Everything is connected and nothing disappears ", by Ervin László

  • 2012

Piano concertist, philosopher, physicist ...
My interest is transdisciplinary. If the evolution is true, from the physical the biological arose and later the social, psychological, political ... It is a continuum and I have always wanted to understand what process is behind it and what is our place in that process.

And he founded the Research Group on General Evolution.
I wanted to know more and was aware that I just wasn't going to get it, so I gathered a group of scientists, researchers and thinkers to develop a new general theory of evolution that would illuminate the path of a better world in response to the rapid proliferation of nuclear weapons.

And the Budapest Club (1993).
Again it was about joining forces to change the course of our world (unsustainable, polarized and unfair) and direct it towards ethics and humanism.

The leaders were not willing to do anything. We, scientists from different areas, defended another type of growth, which today they call sustainable, and we were clear that we needed opinion leaders to spread it. Among the first members were the Dalái Lama, Milos Forman, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yehudi Menuhin, Rostropóvich, Arthur Clarke, Desmond Tutu ... Now we are sixty.

And he has found a scientific theory that supports that struggle.
I think there is an information field as a substance of the cosmos of which we all participate. That dimension that cannot be observed but that is real makes all things connect with each other and is also a memory: when something takes place, the information remains in that dimension.

He has called it an Akashic field.
5, 000 years ago the Hindu sages, apart from the four elements (air, fire, earth and water), defined a fifth that contains them all: akasa, matrix of all matter and strength of the universe. I realized that this idea was what I tried to define as a deep psychic field and changed its name. Today many scientists work with her.

Do you have scientific bases?
Yes, I have several published books that delve into it. The akashic field creates coherence between the different fields (electromagnetic, gravitational, nuclear, quantum and that of Higgs) and explains the mysteries that the various compartmental sciences are not able to explain, for example: it was not understood how complex organisms were transformed into another species, capacity without which we would still be seaweed.

They call them spontaneous mutations.
Sir Fred Hoyle, a renowned cosmologist and physicist, calculated the possibility of this chance: "It is equivalent to a hurricane entering a scrap yard and its passage leaving a plane mounted."

Everything is self-organized. I and other scientists believe that the Akashic field is involved in the evolution of the universes.

How do universes evolve?
They are born from each other. The big bang is now called the big bounce (the big bounce). A universe like ours is expanding until it collapses and begins to contract to a quantum dimension, all the matter in the universe ends at the head of a pin, and then the force of expansion is so strong that an explosion occurs that creates new universes .

And start over?
The information that has been generated in this first universe is inherited by the second, in the same way that a zygote has the information of the parents. The akashic field is holographic, the information of the whole image is at any point. Everything is connected and nothing disappears.

So, you or I, do we contain all the information in the universe?
In an altered state of consciousness we can access that information that is not in the brain but that it is able to capture. The great mistake of the modern world has been to consider that everything that cannot be heard, touched or seen is an illusion. The fundamental reality is not directly observable, and I will give you an example.

If I throw the pen I see how gravity operates, but I can't see the gravitational field, only the effect. All the forces of nature are in that deeper dimension and we only observe the effects. I base my theory on quantum physics, on the biophysical observations of living beings, on transpersonal psychology and on the cosmology that multiverses study.

How do you explain the current seizure?
It is part of the dynamics of evolution, when a critical point is reached, which is the bifurcation point, the system either collapses or is reorganized in another way to stabilize.

And we are at that critical point.
The Earth is like a spaceship with a crew of 7, 000 million people, receives energy from the Sun but no matter, therefore the rule is simple: you have to recycle, live in harmony with us and with the planet, create a more ethical culture .

Which is the first step?
To reach a critical mass, 1% of 1% will suffice. That is why we have created the University of Global Change through the internet.

"Everything is connected and nothing disappears"


Child prodigy, piano virtuoso, at age nine debuted with the Budapest Philharmonic. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he created the Budapest Club, a laboratory of ideas for a more ethical world, and the University of Global Change, which operates online and offers a degree program in economics, art and religion . It has 75 books published, including Quantum Change (how the new scientific paradigm can transform society), The Creative Cosmos and The Revolution of Consciousness, edited by Kairós. His research has led him to defend the existence of a cosmic field of interconnections that conserves and transmits information

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