The New Children of Today: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Amans

We have no doubt that our world is immersed in a wave of spectacular changes. The last decades have brought us a huge set of transformations like never before in the known history of mankind. This fills many of us with hope, as advances in communication and technology have made many individual, social and cultural barriers disappear, and in this way a more global, more planetary consciousness is emerging.

However, all these enormous changes also generate fears of great proportions in many people, because they base their assurance that everything remains with the same scheme in which they live and think that everything new will only bring misfortunes and losses of their values, life forms and material goods; paying attention to that pessimistic popular saying that "Better evil is known than good to know." In this way they turn their backs on the authentic functioning of nature and, therefore, of life itself: everything is a continuous flow, everything is constantly changing and transforming. You just have to observe the forest, the sea, the mountain or the desert a little to realize this truth. The presocratic philosopher Heráclito affirmed that of “Everything flows and nothing remains. You will never bathe twice in the same river. ”

In recent months the media and ordinary citizens are talking and commenting a lot about what is called "climate change." And it is true that we are all becoming aware that the weather is different and that increasingly strange and radical weather events are occurring. In fact, there are data that corroborate this assessment:

* Volcanic activity has grown 500% since 1875 (data from the Smithsonian Institute, from its catalog “Volcanoes in the world”).

* Increased number of floods, snow in hot places (for example, in Kenya), appearance of huge hurricanes, thawing of large extensions of the poles.

* More intense and numerous forest fires, increased heat in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, excessive heat in cold areas of the planet, exacerbation of the El Niño phenomenon, etc.

* The telluric activity on the planet has grown 400% since 1973 (data from the US Geological Survey).

* Increased solar activity and its consequent increase in electromagnetic activity.

* Increased activity of tornadoes in areas where they were not produced in such quantity.

* Tilt of the Earth's magnetic axis. NASA scientists said that the earthquake that produced the tsunami in Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004 changed the Earth's axis, accelerating its rotation and shortening the duration of the day by 3 microseconds. According to these scientists, the inclination of the earth's axis would have increased.

On the other hand, for a few months the great crisis of the global financial system has emerged, which has caused enormous fear in a large number of people. But the truth is that this crisis (or better, collapse of the economy) is the result of speculation, fraud, injustice, excessive ambition and corruption that exist in the high spheres of the prevailing system. It is another sign that the world is changing on a large scale (this would be something similar to the fall of Rome, of the Roman Empire, to give rise to the birth of a new society). The communist system collapsed and now the capitalist system is sinking; We have to create a new social and economic system that is more transparent, fair, supportive and honest.

At the beginning of last November, there was a spectacular event in the world: nothing more and nothing less than the election of a black president, for the first time in history, in the United States. I mean Barak Obama, of course. This event represents another obvious example of the important changes that are occurring on our planet. The messages that Obama is transmitting to all citizens speak of hope, of change, that together we can. His most famous phrase is "Yes, we can" ("Yes, we can"); and another statement of his is “Now is our great opportunity. We are all one". In this way, we can observe that this president is in complete harmony with the near future towards which we are heading: a world of peace, unity, solidarity and love.

We could mention more facts and evidences of the great changes that are taking place in the globe, but now I prefer to speak to you, dear reader or dear reader, of an unusual and exciting subject; We are going to focus on an issue that usually goes unnoticed and that is also related to the future of our world. These are the children who are being born in recent years; They are very special children and different from those of previous generations. Gynecologists, midwives and other professionals who assist women at the time of delivery, affirm that in recent years children are born with their eyes open, unlike the old births in which infants were born with their eyes closed and They stayed like that for several days. This is a demonstration that these children are more advanced.

In another area, we can hear many people say about their children or their family about this This child speaks, looks like an old man! . Many children speak like an adult and with great wisdom. Myself, in my work as a researcher, psychologist and psychotherapist, I have been able to verify for some years now that these children are now much more awake, intelligent and wise, as well. as more loving and compassionate.

Children now, so special, are known by different names:

-Superdotados or High Capabilities, since many of them obtain an intelligence coefficient (CI) of more than 130.

- ndigo and Cristal, in reference to the color of its electromagnetic field or aura.

-Star, for being children more connected with the high dimension of being

human, according to the investigations of Georg K hhlewind, professor of

Budapest University

-From the New Generation or Third Millennium Generation (GTM), attending

Do the fact that they are the infants that are being born in recent years.

-High Sensitivity, at different levels (physical, emotional, psychic, so-

cial ...). Subject that is being studied by various psychologists from different


- Of Right Hemisphere, because they show a great development of their hemisphere -

Right brain, much more than previous generations. This is

A denomination coined by myself.

To give us a more precise idea, I want to explain now that these children today have a series of characteristics that, in general, are the following: they are distracted or too restless in class, they use a language very developed for their age, they have extrasensory perceptions, they have very deep and wise looks, they have a high degree of sensitivity, they have a lot of energy and vitality, they learn very fast, they use computers and cutting-edge technology from a very young age, they show a lot of interest in deep issues (such as death or God, for example ), they love nature, they can do two or three activities at the same time, they show insatiable curiosity (they always ask why things happen), they are noble and complete, they have a lot of imagination and creativity, they are very intuitive, and they have a vision More global situations.

The contribution of anthropologist and researcher John White, a member of the American Anthropological Association (American Anthropological Association), which states that: “A new humanity that is characterized by an already modified psychology, based on the expression of feeling is very interesting and not in his repression. This translates into: a supportive and loving motivation, not competitive and aggressive; a multilevel-integrated logic, not linear-sequential; a sense of inclusive-collective identity, not isolated-individual; and psychic abilities used for benevolent and ethical purposes, not harmful or immoral. ”This researcher concludes that there is a great turn of humanity as a whole, which will lead to the appearance of Homo Noeticus (Man of Consciousness), which It constitutes the next step in human evolution.

This appreciation reminds me of what my friend Colin Bloy, a tireless researcher of British origin, already deceased, when he mentioned what we are in the transition from Homo Sapiens to Homo Amans. Of course we are going to become Loving Human Beings surpassing the Rational Human, I have no doubt about that, it is the next step in the evolution of man.

In the same vein, Georg Kühlewind, a professor of chemistry-physics at the University of Budapest and a researcher of the new children, is called the Star Children because of the important connection they have with the transcendent or elevated dimension of the human being. He affirms that: “For more than twenty years more and more children have been born than in their being and their behavior are separated from those to whom parents and teachers are accustomed. A new generation of souls enters the earth ... children who bring great maturity, who are unhappy with the world of adults and who, with a powerful spiritual impulse, want to transform this world. This is the most important event in modern times. ”Beautiful words, Georg.

Dr. Abad Merchán, regional director of Cultural Programs of the Museum of the Central Bank of Ecuador, an eminence in anthropology and sociology, stressed that we are living a unique and very special moment in terms of the evolutionary acceleration of humanity. And he expresses that “We must recognize that the presence of new children, called talented or others, represents the symbol in life of a transcendental change of today's humanity, only comparable with the great historical milestones of adaptation along the call rise of the human being, such as fire, agriculture or the industrial revolution. But the current change does not only include the physical and external world, but mainly internal, through the modification of Consciousness ... From the sociological point of view, the twentieth century is seen as a space of time with an acceleration of the history of The humanity. We are witnesses and protagonists of the great socio-anthropological and especially emotional-spiritual changes. The change of the heart can be faster than any other. There is no other option for change, now, than that. The change is going to be spiritual, starting with the personal transformation of each one. What would have taken many centuries, with this historical acceleration and with the appearance of these new, highly empathic and talented children, we will witness in just a couple of decades. ”

A few days ago, when I was driving my car in the company of my 9-year-old son Daniel, he declared to me, spontaneously and without being related to the conversation we were having (since we were talking about his school affairs), the following: “I want a world where there are people who do not fight, in which we are all equal, we are happy, in which nobody abuses and nobody abuses anyone, that nobody judges people for how they are, and Let there be love. ” I was shocked and amazed to have a sample, once again, of how very connected and inspired these children are, and of the beautiful global consciousness that they possess innate.

I have no doubt that our society needs the development of the qualities of the right cerebral hemisphere and today's children already have it incorporated. We have worked a lot with the left hemisphere, the rational side, and now it is up to us to cultivate and activate the intuitive, internal, creative, artistic, global, spiritual, emotional, loving part. Only in this way will we achieve a harmonious, prosperous and cheerful society.

Our Blue Planet is changing to become a World of Unity, Peace and Love. Today's children are a striking example of this change. They will help transform the world; It is everyone's responsibility to understand, serve and support them Now! United, we can move forward with strength and enthusiasm!

Luis Sánchez González, Researcher, psychologist and psychotherapist


by Luis S nchez Gonz lez, Researcher, psychologist and psychotherapist- March 07, 2009 10:55 pm

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