Crossing the catwalk

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 There comes a time, in the process of each one, that it seems that life has changed its mind and has decided to favor you according to your will, opening the doors that previously seemed be closed Something has really changed in you. When you see that it seems that your existence smiles at you, it is because something important has happened in you, within you. 2 Crossing the catwalk 3 4 5

There comes a time, in the process of each one, that it seems that life has changed its mind and has decided to favor you according to your will, opening the doors that previously seemed to be closed. Something has really changed in you. When you see that it seems that your existence smiles at you, it is because something important has happened in you, within you.

This can excite you and feel an inner movement where love embraces every part of your being. You feel joy, contentment, joy and a feeling of tranquility as you had not realized before. Now you feel and realize the blessings that are coming to you every day, and where each day seems the existence of a provider that satisfies you with gifts and constant offers, and you, open your arms to receive them and enjoy them. You don't get more than you need, and you don't ask for more than you get. Everything is in perfect balance.

This new inner feeling makes you open more to the external forces of the universe (Divine Will, guides, brothers of the Light, ...), feeling protected by the Home from which we all come. It seems that you are alone, but you know that it is not being so. You feel their presences and you see how with each step you take you get closer to what your heart has spoken to you to take it into account.

We all meet on the road. Some perhaps later than others, but it is not important at what point you are, but the fact of not stopping and continuing at your own pace. That's how your soul thanks you. Each one advances according to the degree of consciousness that is in each moment.

We see many on the path we meet. Everyone is focused on the voice of their hearts. Following it, we will meet and, we will see how the direction is the same, although not the rhythm and fluidity with which we move forward.

In this instant of the elevation of the Earth and the souls that inhabit it, there is no longer room for hesitation. It is time to meet at the end of a road, and on the other side of the catwalk waiting for us that in our deepest longings emanated from the heart from time to time have warned us of their presence.

Do not be afraid to move forward and cross the walkway that will take you to the complete awakening of your being. This will be a certain time, then he will retire and those who have not crossed it will have to continue their way beyond our beloved planet. There will no longer be room for them in him, because he will need a greater awareness for his existence. The numb ones will no longer take place; only the brave of spirit will take the great step of crossing from the old energy to the new, and it will open his arms to receive it, causing his being to rise beyond his current state, seeing the realization of God in him and knowing That his will has power. Now it seems that it does not have the strength and power to materialize, but on the other side, there is your true being that will allow you to complete what you have come to do according to the Higher Will to which we are all united.

Do not fear and come to take the step. I will be waiting for you on the other side, as well as many other brothers of your soul. Let your heart guide your steps, moving forward, and having the feeling that what you were, you will no longer be, and your life will take an important turn to keep you on the way back home and to the integrity of your true being, this being that It is within you and will remove all fears, doubts and bewilderments that you may have had to this day. Tomorrow they will no longer exist, and this morning has already begun today.

Look at this gateway. Observe it as it takes you over an abyss from side to side to ward off the void that was in you for so long. Do not worry. What awaits you on the other side is nothing more than everything you once dreamed of in relation to how you would like to feel, love, fulfill yourself and create. This is possible when you give yourself totally to the process of your awakening, of your remembering.

You feel the strength of your heart that is talking to you, more and more, more firmly, clearly and loudly. Above all, stop. You feel you must change your life, or some aspect of your life, in a very intense way. Well, ... it is your heart that speaks to you, and from what you see, you are listening. Ahead! Make the decision to follow the flow that the universe is indicating. They, your brothers of the Light, and all those dear ones who at some time of your existence were by your side, find themselves on the other side encouraging you to cross from the past to the present constant of realization, well-being and LOVE. They and I also made this decision in due course. Now I can tell you that the results obtained go beyond what you can imagine. I think it's worth it! It will be one of the most important decisions you will have made in your current life.

The human being will not have all the time to decide to cross the chasm. When the time comes to make the catwalk disappear, which will come, many will realize what it will represent and will regret not having crossed it. For them there will be another opportunity, but not on this planet.

When the time has come to define, and it has already arrived, in its beginnings, those who are on the other side will see your divine potentials activated and your need to serve the Higher Source of Life, from which we all proceed. Your life will no longer belong to you, because you will be guided by the voice of your heart, speaker of the Father / Mother who feeds and guides all beings in the sky.

Being God who directs your life, there will no longer be any need to control and organize, because He will be the one to do it for you, but not in the sense of "rationally controlling", but to make Love be in every corner of the universes created, and all the beings that inhabit it, live in harmony with each other, being you who will begin to take this step living in harmony with yourselves. Thus will the process begin in you to let everything be according to the Great Divine Plan in which we all find ourselves. Your piece will be fundamental to make the New Existential Map for all the existing beings in this great planetary cradle, universal, feeling the true Home in you and feeling the Oneness with it.

Ahead! Listen to your heart and let yourself go wherever he takes you! Do not be afraid to follow their guidelines, because they are going to get you out of the fog that is the human being, to dissolve it and realize the divine being that you are, and that you always have been.

When you cross this walkway, the fog will disappear forever and you will feel the strength of the Universal Unity in you, and how Love pushes you to materialize what you feel with great joy and joy, at the service of something superior to you, but that you are part of this "something superior."

Do not fear! Your resistance is the result of this realization that there is something else to do. You already feel it, and think, if you look well, that we are on the other side of this walkway, full of Light, like yours, but being aware of it and showing it with great intensity.

Remember: You are Light and Love, and now that you are being aware as you have not been until now, let your steps move away from what was to take you to the happiness and rest of your spirit.

Come! The Family we are waiting for you.

May Love and Peace be in you

Crossing the catwalk

Source: Unknown

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