Interview with Mariano Bueno, expert in Geobiology

Sleep with your head to the north and rest better.

Interview with Mariano Bueno, expert in geobiology

I'm 50 years old. I was born and I live in Benicarló. I am an expert in geobiology, organic farming and biohabitability. I live as a couple and I have an 11 year old son. Politics? The welfare of the people. God? We are part of the universal light: every day I feel more spiritual

What does an expert in geobiology do?

I study the influence of terrestrial radiation on living tissues, on human health.

What terrestrial radiation do you mean?

To those from underground water veins, geological faults, cracks, granitic subsoils, geomagnetic fields ... And the artificial ones: pipes, power lines ...

Does all that influence my body?

Of course! And more intensely in children and hypersensitive people.

What kind of influence is involved?

Of ionizations, alterations of the natural bioelectromagnetism of our cells.


The cells exchange electrical charges. The flow of electrons makes your body have magnetism. Like the planet Earth, which is a great electromagnet.

With two poles, north and south.

Earth's magnetism influences us, especially in the hours of sleep. Attentive: sleeping with the body aligned with the earth's magnetism favors rest. Head oriented to the north, feet to the south: it is the most relaxing orientation, you will rest better!

What if I sleep in other directions?

Sleeping with your head to the east favors a revitalized awakening.

and with the head pointing south?

You will wake up tense, nervous.

And to the west?

It weakens, devitalizes, depresses. The healthy: place the header between north and east.

Do you have scientific arguments?

The cells are like small compasses and repolarize and repair: facilitating the process reinforces your health. Your bedroom is the true chamber of your health! Do not disturb her.

And what is most disturbing?

Lights - darkness activates melatonin, activating hormone of cellular repair! - high temperature, noise ... and electromagnetic fields (natural or artificial): they inhibit the production of melatonin.

What fields are natural?

Groundwater currents: water molecules in motion, in friction with the subsoil, generate an electromagnetic field. Sleeping on that geopathogenic point disrupts your cell regeneration.

How far?

Until sick. Any intense electromagnetic radiation inhibits the pineal gland and stops secreting melatonin! And that eight hours a night, night after night, prevents cells from repairing properly: you will suffer headaches, joint ailments, organic dysfunctions, immune system depression ... In the long term, that can lead to neurodegenerative pathologies, leukemia, tumors ...

Tell me which points are geopathogens!

Those in which a terrestrial fault, a water vein and a Hartmann line (electromagnetic currents that cross the entire surface of the earth, in grid) overlap.

How to detect those points?

The zahoríes did it with hazelnut sticks or pendulums. Today we have electronic detectors that capture radiation flows. And there are powerful disturbances that are very obvious, the artificial ones: avoid them!


High voltage towers, transformers, electric cables, appliances connected to the mains, high frequency radiation, mobile telephony, wireless ... Avoid that in your nights or you will get sick!

I have an electric alarm clock.

Change it for one of batteries, or move it away from your body. The electric wires, as far as possible from your head.

I have a TV at the foot of the bed.

If it is flat screen, it radiates little. Instead, a cathode tube television emits radiation up to four meters! Especially backwards, and through walls. Once I detected that a person's discomfort came from the back of his neighbor's TV ...

And what do I do with my mobile phone?

Out of the bedroom, of course! Their microwaves shake your cells. Today we know that talking with the cell phone attached to the skull for more than ten years ... doubles the chances of developing a brain tumor!

Well, I've been like that for more than ten years. And, for work, I need to continue using it!

Good: move your phone away from your head. The more distance, the less you'll radiate it. It's easy: use a walking headset!

As soon as I get out of here. what other disturbances do you recommend me to avoid?

Our homes are nests of electromagnetic and chemical pollution. Let between sunlight and air, use wooden furniture, use ecological paints and banish air fresheners, softeners, bleach and synthetic detergents. If you wash your clothes with baking soda, it will look good enough for you! And watch your cleaning products: they are sweet chemistry, non-toxic.

What I won't do is live by candlelight.

No, but free your resting area from electromagnetic pollution. And when we get home, he walks barefoot: during the day we walk on insulating soles and work in sick isolated buildings, so we should download.

Give me one last revitalizing advice.

Alfalfa seeds germinate in a bottle and consume that germinate: it is very digestive and concentrates nutrients that regenerate your tissues and protect your health.

Mariano Bueno is the pioneer of geobiology in Spain, author for 25 years of classics such as Living in a healthy house, The great book of the healthy house or The ecological family garden Gico (www. Casasana.Info) and founder of the GEA Geobiological Studies Association (www.Gaa-es. org).

Disseminate the concept of energy hygiene: Sticking a mobile to your skull or sleeping next to an electromagnetic radiation is as anti-hygienic as eating with dirty hands. .

Move one of its detectors and point it to me from where an electric line passes, and with another measure the high radiation of radon gas emitted by the bar bar granite I go out to buy a mobile handsfree for my mobile.

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