Energies of June, July and August by Altaïr García

  • 2014
We begin a new stage with stronger, more renewing and transmutation energy. I wish you that the change you are living in your lives is harmonious and every day you breathe more joy and happiness. These three months that come bring a strong warrior energy that will help you open your heart with renewed faith and face your personal challenges.

This time is a very good time to free yourself from all the energy attachments and hooks that can block you, to work and invoke the pink flame and open the heart. It is a wonderful time to start a project within the New Energy, to join your forces and your ideas with other people close to you and to solve the problems and challenges in your path. To fix communications.

There are three months: June, July and August, ideal to define a renewed project of life, to heal the heart and allow you to live love. To work sexuality from the connection, love and silence, and feed with your tenderness and acceptance to that little boy or girl inside so many times forgotten or despised but so necessary in our journey.

We begin a new path, opening the heart to changes. Waiting for those clogs to end up on the road, and we prepare to see how those people who block us on the road say goodbye to us.

We are open to say goodbye to the envy and anger of our life and in these months we can do a personal job to move these old energies away from our heart.

In June we will receive the arrival of the solstice with force, with great energy. The great phoenix that represents our life reaches its highest point this June and during these months we live a period of high transmutation and change. In this solstice we celebrate our connection with the Sun, we heal the connection with the Cosmic Father and we rebuild our forces for a new impulse towards a new stage of growth. Thus, this precious time comes an energy of will in action, of movement, impulse, change. Relate, go out, live new adventures, fall in love and dance with the arrival of this summer energy that will so warm your heart and soothe the wounds of the past.

Recommended personal work:

Sit in your usual place of meditation and if you want you can put a picture of those people with whom you want to heal a relationship, or that person that you have not seen and long for years. They can be people alive or transcended, the important thing is that they are people with whom you want to heal the ties from the heart so that the karmic pitfalls can finish overcoming.

Put an incense to clean the energies that can hinder this work. Put a small candle so that it illuminates your mind and your inner space so that you can see the path to that or those people with whom you want to connect. Put a food, a flower or something alive and some water and feel comfortable, comfortable. Focus on those people you love, with whom some obstacle could arise, suddenly they left your life, or you feel you should do this job. In your mind, just on your forehead, draw a pink circle and imagine how that pink light cleanses from your mind all the obstacles that prevent you from “clearly seeing” the road. Relax and breathe slowly and deeply. Feeling like the pink energy from your mind bathes your whole body, your subtle bodies, and through the breath more and more expands. When you sit in harmony and see that it is time, call those people by your side. Call them from their highest presence and decree that you want to do this work at the highest frequency, to connect with them from the heart and thus clean the bonds that may have been injured from this or other lives between you. Ask people from your Being to that person to do the work and decree that you perform this meditation in Harmony with her, in Harmony with all the people around you and in Harmony with the Universe. In the heart of those people draw with your mind a pink light, clear, perfect, beautiful. And he decrees: THANKS for being in my life, THANKS for our PERFECT encounter of learning, love and connection. That this work and this connection between the two be purified and cleansed of attachments, selfishness and fears and among us there is only PEACE, LOVE, FREEDOM, BALANCE and HARMONY. (You can use your words in this decree, always in harmony with those people, without forcing, altering or damaging their free will and the decisions that you have made or have taken together from the Being. When you have done the work, visualize how from your heart and his two pink spheres join with a transparent thread of pink light and he feels like that thread of light is growing more and more until it becomes a tube of pink light that completely envelops you. Within that tube you can see in a higher level of consciousness. If your conscience at this point is clear you can ask that person why he appeared in your life, what he has to teach you or what you can bring to him. What he needs from you. Thank him for being there, or heal the memories that you lived together that you did not overcome any of the two, etc. When it is time to say goodbye to that person and feel like the tube of light is divided into two exactly the same spheres, one that surrounds your body I It surrounds your body of light, so you move away and focus again on your physical body.

Once you are focused on yourself, feel your heart, feel if something changes inside you, in your body. If any tension eased, if your mental state or your emotions changed. Become aware that any problem or mismatch was not in the relationship between the two, but rather in you, in your judgment, in your resentment or in your attachment, and through this work you have completely cleaned or partially that negative energy and those thoughts and memories that altered and damaged you.

When you close the work, thank the Universe for the causalities and perfection in your life and ask that all the people around you have the opportunity, just like you, to heal the relationships with those who are close by, thus expanding the energy of love and gratitude from your heart to them to bless them in their work. Finally, thank yourself, yourself, for doing the work and get out of meditation. With this work you can heal the relationships that are average or in imbalance in your life, helping you and those around you to have more balance in their lives.

Finally, I want to invite you to the inauguration of Sala Kail? Sh which will take place on Saturday , May 24 in Pamplona at 5pm . You have more information about this event at www.salakailash.com or www.mensajesespirituales.net, where we will have a small party with music, raffles and more surprises!

A hug, with all my love
Alta r

Upcoming courses and events with Alta r Garc a:

PAMPLONA IRU EA ~ Sala Kail? Sh Saturday, May 24: Inauguration of Sala Kail? Sh (17h 20h)

Saturday, May 31: Experience: Vision and Consciousness and Message of Light

Sunday, June 1: Intensive course: Internal Capabilities

Saturday, June 7: Experience Beyond life and Message of Light

Sunday June 8: Healing Course in the present and beyond life

Saturday June 14: Experience Connection with the Higher Self, Message of Light and ChillOut Meditation

Sunday June 15: Course Connection with the Higher Self and beyond life

Saturday, June 21: Experience Connection with the Higher Self and Message of Light

Sunday June 22: Connection with the Higher Self Course
Saturday June 28: Course of Healers I: Astral Travel and Mental Projections

Sunday June 29: Course of Healers II: Regressions and Astral Rescue

Saturday, July 5: Messages of Light

Sunday July 6: Interior Vision

Saturday July 12: Course of Healers III: Meditation, connection and channeling

Sunday July 13: Course of Healers IV: Energy protection and practices


Saturday, July 26 : Experience Connection with the Higher Self and Message of Light

Sunday July 27: Course Connection with the Higher Self and beyond life

Saturday, July 5: Course of Healers V: Spiritual Healing

Sunday July 6: Course of Healers: Summary, questions, case studies


Saturday, August 9 : Experience Connection with the Higher Self and Message of Light

Sunday, August 10: Connection with the Higher Self and beyond life

More information:



Energies of June, July and August by Altaïr García

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