Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Your focus and your path

  • 2015

Greetings Dear Ones:

It is the Archangel Zadkiel together with the Holy Ametist Lady, and we greet you with the Love and Light of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. The Hosts of the Angelic Kingdom of Light have come to meet with us. Today in our Light Message we want to talk about your approach and your path.

We have already talked about the importance of the approach in previous messages, and we will continue that talk in this message.

Your approach determines your path.

The current possibilities are presenting many opportunities in different ways, being able to expand in certain areas and open more to even larger avenues to explore. Some areas may still be possible, although perhaps in a different way. Other areas may no longer feel viable opportunities. Circumstances are constantly altering as new energy arrives.

This presents a wonderful opportunity to move forward. The new energy offers fresh insights when they see the situation from a different perspective. The new energy could have changed a situation in your environment so that the manifestation of your dreams is possible. Perhaps it brings a new possibility or resource to your conscience. They may meet someone or see something that is exactly what will help them move forward.

Staying alert and aware will help you recognize these signals as they appear. Then you can allow the energy to help you move forward. Keeping your focus on your current awareness, your goals, and your greater good will help you recognize the opportunities around you.

First, it is important to focus on what they want instead of what they don't want. What they focus on expands. They will attract their circumstances of a similar vibration wherever they have focused. Therefore, maintaining a positive approach will help keep your vibration high. They will send their energy signals of that frequency, which will increase the opportunity for circumstances of a similar vibration to appear before you.

They may wish to relax their mood when they concentrate . The method by which they can achieve it is something individual. You can vary from meditation when listening to relaxing music or being in nature. This prepares them for the stage of focusing on what they want.

When you focus, be aware of what you are feeling. Your heart and feelings can help you determine if you are comfortable where you focus. A relaxed and happy feeling could indicate that they have a positive approach. If you feel any doubt regarding your approach, you may want to examine every detail to see where you feel uneasy. This allows them to adjust their focus until they get a happy and relaxed feeling. Focus on the highest result you want, which could be a daily goal of staying positive and exuding Light throughout your day .

It could expand to focus on a project that they wish to manifest. When their areas of focus are compatible, such as being positive and extending this to include their desired project, they are more likely to be able to advance in a fluid way because they have prepared themselves first, focusing their attention on a positive vibrational state. and elevated.

Your focus on a specific project could expand to what you consider to be your life mission, which involves seeing things in a much broader way than just as a project or an activity. A life mission is an important approach and involves a series of steps and projects that could also include other people or groups as collaborators.

As with projects, when you focus on your life path, including the criteria of the greater good is very important. This sends the touch of rebirth for all the ethers so that the circumstances that might seem synchronistic are met in order to assist them in their paths.

Therefore, when considering your path of life or mission, it is crucial to remain focused. It is necessary to consider each decision from the perspective of whether it is bringing them closer to their mission or diverting them to a path that is not related to their mission.

When you evaluate an activity in this way, it becomes easier to make a decision because your focus on your life path is the criterion for determining if an activity is right for you and if it is for the greater good. This allows them to move forward in their life mission with Love and Light.

Dear ones, we are very pleased that you are focusing on your path of life and mission and that you are carrying it out for the greater good.

Know that they are beloved.

WE ARE the Archangel Zadkiel, the Holy Ametist Lady and the Angelic Hosts of the Kingdom of Light ... and we surround them with our love

And so it is

Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Your focus and your path

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