Divine Mother - The Purpose of the Soul

  • 2012

Grow with the Truth that is within you, and ask me for help to manifest your soul gifts in reality and to understand the purpose of the soul in real life; so that together we can fulfill it.

We receive from the Divine Mother individual meditations and energy cures for our bodies, which also activate our talents. Thinking with the heart, receiving the divine guidance and the divine healing of our Divine Mother, each one has their own spiritual experience with her that is very particular.

The stay in their hearts. Let your hearts think for you. Let the knowledge of the heart think. They will use the mind but first they let the heart do the thought using the intellect.

The truth must be structured in the cells so that it automatically moves, lives, and expresses the truth. If you had to tell a lie, it would be like creating in pain in you. The truth is growing. It is very good, because the world as they know it, has been built from lies, half-truths, compromises. Your hearts do not want to compromise the truth of who you are. The heart wants to be honest which means that it is all that you are.

With your attention on love, the Earth will change. Your attention is more powerful than ever, and everything is increasing; in the purity of the entire planet. Now when things are increased in purity, the impure has to be expelled. But I want them to put their attention to be on the increase, not on the decrease. The increase of purity, of love, of freedom. when they put their attention on what is increasing, they participate in its expansion.

The Mother uses integral therapy that heals from the infinite self. The deepest connection with the infinite self and the Christ self that are anchored in the heart, will lead us to live with a greater Christ consciousness, to the healing of your multidimensional soul and alignment with your Higher Self, through the abundant and golden light Universal of the Creator Father. Heal through sacred sound, contemplation, meditation, new habits that resonate with new energy, decrees. The Mother recommends us to say; break, break, many times. We heal at a deeper level, softening the energy blocks or crystallizations, releasing the past, and the present, and transmuting with the violet flame. We heal and transmute karmic patterns of the soul through time: past, present and future, exploring possible futures. We achieve integrity with the recovery of the parts of the soul and the archetypal integration of the soul.

Before you were born, your soul met with a council of wise spiritual elders to create a divine plan for your life. This plan contains the essence of your soul purpose for this life. Evaluate your current progress in completing your task, and guidance on the steps you must take now to fulfill the path of your soul.

The spiritual purpose of the soul that is behind the lessons of life:

Your gifts and your true vocation.

Who are you like Soul and where do you come from in the world of the Spirit?

Why were you born in your particular life circumstances?

What challenges and obstacles have you chosen to face and why?

Develop a relationship with your main spiritual guide.

Return to your soul group. Identify your closest soul mates. Join your primary soulmate.

Meet with the Council of Elders and review your life purpose.

Honor the elemental of your physical body. Special care is taken to release traumas and restraint patterns when working in one's own unique body language.

Connect your body with that of Mother Earth and expand your capacity for intimacy.

Learn to be more present in the "now."

Change belief systems and limiting situations.

Integrate and heal your inner child. Embrace life with more attention, breadth and compassion.

Explore past lives - Visit the Akashic Records library with the help of Lord Metatron and the Record Keeper.

The knowledge and understanding of your soul purpose on Earth and the goals you set out to achieve will give you direction in life and help you complete this incarnation with renewed energy, energy to restore your lower vehicles. Receive the grace.

The healing of the soul is a route, whose main objective is the integration of the personality with the Soul. The integral therapy of the soul helps them to expand their Christ consciousness, heals karmic patterns and creates conscious connections with their spiritual guides, develops love relationships between soul mates, and achieves personal goals that are in line with their purpose in life and soul contracts to fulfill their highest destiny.

The Divine Mother has asked us to call our divine friends. We can ask for help from our cosmic parents, our spiritual teachers, guides, guardian angels, and the Council of Light that is overseen by the planetary Christ; Lord Maitreya, the Angelic Kingdom of the 13th dimension, the Ascended Masters, and Elder Brothers who are at the service of the Earth. They also use integral therapy with the Divine Self that is the highest version of ourselves in the now.

We can channel verbally; The wisdom of our guides consciously. Allow the Emissaries of light to transform the true root of our limitations to increase the speed of our vibration. We feel the support of the beings of Light, while going through periods of intense internal and external change. We must ask our Primary Teacher for the highest spiritual lessons of the initiatory experiences.

Let go of what is no longer in alignment with our highest purpose and our soul path. Complete the contracts of relationships that no longer resonate with our light and release them. Learn soul lessons to move on to the next level. Find true peace and freedom, and open the heart to love.

Trips to the temples of healing and wisdom while we sleep, those that resonate with the path of the soul. There we can receive the wisdom of the essential soul to accelerate its evolution and remember its origins. Travel to our home planet, or in the spiritual home-among the incarnations. with the energetic vibrations and frequencies of our true home, to connect more deeply with the essence of the soul, we connect with our own group of souls and with the most intimate members of our soul family in the upper worlds and with the members that They are embodied.

We improve meaningful relationships; if we live them with the Divine Mother - Transform the karmic patterns that are behind the problems in difficult relationships with parents, brothers, children, lovers, friends and business partners. Breaking old soul contracts and developing new ways of relating without criticism or judgments, without fear of rejection, with tolerance and mutual respect.

Connie Huebner and Susana Blanco

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