Message from the Arc Miguel Angel: Work your Inner Self by Solange Mar n

  • 2015

Beloved children I am Miguel Archangel, I come on this day as every week at the request of this beloved Light channel to deliver the message to you to work your Inner Self.

Beloved, there is a point of earthly existence that is often set aside, separated and ignored, but how important it is for you to work it and manifest it: HUMILITY.

Everyone believes that they are humble but very few are in reality, humility is not being humiliated or trampled by others who have not understood the meaning of ALL WE ARE ONE, no. To be humble is to accept defeats, or what they seem to be defeats, and to use them as learning to move forward, to be humble is to advance in silence, to strive every day a little more to be better, to be humble is to receive energy. He is loving in his heart and thanking him for that, to be humble is not to boast, not to believe more than anyone else, everyone is different, there are no better or worse.

Everyone is better when working on their weaknesses, when they put their experience and knowledge at the service of others with humility, and there we return to the aspect to be treated this week: to be humble.

Beloved ones, I accompany you permanently, I protect and guide you, I help those who ask you to raise their faith and their strength, but it is in each one to work and improve. These points that I give you are to reflect and act accordingly every day, every week, all your lives.

Be humble, reach out, stand after each fall, feel true unconditional love in your souls, and above all give yourself to the service of your brothers, recognize yourself as ONE with the Creator and Above all things be humble. It is mission.

I love you and bless you with all my energy for your service, I thank you for allowing me to serve you.

I am Miguel Arc ngel

I am

Channeling: Solange Mar n

Message of the Archangel Michael: Work your inner self by Solange Marín

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