The Aquarian Disciples on the Path of Light-Master Djwal Kull (The Tibetan). Part III

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Many unbridledly seek a welfare and not for a good-living ... 2 Questions? Or reflections? 3 It is not necessary to speak, because everyone knows: 4 And what does a disciple do at this time? He works because he knows how much humanity needs. 5 Any questions? 6 The action you are moving spiritually has much more value and has a much higher content than your personalities imagine, and you know this internally.

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light

In Portuguese the original.

Many rampantly seek well-being and not for a good-living ...

Well-being is sometimes colored by vanities or is confused with a compulsive consumerism where having this or that promises a certain "well-being." But what about the good life?

Many are looking for good-living and that is why the actions that lead people to meditation, yoga, breathing methods are multiplied , so that they return true well-being ... These are resources for these souls to open I walk to other forces that feed them internally . While they look for means to clear the mind and quiet it, they open internal spaces for all the higher energies that go to them . They dive deeply into their own inner universe and create opportunities for an awareness of themselves and for the opportunity to live that love that is in the soul.

Many roads are opening in all humanity because of the need for that “good-living”, because well-being did not bring the promised happiness, it did not bring many joys and there people ask:

- So what is life, if I have everything and I'm not happy? Many want to feel life more deeply and naturally, need to reflect on their questions, seek to air their real quest and illuminate their feelings and sensitivity to the world of the soul.

Questions? Or reflections?

The truth is that the boil is so great that the level of dissatisfaction of the majority is also very large . There is a very high level of dissatisfaction because no human being can be satisfied with what is happening in his humanity ; no human being can feel internally realized - really - see or see everything that is happening on the entire planet.

This level of dissatisfaction will lead to gradual transformation processes, because dissatisfaction makes people restless and questioning. Therefore, they crave new realities, seek a better world and want new actions for themselves. They find within themselves forces and feelings that are only internally recognized and that need to be manifested, such as fraternal love, solidarity love and the impulse of union and spiritual communion. They internally recognize many feelings and feel inept in relation to the pain and suffering of their brothers and sisters. And so, they begin to feel the need to do something that is the bridge for the construction of something that better favors everyone's life.

It is not necessary to speak, because everyone knows:

  • that the political system that is there is ending, will end, and will lead to a new policy.
  • that the judicial system that is there is ending, will end, and will lead to a humanized justice oriented towards equality, freedom and fraternity.
  • This will also happen with the economy throughout the world.

Economic systems are most responsible for the levels of enslavement, war, destruction of the very nature of the planet, of humanity, of divisions among nations. In short, all levels of selfishness were fed by way of this economic language.

The ego reached its peak and is already operating, isn't it? The current moment in humanity is critical, it is difficult but necessary to give rise to a new stage where fraternity, justice, equality and the fundamental values ​​of existence in life can be rescued. Earth.

And what does a disciple do at this time? He works because he knows how much humanity needs.

He is not going to leave the ship now, he has lived several lives to reach this moment and it is not now that he will stop performing his action.

That is why it is essential that a disciple turns to the soul, to the Master and seeks to connect with the spiritual actions that can help humanity at this time. You should also think a little about yourself as a soul, look for a bit of your own past lives, recognize that you are already aware of the Way to follow and accompany the thread of that path that brought you here, and become aware of the intimate relationship with the Creative Action in humanity.

This only everyone can do with himself. The Master, no matter how much he likes to speak with the disciple, cannot make the decision for him.

The disciple needs to make that internal decision and make an effort, isn't that so? If you make a decision, you need to work for what you have decided.

As I said before, the disciple learns to live in communion with the souls that form the group where he is and does not feed criticism, divisions, or allow some to benefit to the detriment of others ; It does not feed any question that brings disharmonies in the group. He will emerge as a careful brother who favors the conditions so that everyone is well in the group.

The loving force that feeds the souls that make up the group is what drives the group. This is a silent force that is always operating within the group, independent of the issues of human personalities.

It is essential to appreciate that loving force that moves in the whole group of souls or group of disciples. It is essential to tune in to that loving force because the group is in you and you are in the group. And so, in all actions, you will feel very accompanied - in the rear - by those who make up your group.

All the action performed by a group, whatever the group action, in favor of humanity brings much to the group and also much to each of the souls. And it dilutes many mists, illusions, or fantasies that the personalities of the members can still have.

Any questions?

Student 1 - Teacher, it is no doubt, but it is a thank you about this clarification, because it touches us even internally, it clarifies the reality that we are living and mainly our commitment. Because as you spoke, the disciples prepared there for today to take an action with the soul, together with the Masters of the Hierarchy and we were clarified, mainly that preservation of energies, the movement of love that preserves the units, and also the material bases so that we have conditions to continue sharing that group action that is so necessary. For me it was very important.

Teacher - There is the strong presence of love, of loving energy in your group. There is a strong presence, just tune in and feel that.

It is necessary to allow that love to speak louder so that the judgments, the criticisms and everything that can diminish the opportunities of the group diminish.

To think together, to dialogue, all that is important, but it is that loving force that moves you . That's what you need to be aware of. Just as in your family-love moves you -and sometimes you can feel the presence of that love, in the group that love action is also permanent, which translates into conquests : conquests made by each soul and by the group itself.

Each disciple has its unique process, its unique development and cannot compare two people in a group. All are different but they are exactly the differences that add up and make all the same through the loving donation of each one and that benefits everyone.

The action you are moving spiritually has much more value and has a much higher content than your personalities imagine, and you know this internally.

Each group has its spiritual identity. What you can do other groups can not, however, other groups can perform different actions, because souls come together through their evolutionary levels . The important thing is that all groups form a Great Unity at the service of humanity and the Planet.

Master Djwal Kull (The Tibetan)

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Channeled Classroom broadcast on 05/03/2017 at the School of Universal Wisdom of Synthesis; Channeling of Lourdes Rosa; Third part.

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