, about the choice of your daily path and each section of it. What would you like to see in your world? What is important for you from this point of view? If they were God and had to design a new planet Earth, what would be the most important pieces? Look at that, because now it is you who create your own reality. They are the center of their own universe, and that was always the goal. The first thing they do, when they know that they are the center of their own universe, is to assume that responsibility, to take responsibility for who they are on this planet. It is a joyful part, not a difficult one. Once you accept that responsibility, you are your own owners. This is neither bad nor good; nor do they have to make adjustments for others to understand. They simply convey your message. They carry it in their smile and their say, even in the simplest and most common words. They even wear it every time they laugh, sending a new vibration.

The changes that will take place in 2012 are beyond your understanding, on many different levels. It will take them almost 27 years to assimilate the connections that will be established next year, fully develop them and realize what is really happening. So we ask you not to worry about what will happen or how it will happen. Simply receive it with open arms and a smile on your face, and allow it to reach the greatest potential. If you hear us scream at you to turn right and you turn left, you will also hear our laughter, because there are no wrong paths. You choose your path. They have been looking for this path of least resistance in their spirituality. We tell you that the path is created just before your foot touches the ground, because now you are creating on a large scale.

Express your truth

The most important thing we want to share with you regarding the year 2012 is that the whole focus of humanity is changing on planet Earth. It has already begun on a small scale and that is why we are seeing so much agitation. Virtually every time you turn on the TV you see some great dramatic event that takes place somewhere in the world, because it is changing, you are making it evolve. And they have to discover what they don't like in order to make it evolve. If you meet and express your discontent, even if you do not know the answer of exactly what gives you satisfaction, express your truth and tell where you are at that moment, even if it is a difficult time. Because that is clearing the way and making it possible for them to believe this new world they are entering. As they move forward, something else is changing, and they are now the center of their own universe and that will never change. What is changing is how they harmonize their universe with the other gods on planet Earth. This has always been essential for everything to go well on Earth. “How do I harmonize with other people? How can I work with other people? How can I get along? ”But it is much more than that, because they are part of you and you are part of them. Actually that connection will be even more evident when we are in 2012, and that is what is happening day by day. The veil sharpens more and more. The connections they have with others will become more visible and available, and they will discover new possibilities to root energy in many other ways. The idea is to experiment and know that all these changes will occur. You have seen people with psychic powers who can literally communicate with someone who is somewhere else, sending information without the challenges of distance or time. Now they will learn to do it and be responsible for the use and sending of their own energy when they connect with other people. Sometimes it will be a simple connection, but other times they will significantly impact the life of another person, because they will help you change course. Other times, they will simply be helping her up another step. Either way, their success from 2012 will depend on how they get along with the other gods on planet Earth. That is why we call it the Age of Empowerment, because it is not just about your personal empowerment. Their next steps and their connection with themselves and with this new energy will depend in large part on how well they empower the people around them.

Many pieces of this game are beginning to reveal themselves little by little. Yes, you will still experience some changes of direction and see some necessary changes on planet Earth, starting with the planet itself. You have had a little respite in the middle of what you call tsunamis, earthquakes and other similar challenges in those areas. It was because the Earth was making its adjustments to move to the next level, and still needs to do some more. What we want to tell you with all this is that the more you work on yourself, the easier it will be for the planet to make these corrections. It doesn't have to be extremely negative on the planet, it doesn't have to be a tragedy. You can enter this energy with your eyes open and many of you are beginning to do so. In their daily walk they are in a constant connection with their own spirit and with who they are, and this is something they never dreamed was possible on planet Earth. It is the reason why the Earth receives so much attention right now, because every day they create a miracle. They are changing everything that is; They are the masters of the game board.

Each step they experience will put them in a new place. The process of becoming comfortable anchoring the new energy will bring with it some challenges for many people. Although many of you feel as if you were on unstable ground and do not know how to take root or understand what is happening, the truth is that this is what you wanted to experience, so once you find a way to anchor and stop moving, The first thing they do is reach out to another person to help them stabilize. This is the new planet Earth. This is the new connection. They will look for opportunities, as they always have, but instead of looking for them before, they will look for the opportunity to help other people in some way. We tell you that nobody is judging them or keeping track, nor is there a meter that indicates how much they have to help other people to get to heaven. Rather it is a lifestyle, it is the way they help each other so that everyone enters this energy. It is not necessary to wait for death to go to heaven, believe it here and now! That is the part that each and every one of you has brought from Home.

When you start connecting these pieces and experiencing this new form of communication, you will understand that you have a unique piece and this will make it easier for you to put all the pieces together to create the sky here on Earth. It is already underway. It's happening. They are ready? Energy will be a conscious step for each and every one of you. You will have to answer that question in your own heart. They are here and we have our hands extended towards you, because every step you take is changing the planet Earth and the energy of love. They have changed this planet far beyond their comprehension and this is only the beginning.

With the greatest honor we turn to the masters of the game board. We ask that you be treated with the greatest respect because you are looking in the mirror when you look into each other's eyes. Take care of each other whenever you have the opportunity. Shake hands with other people whenever they can to make a difference in someone's life. And remember: it's a beautiful game, play it well together.



Barbara will return next month with Connecting the Heart.

Lightworker is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding Light through empowerment.

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Copyright 2000-2011 Lightworker. This information may circulate and may be disseminated freely, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The words Copyright 2000 2011 Lightworker. must be included in all material that is published. 2. The user agrees that all rights, including those of the author of the translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. You can get more information about Steve and the Group at: and English at

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Translation and Editing:

Team of Voluntary Translators of

January 2012

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