The Arturians channeled by Suzanne Lie in Transition No. 2 - Remodeling

  • 2015

Have you ever remodeled your home while living in it? If you have, you can understand how chaotic that can be. What is happening with our ingrained ones, is that you are all in the process of remodeling your earthly vehicle while still living in it.

From our point of view, we can perceive that our volunteers' terrestrial vehicles are surrounded by Penta-Dimensional Light. This Light is causing gradual and / or rapid changes in your physical form, in your consciousness and in your perceptions of reality. Hence, you have many thoughts and many unique emotions.

You are remodeling your earthly vehicle while still using it 24 hours 7 days a week, as you would say. In addition, each of you has a slightly different version of the ONE; and you are expressing different versions of your Multidimensional I.

Even with all these differences, many of those who are the first to remember and transmute really know each other in the higher dimensions. Some of you are fellow crew members and / or relatives of other incarnations, but you may or may not find yourself physically.

Some of you made the "find yourselves in your earthly vehicle" covenant, not knowing that you would probably forget the covenant once you were using a three-dimensional shape. Fortunately, when your Penta-Dimensional Body of Light begins to blink in and out of your consciousness, you are beginning to remember. Then you forget and then remember.

As you can see, you are in the process of recalibration of each component of your consciousness, which is the first to change. Some will immediately change your body; and some will change your life first and then your body. Some will simultaneously change your body and your life.

There is NO right or wrong way to re-transmute your I, because this event is completely new to your Planet. Dear Gaia has been waiting for countless millennia for the transmutation of His planetary body. This transmutation is becoming evident even for the most uninformed. Each belief system has its own reason why this change is happening; and each belief system will experience what it expects.

Of course, some will wake up one day on another Planet, on another system that is NOT on the verge of change. They will not be aware of this change, because they were not aware of the changes in their I or Gaia. They were not aware of these changes because their NOW is not to be transmuted.

Since three-dimensional reality is really a holographic projection made on a Three-dimensional Matrix, changing from one matrix to another has few consequences for those who live the life of the matrix instead of the life of the Planet.

Now the Earth is experiencing a change in Its Matrix of 3 Dimension, as it is expanding towards the higher frequencies of Its Multidimensional Matrix. Those who remain aligned with the planet's frequency change will pass to the higher dimensional frequencies of the matrix.

We understand that this information can be very rare for many. In fact, it probably seems impossible for those who are thinking with their three-dimensional brain. However, while your consciousness expands continuously to be able to perceive higher frequencies of reality, many concepts that once were impossible become possible, ordinary and / or normal.

We ask you to allow your Multidimensional Innate Thought to return to your consciousness. To make this cognitive change, you must free yourself from all fears of If you look back at your earthly history, you will see that often new thinkers were judged and even persecuted.

Since with your states of Higher Consciousness your memory of what you call "past lives" returns, old memories of persecution for having new thoughts can limit your ability to "let go" of your old thoughts. However, you will realize that your thinking is limited because you will begin to experience a restriction in your body and / or a feeling of limitation in your thoughts and emotions.

Be sure to realize that these feelings are not a warning of an impending disaster, but your body and your emotions telling you that your thinking is causing you discomfort. Mastery over your thoughts is one of the first steps of your return to your true sense of self.

You have lived many incarnations believing that you are the Human you are dressed in; and feeling victim of your environment. Consequently, whenever those old feelings come to the surface of your consciousness, don't judge yourself; Instead, be glad to recognize that these emotions were derived from your negative thinking.

Your emotions and your bodily feeling of change can also activate negative thinking. What exactly is "negative thinking"? This may seem like an unusual question, but you may not be aware that you have been trained for so many incarnations to think negatively, that it has become "normal." As you continue remodeling your home while living in it, you will find many secrets that you have hidden from your Self.

If you have lost a Beloved One and had to decide what to do with your possessions, you know that this is one of the most difficult parts of grief. Suzille spent 6 years watching one of his parents die and then the other. The experience of going home where he knew someone was dying, but that it was too hard to admit, created a deep wound in his psyche.

It was only until they both died and she had to remove ALL THINGS from the house where they had lived for many decades, that she could feel that she had returned to "normalcy." During all those years she had been "burying the truth" so that some felt better. How often have you had to bury the truth to feel better or for someone else to feel better?

You will increasingly be able to answer that question as your consciousness is calibrated from the TRUTH of the 5th Dimension. Remember, for many incarnations you have been living in the illusion of polarity and separation. As a result, you have developed certain habits that allow you to ignore your real experience and focus on a more comfortable illusion.

As your "house" is wired again with the new electrical circuit, you can physically perceive the difference between an illusion and a truth. An illusion, which is only an attachment to the Three-dimensional Matrix, has very little life force. Consequently the illusions have a diffuse Aura and frequently change or transform.

On the other hand, the Truth has a strong Aura that enters your consciousness even before you realize it.

In other words, the truth advances by itself. The illusions cover a situation as with a gauze curtain so that the details are blurred. Since physical, mental and emotional details are blurred with each other, you will primarily perceive what resonates most with your consciousness.

So if you're in a good mood, you'll see what you want to see; if you are in a bad mood you will see what you fear to see; If you are sad, you worry about what you have lost. Illusions reflect your own emotions and your own confusion. The truth stands by itself.

Like a big tree with many leaves, the truth will remain the same no matter how you feel. The truth is not influenced by your state of consciousness. So the Truth of someone who loves and accepts you will always give you comfort and security, regardless of your mood. In addition, creative adventures have a life of their own, just like your children.

Once you have created a thought form and released it, it will manifest according to your own choice.

Gaia is a Planet of Free Will. So any life that is created deserves to make its own choices.

There are many who violate this norm; and that behavior goes through their family lines like a damaged gene.

You assume a great responsibility when you elevate your "home" from a three-dimensional structure to a Multidimensional Creation. You can sell your house, you can remodel your house or you can lose your house. On the other hand, your creations become packages of living energy that seek manifestation.

Any artist will tell you that he cannot choose what he paints, what he writes, how he sings; All he does is allow his Creation to be loved, nurtured, honored and fed with positive, loving thoughts and emotions.

If you love your creations, you will find its purpose. But if you dislike or judge them, you choke your creative process and you can even stop them.

You may think that it is a challenge too big to live in your “earthly vehicle” while there are so many changes in and around you. Please remember: YOU are a prototype. It is a rare experience to live in a reality on the threshold of such a transition, in which the body you are using changes at a different frequency, while you continue to use it.

If you were only driving in 3rd speed; and suddenly your car will start changing to 4th, or even 5th, without you doing anything, you would be quite startled. This alteration in your body / home, in your atmosphere / thoughts, in your water / emotions; and in your fire / Spirit, which is apparently out of your control, it will increase more and more.

You are entering the NOW in which you can see through illusions, for NOW there is nowhere for illusions to hide. The truth shines before you; and you have discovered that you prefer a difficult truth to an easy illusion. Illusions are a veil that hide you from your true self.

Now we include for you an excerpt from “Changing Realities” of Book 5: Pleiadian Ascension Perspective, which is about to be launched.

“More and more of you are making this change. Those of you who are still struggling and working hard, will begin to wonder if perhaps you can also find how to flow through life with peace and a sense of abundance.

This abundance has nothing to do with money, nor with things that can be bought with money. This abundance is a state of mind that reminds you of your own ability to resonate with peace, Love and happiness.

As more people leave their business jobs, move to the countryside, grow their own food and barter to get what they need, they discover that they are perfectly happy with less things .

This type of election ends with the c bala as quickly as the Unconditional Love that is being sent to them from the Higher Dimensions and by the awake.

What will happen when the inflection point is reached? What will happen on Earth when most people think of other people and creativity; And the minority think of accumulation, success and power?

When people are NOT lost in the fight and in the dream of becoming someone, they flow more easily to the higher frequencies of reality that resonate above of the illusion of needing more. Needing more is the opposite of being grateful.

When you need more, you are stating that there is not enough. Then, your creative Multidimensional Self, which resonates above the illusion of lack, hears: I am thinking of inadequacy and filling this thought with emotion. So please, give me more insufficiency.

Conversely, when you are thinking: Thank you for the substantial that I have at my disposal and fill that thought with loving emotions, your creative I hears: I am thinking about who I am grateful for the substantial that is available to me; and brings you more of that for which you are grateful.

For many, the challenge is that the rules of the three-dimensional game changed; and many did not receive the memorating . In the old version of the three-dimensional Earth you had to work hard to get ahead.

However, the vieje 3 Dimension has admitted so much higher Light, that instead of working hard, people are working intelligently to discover (which often means unveiling) new technology (which means long hidden) that simplifies life so much that they don't have to work at all.

In other words: You are flowing to the NOW of the New Earth! The Galactic Federation, which represents your ancestors and your superior expressions of the I, is precisely on the threshold of the New Penta-Dimensional Earth waiting to meet with you. In this layer of reality, money no longer exists, because it is not needed.

You all have 'players' who can instantly create anything you need, from food to furniture, personal ' tricorders / bio-scanners (NT. From the movie 'Journey to the Stars'), translators with voice recognition, anti-vehicle vehicles gravity, et cetera et cetera. In fact, many of these teams have already been invented in your current transition reality.

As you continue to flow to higher and higher frequency levels of the New Earth, you will see more and more of this technology in your daily life. This will happen because the dark ones who have been hiding this technology can no longer resonate with that layer of reality; consequently, technology will spread freely for everyone.

As you move towards the New Earth, which you do more every day, your Galactic Family will descend from the sky and your Lemurian and Atlantean ancestors will rise from the Earth's core. They will move among your population helping, loving and supporting all newly awake who have abandoned their fear and turned to Love and creativity as a new way of life.

At the beginning you will enter and leave this layer of reality, since maintaining a constant presence of this frequency of the Penta-Dimensional Earth will require practice and more mastery over your thoughts and emotions. Your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations will remind you when you have "fallen to the frequency of the Earth"; and also when you have returned to the frequency of the New Earth.

You will soon remember how to maintain the state of consciousness in which you are Masters of your Energy Field. You do not need to learn, or try, or wait. Just expand your consciousness towards the layer of reality in which you are ALREADY a Master and the New Earth ALREADY exists.

While learning to walk you fell frequently. When you learned to speak you said the words wrong. You just had to practice, practice, practice and 'grow'. Now you are all growing and returning to your Multidimensional Self. Be as patient and loving with yourself, as you would be with your beloved child. In fact, YOU are a Child loved by the Universe.

As the upper Light filters more and more into your reality, you will flow more and more easily towards higher and higher frequencies of reality, to remind your true Self and the Master that you already are! Be certain that what you have received is true. Feel it in your Higher Heart and accept it with your Multidimensional Mind. ”

Beloved, we, your Galactic Family, recognize you and await you with an open heart.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


Channeled by Suzanne Lie

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