Message from Master Elohim Arcturus: Liberation through Forgiveness

  • 2014

What is forgiveness really? Is it the glorious liberation of the feeling of guilt, the release of certain limitations that you have created, the elimination of one or more self-sabotaging behaviors or anything else that repeatedly connects you with the past that could have caused you to react and respond in a little way healthy? It is this and more. When you forgive yourself, you release any anger, shyness, fear, animosity and discomfort in your heart in favor of lighter emotions and feelings that arise from joy, peace, love and compassion.

When you forgive, you forgive both those who have hurt you in some way and yourself. In order for your feelings to be hurt, you had to allow this other person to take away part of your own personal power. When you forgive the entire incident, you and this other person regain your personal power and this situation will no longer have a painful spell on you. You will be able to see it in retrospect later and not feel any pain or anger, just gratitude that it is over and thanks for the lessons you provided for your continued growth and development. Of course you can choose to walk in the negativity of holding on to a grudge or resentment towards the person who has hurt you, but it is much more pleasant to live a life devoid of emotional and mental pain.

We understand that it can be a difficult feat to totally forgive because you cannot really do it until you are ready to let go of the past incident or event, until you have lived long enough in the pain of the past. Then you can forgive by accepting any role you have had and releasing your pain, fear and resentment that you may have kept toward this person or situation without becoming more attached to them and seeing God clearly. Once they have delivered these attachments to God, what they have done is to make room to receive the infallible Love and Light of God to fill that space that had once been occupied by the negativity related to a past situation with another person. Although you have had countless encounters with the same individual, it is apparent to you to forgive you for all the bad deeds and forgive yourself for allowing the situation to perspire, for allowing yourself to feel how you felt, and for allowing these feelings to manifest as pain all the time they were allowed to remain. Forgiveness has always been a two-way street, not one-way street.

There are many benefits of forgiving daily. Every day, and sometimes without noticing, you stick to decisions, people, things, etc. that perhaps they are not for the greater benefit of you, but that at that moment in time seemed fine. Or they could talk with another person about many things, and even if they don't seem to have been affected by anything said, that does not mean they were not affected. My dear ones, that is why it is important to forgive even the unknown damage that could have been caused. Just because a person has not reacted or responded externally that does not mean they did not feel hurt, even slightly. Starting to forgive may well be the best and healthiest decision you make in this life, one that you are willing to use frequently, not only when your feelings are hurt.

It is not a secret that forgiveness has helped them improve emotional, psychological and physical health. When you forgive, you allow peace to reenter your whole being, where hate and anger once lived. Love can then come through truth from your generous heart to heal your Self and direct this healing full of Love towards others through your newly restored kind actions, words, deeds, choices and kind intentions.

Many people despise the power of forgiveness, stating that it is a waste of time, which is because they fear what lies beneath their negative feelings. My dear ones, sometimes it is scary to face certain truths, but it is also liberating once you have taken a courageous step to see the past event and free yourself from it. Sometimes the act of forgiving may take longer for some people because it really depends on whether they are ready to cut the umbilical cord, the negative emotion that has connected them with the person or the situation.

Beloved beings who do not forgive easily are generally prone to having matters related to their physical heart. Negative feelings and emotions create unnecessary stress in your physical heart. The sooner they forgive, the better they will feel. Your immunity will improve, as will your ability to interact socially with others — the little corner of the world that you call home becomes a less hostile place.

Practicing daily can strengthen the ability to forgive, being rewarded on each occasion with liberating feelings and feeling lightness. Forgiving becomes a part of your personality when you choose what is for the greater good, including gratitude. Forgiving is not only something you do when someone throws a few insults at you, but it is a way to heal deep inside. Forgiveness is often found through gratitude, and is one of the main traitors of peace, understanding, and love.

To improve your ability to forgive, it is vital to make room in your day to perform exercises to breathe deeply and inhale fresh and invigorating thoughts and feelings, and exhale any resentment or animosity to which you have been clinging. If they are good at visualizing, then visualize a tight, twisted knot with several knots; and while they inhale and exhale the knot softens a little until it eventually falls apart. Then visualize what remains of the knot dissolve in nothingness, while feeling lighter and freed.

Remember that when you forgive someone or an event from the past you are not necessarily asking for a reconciliation, nor are you condemning the actions of the other person. What they are doing is letting go of the emotional attachment that has led them to their own prolonged suffering. If they are unable to forgive someone face to face, then they can forgive them through prayer and surrender to God, accepting their part in the situation no matter how minimal it was, or They can write what they call a letter of forgiveness.

Writing is one of the best ways to release repressed anger and other feelings without harming anyone or themselves. What they write and why they are feeling how they feel, handling the situation for what it really was without emotional attachments, forgiving them for their actions, words and choices, and sorry Leaving themselves for the same. Those who have preferred to write letters of forgiveness have been able to admit the liberating feeling that comes soon after writing the letter, although sometimes that feeling of freedom and liberation comes with tears because you they are finally saying goodbye to a part of their past that was painful, a past that they had not been able to let go until now. If for any reason you do not want to send the letter of forgiveness, then burn it, and in doing so visualize your dark, deep and negative feelings burning with the paper. Writing notes of daily forgiveness is a good way to keep your perception clear and less attached to the events that have happened recently.

Plain and simple, there are people who are insensitive or inconsiderate, care little or pay little attention to their actions, feelings and thoughts, which leads to unwise choices towards others and have the tendency to be abusive with their candor, they lack of sincerity in their actions, feelings and thoughts, which gives rise to little wise choices. Rise above such individuals; Do not let your negativity steal your personal power and good mood. Find a way to start your company and appreciate the experience. You can forgive them silently for your ways and congratulate yourself for choosing freedom not contaminated by your inconsiderate behavior.

Why is it so important to forgive themselves? Well, my dear, the answer is very simple. Each of you has different perfections and imperfections, and one of them is how quickly you can overcome things. Or how much time they spend thinking about things in their mind. When they forgive someone, they show an act of mercy; Don't you think that you deserve that same act of mercy? Do you not think that you also deserve to be understood, loved and respected? Do not wait for others to offer you this, offer them to yourself.

Although forgiveness is getting rid of the feeling of guilt and letting go of attachments to negative emotions with regard to certain people and certain events, he is also the gift of freedom liberating from pain and the torment of remaining attached to memories, events, situations and people of the past, to delight in security, peace and personal happiness and the positive side of life.

We encourage you to make forgiveness an essential part of your day. When they do, they will be glad they did.

I AM Master Elohim Arcturus via Julie Miller
Source :

Message from Master Elohim Arcturus
received by Julie Miller

Message from Master Elohim Arcturus: Liberation through Forgiveness

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