How to prevent and cure tooth decay naturally

  • 2015

Today you can find all kinds of tips, recipes or stories on how to cure cavities, but be prepared because the text that follows is 100% useful and true.

If you are tired of all those traditional options of your dentist and they are even very strong for containing many chemicals, you have to try this natural remedy. We all want to use what is best and protect ourselves from harmful cures that can cause more harm than good. With this remedy you can start to cure cavities naturally from now on and say goodbye to everything you've been doing so far and it is completely safe.

It is coconut oil to cure tooth decay naturally. Coconut oil to cure caries naturally To prepare this cure it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and time because you may already have everything you need at home. Since, although it sounds incredible, but all you need to prevent and cure tooth decay naturally, is coconut oil. Coconut oil prevents tooth decay by attacking the bacteria that cause it. If this is hard to believe, we will support it with the fact that in Ireland, a group of researchers from the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) discovered that coconut oil destroys bacteria that cause infections and tooth decay in the mouth, without side effects .

For their research, they added several other coconut oils and enzymes and recorded how these oils are processed during the digestion process. When the oils were digested, the team added them separately in several bacterial strains to see how they would act. Among all the different types of bacteria, they added coconut oil for the main and acidic bacteria that occur in our mouth and cause different types of infections, Streptococcus mutans, getting good results. In addition, this daily oral treatment with coconut oil to cure cavities naturally, has many other functions. Strengthens immunity, helps with toothache or headache, bronchitis, cramps, women's diseases, eliminates toxins from your body, heart and kidney diseases, is a great way to whiten your teeth and many, Many other diseases. How to do coconut oil treatment for tooth decay

1.- Place 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in the mouth and chew it, or simply keep the coconut oil in the mouth until it melts and becomes liquid. This process should take about half a minute.

2.- Once the oil melts, start rinsing inside the mouth by shaking and trying to get oil in the whole mouth, forward and back and make sure to cover all the teeth. Do this for about 10 minutes and spit the oil. naturally caries cure coconut oil Recommendations of a professional in the use of coconut oil as a mouthwash This is what says Dr. Jessica T. Emery founder and owner of Fix Az car Dental Loft located in Chicago, Illinois as part of the education he gave the patient: If patients make this coconut oil treatment part of their daily dental cleaning regimen, they must comply with some guidelines: Shake gently.

If your jaw begins to feel pain after five minutes, slow down. You are working too hard. Do not swallow the oil while rinsing. If you find it difficult, you probably have too much oil in your mouth. Spit it out and try again with a smaller amount. Once you have finished throwing, spit out the trash solution. Do not discard the oil in the sink or toilet because over time the oil can accumulate and clog the pipes.

Do not drink anything before rinsing your mouth. Rinse with water first before consuming a drink. Honestly, I think there is no more natural preventive rinse than refined coconut oil. If we take into account the harsh chemicals in most mouthwashes, it makes this practice particularly attractive. Actions speak louder than words. So my father and I have adopted the mouthwash with coconut oil as part of our morning routine.

It took me a while to get used to it (I started with 10 minutes, three times a week and now I do 20 minutes three times a week). I like the way my mouth feels after and that feeling lasts for much of the day. My father rinses every morning to prevent tooth decay, and he feels more energetic. He also says that his dental sensitivity has decreased substantially.

This makes sense to me because we use vitamin E oil to soothe the gums and clove oil to soothe toothaches. If patients prefer holistic approaches, I recommend giving coconut oil rinses a chance.

The state of your oral health may not improve after an oil session, but if you can keep them constant, you may find yourself reaping benefits of long-term practice. Perhaps more research and larger-scale studies are needed to legitimize that curing caries naturally with coconut oil is feasible, however, my research indicates that there have only been a handful of clinical trials published to date. In conclusion, I believe that the link between bacteria in the mouth and systemic health, not just oral health, must be recognized. I am sure that rinses with coconut oil cannot cause harm and can prevent tooth decay. When used together with brushing and flossing, I am convinced that it will really help. ”Research and writing: Lucid Life


How to prevent and cure tooth decay naturally

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